Luo Xiu fell in love with this uninhabited island deep in the Devil's Triangle when he first stumbled upon it. It seemed like this place was specially prepared for him, so he directly set it up as the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization.

Only true members of the Akatsuki organization would be brought here by Luo Xiu, and it was impossible for others to get close to this place... because Luo Xiu had also arranged many ninjutsu around it.

And Luo Xiu also gave this mysterious island a more appropriate name!

Demon Island!

Almost all the members of the Akatsuki organization that Luo Xiu found were not normal people, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call them demons!

At this moment, deep in the Demon Island, in a secret cave excavated by Luo Xiu, four members of the Akatsuki organization, including Luo Xiu, had gathered!

The entire empty cave was extremely dark... There were a total of ten stone benches, each of which was engraved with the code name of each Akatsuki member.

Senlan's ghost fire burned and crackled from time to time, making the atmosphere even more terrifying!

Luo Xiu sat on the largest table in the first seat.���On the bench, Zoro, Law and Lan sat on three stone benches on the side!

The empty cave was filled with the smell of decay all the time, but the people present seemed to have gotten used to it and did not show any displeasure.

Luo Xiu sat on the huge stone bench, looking calmly at the figures below the stage, Zoro, Law, and Lan!

The latter also looked directly at Luo Xiu without any fear!

No one spoke at this moment, so it seemed a little silent.

These three can be called Luo Xiu's true confidants, because the means he used to recruit these three people to become members of the Akatsuki organization to work for him were different.

Luo Xiu actually started planning early, and with foresight, he first found the closest Law!

Because he killed Doflamingo, it was easy for the other party to follow him, and then he chose Zoro... the former vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, the future world's number one swordsman.

Zoro was still a pirate hunter a few years ago, Luo Xiu naturally would not miss the opportunity to recruit him... As for the other members of the Akatsuki organization, Luo Xiu also recruited them after careful consideration. Apart from himself, they didn't know who else was in the Akatsuki organization with him...

As for Lan... She can be called the first person to join the Akatsuki organization!

Luo Xiu is confident that these three people will not betray him!

When Luo Xiu was observing them, Zoro and Luo both looked at the figure on the throne with burning eyes!

In fact, their Akatsuki organization Luo Xiu would give some special benefits every once in a while, yes... special benefits!

For people like Zoro and Luo, these benefits are nothing else, just pure power giving...

Luo Xiu would call them every once in a while after they completed the corresponding tasks and then impart power...

At first they still didn't believe it, and didn't think that someone could give their power to the other party. After all, swordsmanship or devil fruit abilities all depend on themselves.

But that man really could, he actually taught them something called ninjutsu!

Let them actually master magical power without relying on the power of devil fruits!

This is simply horrifying, and it makes them worship Luo Xiu as a god!

Zoro licked his mouth excitedly. Although the reserved Law was not in such a state, he was also excited.

Zoro wanted to become the world's number one swordsman and fulfill his childhood promise to that person, he must have a strong power.

Law's purpose was also very simple, because when Luo Xiu killed Doflamingo and came to him, he promised himself a somewhat ridiculous request.

That is... to resurrect Mr. Corazon!

That's right, resurrection, Luo Xiu promised Luo that he would resurrect one person... This is simply ridiculous. At first, Luo didn't believe it, but because the other party helped him avenge his great revenge, he chose to follow.

But as the time he followed Luo Xiu gradually lengthened, he actually believed in that promise!

In fact, what Luo didn't know was that Luo Xiu not only promised him to resurrect one person, but also promised Zoro to resurrect his best friend Kuina, and promised Lan to resurrect her mother!

This is why Luo Xiu is confident that they will follow him and never betray him.

Dong! Dong!

While they were thinking, Luo Xiu finally spoke up to break the strange silence. He asked

""How long have you followed me?"

Law replied,"Four and a half years!"

Zoro:"Four years!"

Finally, Lan narrowed his eyes and said,"Five years!"

Zoro and Law looked at the woman in surprise. Sure enough... she joined the Akatsuki organization earlier than them.

No wonder they felt a strong threat from her!

"……"Has it been so long? Five years!"

Luo Xiu murmured absentmindedly, he had been planning for so long without realizing it, it was really fast.

From the time when the village was massacred and he mastered the Sharingan until now, Luo Xiu sometimes felt that the days he had lived were like a dream.

It would break if he touched it lightly!

So Luo Xiu had been maintaining it carefully, he didn't expect that five years would pass so quickly, Luo Xiu still remembered that he had already entered the main storyline of One Piece Drake.

In the future, the whole world will change very quickly, and Luo Xiu has no way of knowing how the future will change... Everything is unknown.

"For five years, I have been walking on thin ice... I have been secretly accumulating strength, and only today did I finally have the confidence to challenge the whole world!"

"So... this absurd era should end, in the name of our Xiao organization."

Luo Xiu's voice fell into the ears of several people, making them feel excited instantly!

No one would refuse such a big thing as changing the times!

"" confident are you now?"

Luo, who was the most thoughtful, raised his head and asked. They all knew what kind of new era Luo Xiu wanted to create!

"Ninety percent!"

Luo Xiu replied softly, his voice was not loud but shocking. With Luo Xiu's personality, if he said he was ninety percent sure, it was almost ninety-nine percent.

They knew how cautious the young man in front of them was. A few years ago, they felt that the young man in front of them had the confidence to challenge the current Four Emperors.

They were just afraid that they couldn't kill him with one blow!

Now that they appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago, they were actually guessing whether the Akatsuki organization was going to be exposed, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Zoro and Law's faces flushed, only Lan's expression was calm, because she believed that Luo Xiu could do it from beginning to end.

Just like a few years ago, he killed the entire city by himself and no one dared to call himself a pirate!

"You need real power... so this time I will go back and give you real power, which is much more powerful than before!"

Luo Xiu continued, and everyone's heart trembled... much more powerful than before, what kind of power is that?

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