The change seemed to come too quickly. In just a moment, Luo Xiu reversed the situation and turned from the passive side to the active side!

"I will grant you death!"

This sentence also directly brought the battle to its climax!

And at this moment, because of Luo Xiu's strength, those people who had just been disappointed began to look out of their heads and look into the depths!

Among them was one of the original royal family of Dressrosa, Rebecca, who was wearing very revealing clothes, showing off her beautiful figure.

At this moment, she frowned slightly, put her hands together and looked in the direction of Luo Xiu very uneasily!

Doflamingo, the demon who stole the Dressrosa Kingdom, has anyone challenged him again this time?

And this time it seems to be a teenager!

Can he win?

Rebecca didn't know, because there have been many people who have resisted Doflamingo over the years, but without exception, they all failed. He has almost become an undefeated myth!

And what can she, Rebecca, do? She can only pray in an almost useless way!

""I don't know where this heroic boy came from... I hope you can defeat this true devil and bring peace to Dressrosa!"

Rebecca murmured.

This is the only thing a weak person can do, and there are many people who think like Rebecca.



How powerful is Luo Xiu, who has double Kamuy and almost all the basic ninjutsu in the Naruto world, plus a strong physique in the Pirate world?

This question may only be answered by Luo Xiu when he really meets the top powerhouse in the Pirate world, but this person is definitely not the current Doflamingo!

The latter's attack methods are completely ineffective against Luo Xiu. The attack of the String-String Fruit is completely physical, and physical attacks are naturally countered by Kamuy! Sucrose's devil fruit ability is a little threatening to Luo Xiu.

But Luo Xiu flashed to the back of the little girl without any hesitation... and then a Raikiri passed through her chest!

Killed directly, Luo Xiu threw the latter's body out like throwing a dead dog!

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a 66 million Bailey pirate, and be rewarded with 66 revenge points!〗

""Mm... Young Master, save me!"

Before she died, Sugar looked at Doflamingo with a sad face. She stretched out her hand with reluctance in her eyes!

She didn't want to leave this world yet!


Doflamingo's eyebrows were twisted into a river character. Luo Xiu actually killed two of his senior cadres, and Sugar's importance was extremely special!

Because of her fruit ability, he could easily control Dressrosa, and now Sugar is dead... the devil fruit ability is invalid.

Those troublesome guys will"revive". Doflamingo now feels that the familiar breath in the city is beginning to appear again!

The group of people who have recovered their true bodies from the doll form looked at their current appearance blankly, but they were confused for only a few seconds.

Then they set their sights on the battlefield on Doflamingo's side!

Randomly... tiptoeing and running directly towards them, they knew that perhaps today would be their revenge battle!

"Luo Xiu!!! Do you really want to fight to the death?"

Doflamingo almost squeezed out these words from between his teeth. He looked at Luo Xiu... and his Conqueror's Haki swept out again.

But... it was still useless!

Luo Xiu's figure shuttled across the battlefield like a ghost, harvesting lives wantonly. Of course... Luo Xiu's sarcastic voice also came from every corner from time to time!

"Angry? Are you worthy of being angry? Doflamingo……"

"You should know that my anger is far greater than yours!!!"


The Kamui was activated again... This time, Luo Xiu directly acted on Doflamingo, who was not paying attention and was torn off a part of his body by the Kamui!

Blood was flowing!

Doflamingo, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was really injured by Luo Xiu!

"Little Lord!"


Several senior officials of Mingge were instantly furious, and countless devil fruit attacks or slashes were launched at Luo Xiu!

But... it was useless!

This kid is really afraid of Luo Xiu, and Doflamingo's chest was also heaving with doubt!

The most uncomfortable thing about fighting with someone is not that you are not strong enough to be crushed by the opponent, but that the opponent can only hit you and you can't fight back at all!

This is the situation when they are fighting with Luo Xiu now!

"Young Master, what should we do now? This kid's ability is a little too weird!"

Trebol and others looked at Doflamingo with a grim expression, hoping that he could give a way to defeat Luo Xiu!

But Doflamingo just replied with a gloomy face,

"I can’t see anything about his abilities, but I absolutely don’t believe that there is really an invincible ability in this world... Even Kaido and his gang are impossible!"

"Try it, use all your offensive means to attack this little devil……"

Doflamingo said that this was not a solution, so the others had no choice but to do it!

Soon, they used all their best skills, and launched countless attacks at Luo Xiu again! Luo Xiu walked towards them slowly with an expressionless face. Every time an attack came, Luo Xiu used the power of the God to dodge it. For the long-range flying attack, Luo Xiu used the power of the God to absorb it and then bounce it back! There was almost no hindrance, and Luo Xiu came to a senior cadre of Doflamingo again!

His name is Pica! He is the user of the Stone-Stone Fruit. Although he is huge in stature, his voice is like that of a child. He screamed in shock and anger when he saw Luo Xiu coming towards him!

"I don't believe you are really invincible, kid. I'll smash you to death!"

Pica turned into a huge stone man in anger, hundreds of meters tall and like a mountain. He swung his fist and smashed Luo Xiu directly!

He wanted to smash Luo Xiu to death, but Luo Xiu used his divine power again to escape into the divine power space.���He flew over!

And the next moment he appeared in front of the heart of the giant stone man Pica. Luo Xiu's scarlet eyes trembled again!


The divine power was activated!

He directly moved Pica's heart, and the latter's life breath dissipated directly, and the stone man disintegrated!

Bang... Bang...

Pica! Fall!

Before he died, he still looked at Doflamingo with unwilling eyes, which made the latter's eyes suddenly become ferocious.

In just a few rounds, Luo Xiu instantly killed two senior cadres of Doflamingo!

This is something that even Doflamingo himself can't do!

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 99 million Baileys, and reward 99 revenge points!

After killing Pica, Luo Xiu continued to look at the others, and he said softly with an expressionless face


The voice was not loud, but it was deafening!

Doflamingo continued to give orders to attack with a gloomy face. Obviously... he planned to use his life to test the weakness of Rossio's ability!

Although each of Trebol and others was a hero, they would not disobey Doflamingo's orders. They knew that Doflamingo was using their lives to test... but they were willing!

Because Doflamingo was their young master!

In the eyes of everyone, Doflamingo was as terrible as a demon, but in their eyes, he was just the young master who had absolute ambitions but was very good to the members!

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 99 million, and be rewarded with 99 revenge points!〗

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 56 million Baileys, and reward 56 revenge points〗

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a 33 million Bailey pirate, and reward 33 revenge points! 〗

As time passed, one after another of Doflamingo's senior cadres began to fall to the ground, and Luo Xiu would harvest a life almost every once in a while!

This group of people has unimaginable loyalty to Doflamingo, and they execute Doflamingo's orders at all costs!

"Dover is a man who wants to become the real Pirate King, how can he fall here... How could he be defeated by a little kid like you!"

"Die for me!"

They shouted at the top of their lungs, and then rushed towards Luo Xiu!

Then... snort!

Luo Xiu killed him immediately, but the latter's expression was still relieved, because he felt that he had helped Doflamingo and fulfilled his mission!

This is the absurdity of this era!

Pirate King!

The magic of these three words is too great. The absurd era opened by the great treasure left by Roger, the Pirate King, in his last words has distorted the hearts of many people!

Plunder and killing have become normalized!

Label the profession of pirates as free and great, and give one reasonable reason after another for what they do.

Let a group of people maintain it at the cost of the miracle of life!

Is this really just the fault of the pirates? No... This is the fault of this era!

"In addition to killing all the pirates... Luo Xiu felt that he should do something else to change this absurd era!"

So that he and people like Alan will not repeat the same mistakes!

"Maybe it's time for me to implement my real plan!"

Luo Xiu looked at all this with indifference, and the pleasure of revenge had long disappeared from his heart.

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