"Get up!"

Luo Xiu said softly with an expressionless face. The next moment, the whole room began to shake violently, as if something was about to come out!

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Walls of earth began to form quickly and quickly stacked together... It sealed Luo Xiu and Diamante inside at lightning speed, making the inside directly dark!

Earth barrier!

This is the most powerful earth-based ninjutsu that Luo Xiu has mastered so far, and its defensive power is unparalleled!

But such ninjutsu needs to be arranged in advance before it can be used, which is why Luo Xiu ambushed in Diamante's house!

In addition to these... Luo Xiu also arranged several ninjutsu in advance, just to kill Diamante in one go!

"Do you think I don't know that you are stalling for time, waiting for Doflamingo to come and rescue you?... You are stalling for time, and I am waiting too... Now the time is enough, you can die!"

"Diamante, you will be the first stepping stone for my complete revenge!"

Luo Xiu looked at Diamante and said coldly.

Hearing this!

Diamante's face was extremely ugly, because Luo Xiu seemed to really want to kill him. Luo Xiu actually regarded him as prey!

This is simply a shame for him!

"Do you think you are strong enough just because you can deal with those rubbish in Beihai?...Little ghost, you are still far from it!"

"If you don't drink, you will be punished... Since you insist on seeking death, I will grant your wish!"

Diamante was also a little angry. He raised his right hand and the sword on his waist was directly unsheathed and held in his hand, and the armed color domineering was immediately deployed!


The armed color domineering directly rendered the sword black, which looked extremely hard!

A murderous aura instantly filled the whole place!

Diamante said and directly raised the sword to kill Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu immediately went up to him!

Clang clang clang... bang bang bang!

Soon the battle between the two broke out completely. Diamante was holding back his anger, and the more he fought, the more fierce he became... He knew that Luo Xiu was indeed very strong.

But he didn't think he would be weaker than the other party!

After all, he was a big pirate with a bounty close to 100 million, and Luo Xiu was just a twelve-year-old boy!

But... Is Luo Xiu an ordinary boy? Obviously he is not

"Is this the standard armed color domineering of the strong in the new world?"

While dealing with Diamante's offensive, Luo Xiu analyzed with the Sharingan.

It must be said that Diamante's strength is really strong. His ability of the floating fruit can turn any object he touches into a light form like cloth and silk, but the material of the object will not change. With this ability, Diamante can even make steel into clothes to wear to improve defense, which makes many of Luo Xiu's ninjutsu ineffective against him!

And armed color domineering, observation color domineering, and king color domineering!

It is the standard of the strong in the world of pirates. They are even stronger than the power of devil fruits.

King color domineering is somewhat illusory and almost self-contained. Only those with great luck can awaken it.

The cultivation of the first two domineering is different. It only requires the body to reach a certain limit and then add some correct guidance.

Luo Xiu naturally has no famous teacher to guide him, but... he has Sharingan, Sharingan has another characteristic, which is the ultimate insight. It can observe the opponent's power usage and even copy it.


After another fierce collision, Luo Xiu took a few steps back and looked at his right hand blankly. He was holding an ordinary long sword, which looked a little tattered after fighting with Diamante with the blessing of Armament Haki! Diamante on the opposite side was about to laugh at this. Without the mastery of Observation Haki, he could not be a real strong man... But the next moment his smile froze on his face.



Luo Xiu on the opposite side shrugged slightly, and the next moment Luo Xiu's right hand began to change. He began to tremble slightly from his shoulder, and then a strange black color began to spread in an instant... until the long sword was also dyed black!

Armament Haki!

This is Luo Xiu's Armament Haki!

"As expected……"

Luo Xiu murmured. Luo Xiu's current physique has reached the intermediate stage. As expected, he can initially master the armed color domineering!

In other words, Luo Xiu has the top power in both the Naruto world and the pirate world!

He sneered at Diamante and immediately raised the black knife to meet him!

Bang! Bang... the battle started again!

And this time Diamante soon felt a lot of pressure, but what made Diamante uncomfortable was not only that... because Luo Xiu also quickly awakened the observation color domineering!

The awakening of the two-color domineering made Luo Xiu's strength increase directly, and with the blessing of ninjutsu, Diamante began to retreat step by step!

Diamante was crazy. What kind of learning ability is this?

He clearly felt that Luo Xiu just now didn't know how to use domineering at all. He mastered it after fighting with him for a while. It was really abnormal.

"Damn it!"

A rare panic finally appeared on Diamante's face. Luo Xiu might really have the ability to kill him!

Thinking of this!

Diamante finally let go of the reserve of a strong man, and began to launch an offensive against Luo Xiu's earth barrier regardless of everything. He even ignored Luo Xiu's attack on him, and finally with Diamante's efforts... the earth barrier was finally broken a little.

Diamante immediately revealed his aura completely. He wanted to pass on his information... and almost in an instant, the strong men in Dressrosa who had practiced the observation Haki immediately sensed all this!

They began to rush over here at a high speed!

Especially Doflamingo, who reacted the fastest, he used the power of the String-String Fruit to drive directly from the sky at high speed.

Doflamingo laughed sarcastically,

"Fffffffff… Looks like that little devil named Luo Xiu is here?"

He licked his lips excitedly, his eyes full of greed, because the prey he had been waiting for for a long time was finally coming!

Buzz! Buzz!

He swung the silk thread and increased his speed again!


On the other side!

After doing all this, Diamanti looked at Luo Xiu with a sneer on his face.

""Little brat, your death is coming!"

Doflamingo and other cadres are almost here now. He can't think of any chance for Luo Xiu to escape!

He even wants to see a panic expression in Luo Xiu's eyes.


Luo Xiu's eyes are still calm, and he just keeps attacking Diamante. After the latter knows that he is not Luo Xiu's opponent, he also... does not choose to fight, but chooses to dodge and defend!

A strong man like Diamante is really hard to kill unless he is absolutely crushed! Seeing Luo Xiu's expression gradually becoming impatient, Diamante laughed out loud. He just likes it.

Seeing the enemy helpless, and... his reinforcements finally arrived!

Diamante laughed and looked at a man who appeared not far from the two of them!

The man was wearing a pink cloak, funny shoes, and a pair of red sunglasses... With the arrogant expression on his face, he really had an indescribable special temperament!

He was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo!

Seeing the man coming, Luo Xiu seemed to resign himself to his fate and put down his weapon, his eyes looked extremely lonely.

He let out his signature laugh, and looked at Diamante with a look of relief.

"You did a great job! Leave the rest to me!"

Seeing Doflamingo coming, Diamante was relieved, because in his eyes... Doflamingo represented invincibility!

He respectfully began to walk behind Doflamingo, and did not forget to ridicule Rossouw.

Breaking into Dressrosa alone, what a naive boy!

He could already imagine what cruel things the young master would do to Rossouw!


Just as Diamante relaxed his guard and approached Doflamingo, his face suddenly changed and he looked up at the sky...


The roof shattered!

"Fffffffff...Rossiu, you're finally here!"

A man wearing the same pink cape, red sunglasses, and a signature smile suddenly landed!

That man was also Doflamingo!

Two Doflamingos?

The latter was also stunned when he saw this. He was about to speak... when he saw something strange happen!

Recalling the rumors about Rossiu's ability, Diamante wanted to step back with horror on his face, but Rossiu's face and the"Doflamingo" beside Diamante suddenly sneered at the same time.

"The timing is just right!"

The next moment, a long knife was thrust out, piercing Diamante's heart. The knife was so fast and powerful... Diamante had no time to react! He was pierced by the knife!

His expression before he died was also unbelievable. He could not imagine that he would...���Such a way to die!

Layer upon layer of back-up plans, one killing move after another... What on earth is wrong with this twelve-year-old boy?


Doflamingo's expression instantly became extremely ferocious when he saw Diamante being stabbed through the heart.

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