"You are wrong!"

Luo Xiu suddenly said softly, which shocked Doflamingo.

"Aren't you an Avenger? You must take revenge on all the pirates!"

Doflamingo knew about Luo Xiu's deeds in Paradise City, so he thought that Luo Xiu was a paranoid revenge maniac, just like himself!

At that time, as a Celestial Dragon, after everything was destroyed by that group of people, he also became an Avenger!

Hearing this, Luo Xiu shook his head slowly.

"No... I already know, it's not just you pirates that destroyed everything for me, but this era, this absurd era!"

"It is extremely sad to be in an era where morality and law are not sound, so what I want to do is to destroy this absurd era!"

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes and looked at Doflamingo, with hatred and pity in his eyes!

"Doflamingo...you are just a loser in this absurd era. Your ridiculous arguments are nothing to me...you are just a complete wretched creature!"

"You said I was a loser and a poor creature?"

Doflamingo just sneered at this.

"What you think is the most absurd era is actually the best era in my opinion. It is the way of heaven that the strong rule the weak... This is an indisputable fact! Do you think that if you kill pirates like me now, the whole sea will be peaceful?"

"No... No, it won’t, it will only give birth to the next strong one in a few years, and then rule over this group of weak ones!"

"Do you think you can change all this with your own strength, Luo Xiu? Are you dreaming? Do you know how many truly powerful people there are in this sea?"

"The Four Emperors entrenched in the New World, the three admirals who were trapped in the sea and stupid like a sword hanging over everyone's head, and those old monsters of the old era who were dormant... How can you compare with them?"How could a hero like Doflamingo be affected by Luo Xiu's words? Luo Xiu naturally knew it, so he whispered again at last.

"Right or wrong, it doesn't matter now... because you can't see that day anymore!"

Ross said, his fighting spirit rising again, Doflamingo still!

Since neither side can convince the other, let's see who's the winner!

"Luo Xiu, do you really think you can defeat me?"

Doflamingo said with a smile, his aura was terrifyingly deep!

"I have already seen the flaw in your ability. When you are dodging attacks... you cannot move, so you are not invincible. As long as you are not invincible, you can be killed!"

"History books are always written by the victors, and I will be that victor!"

Doflamingo said, raising his right hand... a ball of silk thread rose directly from his head, and then began to spread out from the highest point!

This is his strongest skill, the birdcage!

A group of people in Dressrosa watched all this happen eagerly. As ordinary people, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that something big was going to happen!

Not only that, he also turned everything around him into silk threads, directly and densely protecting himself layer by layer, and attacked Luo Xiu together!

As long as the attack frequency is high enough, he will definitely be able to break Luo Xiu's defense!

How powerful the birdcage is, you can see it from the pirates watching the show nearby. When they saw Doflamingo actually used this trick, the expressions on their faces were as ugly as if their mother had just died!

"Fuck... Is Doflamingo crazy? He actually used this move. Dressrosa will be destroyed by this move."

"Everyone will die!"

"I just got out, I don't want to die yet……"

The bird cage shrinks little by little, and will eventually destroy the entire Dressrosa.

Luo Xiu's eyes narrowed as he watched all this. He didn't expect that the bird cage that should be released a few years later in the original book would be used in advance because of him! He did n't expect that Doflamingo could see some of the secrets of Kamui. Sure enough... no matter which plane, it is not easy to become a real strong man!


Luo Xiu's eyes were sharp,

"This is not enough!"

The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan's double Kamui is far more than this! Do you really think you can only use the power of space to passively defend?

"Doflamingo... do you know what the power of God is?"

Luo Xiu suddenly looked at Doflamingo and said, the latter was stunned.


The next moment, Luo Xiu shrugged slightly, then stood still... The scarlet blood in his eyes was dazzling at this moment, and Luo Xiu whispered



As the words fell, a huge force suddenly emerged from Luo Xiu's body. The power was so strong that the whole space suddenly stood still.

Doflamingo's expression was solemn. What the hell was this?

Buzz! Buzz...

The light blue netherworld flame emerged directly from behind Luo Xiu. In an instant, it rose from a small flame to a terrifying flame hundreds of meters high. Moreover, this fire shadow continued to condense and shrink... It actually began to slowly transform into a human form. A head with ghost fire soon began to appear, followed by arms...

It was like an evil ghost crawling out of hell appeared directly behind Luo Xiu and wrapped him tightly!


The Skeleton Demon roared, and the power of Doflamingo's String-String Fruit immediately began to collapse!

Everyone was stunned.

"What the hell is this?"

"Which devil fruit has such power? Who knows?"

"Who knows?"

The power of Luo Xiu's Susanoo once again shocked everyone, and Doflamingo's expression became serious again.

He didn't expect Luo Xiu to have such a trick up his sleeve! The overwhelming power of Susanoo even frightened him. He had also felt similar pressure from a person.

That person's name was Kaido, the current master of the Beasts Pirates, one of the current Four Emperors, and an absolute top powerhouse!

"Haha... God is going to kill me, Luo Xiu... What a great Luo Xiu!"

"I, Doflamingo, lost to you. I don't blame you... But what you want to do is in my eyes.……"

The moment Luo Xiu revealed Susanoo, Doflamingo already knew that he would lose, but he still sneered defiantly.

"Still impossible!"


The next moment Doflamingo pointed his toes and rushed directly towards Luo Xiu, with his Conqueror Haki, Armament Haki... and the power of the String-String Fruit at the extreme!

A hero has a hero's way of dying!

In response, Luo Xiu just controlled Susanoo to condense a large energy bow. He held the bow with one hand and pulled the other hand backwards...

Luo Xiu just replied calmly with one word


Why should Luo Xiu explain his actions in his life to others?


The next moment, Luo Xiu condensed the strongest force and shot an arrow, shaking the whole space!

""God's power!"

Not only that, Luo Xiu once again instantly released the God's power to assist, bang!

The huge energy arrow collided fiercely with Doflamingo!

Buzz... Bang!!!

The huge energy explosion seemed to destroy everything. A huge smoke and dust hundreds of feet high rose up, covering the sky and the sun. The residents of the entire Dressrosa could see this scene!

They looked at all this with expectation.

"Did we win?"

Someone murmured, and then someone else said excitedly

"Look, those things seem to be dissipating.……"

The man pointed at the birdcage which was still shrinking and everyone was stunned... You know, the disappearance of the devil fruit ability means only one thing, that is, the owner of the devil fruit is dead!

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 340 million Baileys, and a reward of 340 revenge points!

After the smoke cleared, Luo Xiu looked at the corpse in front of him with an unwilling look in his eyes, and the system's killing broadcast sounded in his mind.

"You lose, Doflamingo!"

Luo Xiu said solemnly with a pale face.

Doflamingo couldn't withstand Luo Xiu's full-strength attack in the end. The winner of this battle belonged to him after all.

However, Luo Xiu didn't feel the joy of revenge after killing Doflamingo, because what Luo Xiu wanted to do now was not just revenge!

"Doflamingo is dead... He actually died, killed by a teenager. Am I dreaming?"

""Haha... I'm saved!"

The group of pirates next to them became excited again. The several twists and turns in the battle between Luo Xiu and Doflamingo really made them anxious!

Now that the dust has settled, it's great... They, the pirates, can be free again!

They smiled happily and went to greet Luo Xiu, their savior by chance. After all, without this young man defeating Doflamingo... how could they be free.

But when a man stepped forward and was about to greet Luo Xiu, he was dumbfounded... because he was met with Luo Xiu's bloodshot eyes that looked like he was looking at a dead person.

"Benefactor, you...what's wrong with you?"

The pirate laughed dryly, and Luo Xiu just asked softly

"Are you a pirate?"


The man nodded, and the next moment he saw a figure flash... He looked blankly at the dagger stuck in his chest and Luo Xiu standing in front of him.

"Why...why? You killed Doflamingo and saved us, but now you want to attack us……"


Luo Xiu looked at the man puzzledly and chuckled.

"Because the pirates... all must die!"

Upon hearing this, everyone fled again without hesitation. Luo Xiu smiled calmly.

Tsk! Tsk... a new round of killing began again!

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