Luo Xiu killed nearly 10,000 pirates in Paradise City, and no one dared to call themselves pirates in the whole city. Then he killed one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo, with Dressrosa!

All of this proves that Luo Xiu is a powerful man with great potential, and he has made such a big fuss in just a few months.

Counting the people who can be comparable to Luo Xiu in this age group in the past few decades, there is almost no one, not even the Pirate King Roger!

And when such a person who rose like a comet made everyone think that he could grow into a strong man of the level of the Four Emperors... he disappeared!

Yes... disappeared!

Since the battle of Dressrosa, Luo Xiu's reputation has risen and appeared in the vision of major forces. Even the Four Emperors Kaido publicly offered a reward for Luo Xiu's name... and wanted him to go to Wano Country for a talk!

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Four Emperors Big Mom also showed their concern for Luo Xiu one after another. Even the most mysterious Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks, according to some people, wanted to get acquainted with Luo Xiu!

Many young people in the New World even regard Luo Xiu as their idol. After all, Luo Xiu can kill Doflamingo at such a young age... and his deeds are more domineering than one another!

And it was after this situation that the person at the center of the storm suddenly disappeared... There was no news about Luo Xiu in the entire New World, including the rest of the four seas!

And he disappeared for several years, as if he disappeared directly from the entire world!

Some people speculated that this high-profile teenager had been secretly assassinated because he provoked the Four Emperors Kaido, and some people said that this teenager had secretly joined other forces and served that force from then on.

Some people even said that Luo Xiu was a killing weapon secretly cultivated by the Celestial Dragons. Anyway... various speculations kept appearing, but no one could prove the truth!

This miraculous teenager rose like a comet and fell like a comet.

It made many people feel sorry!

But there are talents in every generation, and each of them has been leading the trend for hundreds of years!

As Roger opened the Great Pirate Era, strong men seemed to appear like a blowout, and young strong men emerged one after another in the entire New World.

Their appearance has made many people gradually forget the existence of Luo Xiu, forget that there was a boy who challenged the pirates of the whole city alone, forget that there was a boy who defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea single-handedly!

But... this is how the world is, new changes are happening every day, which is unpredictable!



Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 5 years have passed!

In the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, this year is called the beginning of the era of extreme evil, because during this period of time, many young pirates began to emerge!

Their strength and achievements have achieved���It is being recognized by the real strong men on the sea, and of course... the most important thing is that it has attracted the attention of the navy!

They are called supernovas!

Each of them is a big pirate with a bounty of over 100 million!

Among them is a boy from the East China Sea, who often wears a straw hat and often has a big smile on his face.

This boy called Straw Hat Boy seems to have achieved inhuman results in just half a year, just like Luo Xiu did back then.

He actually defeated two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile and Gekko Moriah, and destroyed the flag of the World Government and declared war on the World Government...

For this, his bounty has also reached an astonishing 300 million!

In addition to him, several other supernovas have also achieved amazing results, such as Eustace, Kidd, Trafalgar, Law... Capone, Becky and others from the same four seas!

Their strength is also amazing, and they have become the kings and hegemons in their respective seas.

The bounty is even more outrageous!

But such a powerful group of people chose to gather together in the Sabaody Archipelago today, because the regular route from the Grand Line to the New World is officially controlled and will pass through the Navy Headquarters, so the pirates must go to the Sabaody Archipelago to record the pointer and the coating to dive, which is equivalent to sneaking over.

The New World is where the truly powerful pirates compete, and they must come!

The Navy seems to have also obtained some intelligence, so it is sending a large area of troops to the Sabaody Archipelago to stop them or capture them!

The Navy Headquarters sent a powerful lineup for this purpose, especially Akainu, one of the three most warlike admirals of the Navy. He personally sent his own troops here...


As a warship approached the coast of the Sabaody Archipelago, rows of fully armed naval soldiers began to disembark neatly and then lined up in two rows!

They had firm eyes and waited for their superiors to come for inspection!

This made the local navy from the Sabaody Archipelago, and those navy who also came here to meet, immediately began to secretly complain and get angry.

At that moment, several people murmured in dissatisfaction,

"Tsk tsk... these guys from the Navy Headquarters really like to show off."

"Who says they aren’t? It’s just that those guys love to show off... But I don’t think the navy here is better than us!"

"Now many powerful pirates have begun to gather in the Sabaody Archipelago. I hope the guys sent by the headquarters are not good-for-nothings!"

""Okay, stop arguing...someone is coming down!"

Someone hurriedly reminded, and several middle-aged navy officers at the level of colonel stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago immediately straightened their chests.

The discipline that should be observed must be observed!

Dong! Dong... and with the sound of crisp footsteps, people finally began to walk down from this huge warship!

Two men and one woman!

The woman was in the middle, she had a very cool high ponytail, and the whole person looked very heroic, while the other two young men had stern faces and some eye-catching tattoos on their faces! The slightly older young man on the left had a blue dragon-like tattoo on his face, while the slightly younger young man on the right had a tattoo similar to a white tiger!

And the faces of these two men were very similar, as if they were carved out of the same mold!

But...what caught the attention of several middle-aged navy officers the most was that these three people seemed very young!

Not even twenty years old, only about seventeen or eighteen years old!

This made several middle-aged navy officers immediately grumble in dissatisfaction.

"Damn, am I seeing things? These are three kids... Are these the strong men sent by our headquarters?"

"Damn it, did the headquarters just send these little brats here? Don't they take our lives seriously?……"

"It's over. It's over.……"

Several people were indignant, all thinking that the headquarters was not doing anything. How could they play if they didn't send real navy strongmen to the Sabaody Archipelago?


As if they heard the dissatisfaction of the navy, the three young men looked at the navy at the same time, and the navy on guard also looked at them. In just a moment, the middle-aged navy felt like falling into an ice cellar!

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