South City!

The headquarters of the Sky Snake Pirates, in a magnificent building. The captain of the Sky Snake Pirates, the Sky Snake Girl, sat on the main seat, looking at everyone present with an unstable breath.

"Can anyone tell me who is the young man who came to our South City District yesterday and caused a big commotion and killed so many people from my Sky Snake Pirates?"

"Which pirate group is coming to cause trouble, or is it the damn navy?……"

The Snake Girl yelled loudly, her pretty face turned red with anger. They really lost face in the South District yesterday. They were forced to ask other districts for help by a teenager. This was the first time in so many years... Now everyone in Paradise City was laughing at them.

The people below were silent when they heard their boss's roar. Only a few spies stood up and said

"Captain...I asked around last night, but none of the major forces knew this strange young man."

"He doesn't seem to be a pirate or a member of the navy. It's like he just appeared out of nowhere."

"How can you say that the boy is alone? There is no power behind him."The Snake Girl immediately questioned

"Well, in theory... that's it."

The intelligence officer said cautiously. The Snake Girl finally smiled after hearing this, but the expression on her face was ferocious and terrifying.

"He has no power, but he dares to declare war on the entire Paradise City. He is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers... Pass on my order, issue me the highest level of hunting order."

"As long as this boy is in Paradise City, our Snake Pirates will kill him at all costs. Whoever takes his head will be rewarded……"

The Snake Girl raised her lips slightly and said an exciting number.

"10 million Baileys."

When this number was spoken, everyone in the field was excited. The huge reward even made them forget the fear from Luo Xiu yesterday. A group of people licked their scarlet lips with greed in their eyes. The

Heavenly Snake Girl smiled with satisfaction at this scene, but the next moment...something changed suddenly in the field.

A man sitting in the second seat who was chatting happily with a group of her senior cadres suddenly jumped up and chopped off the heads of the two closest people with a short knife.

Blood splattered everywhere!


A group of people screamed and ran away from the man who suddenly attacked and killed people. The Snake Girl stared at the man... She gritted her teeth and said fiercely

"You are not Harlan... who are you?"

"Kill your people!"

The man replied softly, and the Snake Woman's eyes immediately turned horrified.

"It's you... You're the kid from yesterday!"

Seeing that his identity was exposed, Luo Xiu stopped pretending... and revealed his true face, wearing a black robe, with a short knife hanging from his waist. His childish face and the shocking murderous aura seemed a bit out of place.

"I said I would either kill all the pirates in Paradise City, or kill all of you pirates so that you dare not show your heads again.……"

"And you……"Luo Xiu pointed at the Sky Snake Girl and said expressionlessly,

"The first one!"

The Snake Girl's expression gradually became gloomy. After a few fierce laughs... she rushed directly towards Luo Xiu. Since they were all killed at the door, there was naturally no possibility of reconciliation. This time, one of them must die here.

The hundreds of people from the Snake Pirates in the field also immediately rushed towards Luo Xiu.

"More than people?"

Luo Xiu looked at the ordinary pirates who were trying to kill him and shook his head and sneered, then he immediately made a decision with both hands.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Puff! Puff! Puff...

One after another, people who looked exactly like Luo Xiu began to appear out of thin air. After careful counting, there were actually ten of them!

Then the next moment, ten"Luo Xiu" rushed towards all the members of the Sky Snake Pirates.

Seeing this scene, the Sky Snake Girl looked extremely ugly.

"Damn... what kind of ability is this... this kid's abilities seem endless, what kind of devil fruit ability is he?"

Yesterday, Luo Xiu's endless abilities had already shocked a lot of people, fire, earth, water, wind... all kinds of energy were used, it was simply horrifying.

But what the Snake Girl didn't expect was that yesterday was not Luo Xiu's limit.

"No matter... This kid must die here today. I am a pirate with a bounty of 55 million. How could I be defeated by a little kid?"


Suddenly, the body of the Sky Snake Girl changed. She turned into a giant snake tail covered with silver armor. The dense silver armor looked amazing!

She swept her tail and attacked Luo Xiu directly.

The attack was accompanied by a sound of breaking wind.

Luo Xiu left the seal and raised a wall of earth in front of him!


But the next moment, the wall was broken by a sweep of the giant tail.

In a hurry...

Luo Xiu had to hold a single sword to block it, but he was still thrown away by the tail.

After several consecutive backflips in the air, Luo Xiu landed and immediately He formed a seal and blew again.


A scorching fire dragon attacked the Snake Girl, but the latter laughed sarcastically and directly wrapped herself up.


The huge fire dragon collided with it and only left a little damage, and was completely blocked by the Snake Girl.

The Snake Girl looked at Luo Xiu with a playful smile on her face.

As a pirate with 55 million berries, how could she not have some special skills? The Animal Fruit, the Iron Armored Silver Snake form is her ability.

Not only is her attack power strong, but her defense is also extremely terrifying...

ordinary swordsmen can't break her defense.

""Little boy, are you tickling me?"

The Snake Girl began to mock Luo Xiu arrogantly, but Luo Xiu was not angry at all. He just shrugged helplessly. As expected... ordinary fire escape and water escape, even with the blessing of Sharingan, are not good enough in the eyes of the strong men in the formation.

Then only...

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes and looked at his right hand, and the corners of his mouth suddenly lifted slightly.

The Snake Girl on the other side saw that Luo Xiu did not attack her, and thought that the other party was afraid... The inner confidence burst again.

But when she saw Luo Xiu's clone suppressing her crew, she lost her composure again... If she dragged it on, she would be alone!

"Since you don't attack... then it's my turn."

The Heavenly Snake Lady took a deep breath and jumped high up with the help of her snake tail, then smashed towards Luo Xiu fiercely.

However, dozens of earth walls rose up immediately... to hinder her attack rhythm.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But earth walls of this level could not defend against the powerful attack of the Heavenly Snake Lady. The Heavenly Snake Lady broke several walls with one tail.

In the end, she shattered all the remaining earth walls with one tail, and after shattering all of Luo Xiu's defenses... The Heavenly Snake Lady laughed grimly.

""Go to hell, little devil!"

But she just smiled, and her expression froze on her face, because in front of her at this moment... Luo Xiu was looking at her with a sneer!

At this moment, Luo Xiu slightly bent over, his body center of gravity was slightly lowered, and his right hand was actually emitting a violent lightning. The powerful force of the lightning made the surrounding air explode!

Sizzle! Sizzle!

If you ask which attribute has the strongest attack power, it is definitely not the scorching fire attribute, but the lightning... the lightning that penetrates everything!

"Damn... what kind of power do you have? How can you control the lightning attribute?"

Feeling bad, the Sky Snake Girl immediately rolled up her snake tail and wrapped herself up in a ball. While she was doing this... Luo Xiu also gathered the lightning and rushed towards her.

Swish! Swish!

Luo Xiu jumped high, gathered his strength to the extreme... and then smashed it down with lightning in his hand!

"Lightning Release, Chidori!"



The next moment, accompanied by a sharp explosion, the Sky Snake Girl's defense only lasted for a moment before it was shattered. A large gap was directly opened in the entire snake tail, and a huge smoke began to fill the air.

Luo Xiu's figure passed directly through it!



The members of the Sky Snake Pirates who were fighting fiercely with Luo Xiu's clone screamed immediately. They wanted to support... but they couldn't free their hands.

Hiss... Hiss!

Finally, after the smoke cleared, Luo Xiu's figure slowly walked out, and in his hand was a female head.

The woman's face was full of unwillingness. It was the Sky Snake Girl!

""You... still want to fight?"

Luo Xiu looked at everyone else present with an expressionless face!

The whole place was silent!

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