Although there is no definition for true freedom and justice, I think they can never come from killing!

On this vast ocean, order should be more important than freedom!


In the year 1515 of the Sea Circle Calendar! (Five years before the Battle of Marineford)

At this moment!

In the North Sea! In a small unknown village... something is happening that can happen almost anytime... or anywhere in this world!

That is... a massacre by pirates!

Because when a world has no strict laws, then extreme killing will surely follow!

"Why? Why are you killing us... People in our village have always been peaceful."

A villager who was stabbed in the chest tightly grasped the big man with a hideous smile in front of him and roared unwillingly

"Why?...Because we are free pirates! And pirates are meant to invade!"

As if he had heard something funny, the scarred man answered as if it was a matter of course, and then he drew his sword and chopped off the man's head.

And such scenes are happening all the time in the village at this moment!

"Guys... kill everyone in this village, and their wealth will be ours!"


They were grinning and harvesting lives wantonly!

Ordinary villagers were no match for them, so after a stalemate, the young and middle-aged men of the older generation took the remaining children in the village and began to flee, because this was their only hope! At this moment, Helen, one of the few remaining young and middle-aged men in Hailuo Village, took on this responsibility. At this moment, he was leading several children to run desperately to the beach!

Because only by running there is there hope of survival!

And several teenagers who looked to be eleven or twelve years old seemed to have been inspired by the will to survive, and they relied on willpower to keep up with the pace of Helen, an adult!

It’s just that the eyes of several children were red, and they pursed their lips and tried not to make any extra sounds.

Looking at the strong children, Helen felt pain in his heart. How could these children, who were so young, have to endure such hardships.

So he had to force a smile to comfort them,

"Little ones, follow me quickly... Don't fall behind. There is a fishing boat from our village on the beach. As long as you can get on the boat, you can be saved!"

But it would have been fine if he hadn't said it. Once he said it, the crowd exploded. Several children who were still running suddenly burst into tears, and their big tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Woo woo...Uncle Helen, our home is gone. The house is on fire. It’s such a big fire!"

"Why did those bad guys bully us? I saw my uncle's blood. There was a lot of blood in his stomach."

"I heard from the old people in the village that if you bleed too much, you will die... Uncle seems to be dying. Why do those bad guys want to kill people in our village?"

Several children took turns crying, but the black-haired boy who was running in the front pursed his lips and looked determined. He was the only boy who didn't cry, although his eyes were red.

This boy with flowing black hair seemed to be out of tune with other children. He had a strength that didn't belong to this age group!

Helen looked at the boy with her eyes fixed, and said to the black-haired boy with a distressed face

"Little Luo Xiu, don't hold it back...if you want to cry, just cry! Uncle won't laugh at you."

Hearing this, the boy called Luo Xiu just shook his head stubbornly and replied in a slightly hoarse voice

"Uncle Helen, crying is the most useless thing right now... I don't want to waste my time on this kind of thing. What I need now is strength! Powerful strength……"

Hearing the boy say this, even Helen was subconsciously stunned, and when he was about to say something... a bright light suddenly appeared in the distance!

Looking along the hazy night, it seemed that there were several small boats lying quietly on the beach!

""Ship... I see the ship, everyone speed up!"

Helen's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he wanted to lead the children to the sea immediately, but just after taking a few steps, Helen found a rustling sound coming from the woods behind him!

Helen's face was grim, and it was obvious that the pursuers of the"Paradise" Pirates had arrived.

After hesitating for only a second, Helen stopped immediately, and the children also stopped immediately and looked at him with puzzled faces.

"Uncle don't you leave?"

A little girl with a bun said timidly.

Helen did not answer his question, but instead fixed her eyes on the face of the determined black-haired boy!

After their eyes slightly crossed in the air,

"Can you protect your brothers and sisters? Luo Xiu……"


The latter was silent for a while and then nodded solemnly. Helen smiled with relief.

Without any hesitation, the boy called Luo Xiu took his brothers and sisters and ran to the beach.

Helen pulled out the big knife from her waist, rubbed the rust on it, and then rushed into the back of the woods with a firm face!

The man turned his back to the moonlight, like a sharp sword out of its sheath!



On the other side, several children, led by Luo Xiu, finally arrived at the beach.

However, the embarrassing thing was that most of the boats had been destroyed, obviously by the pirates. Luo Xiu searched around before finding a relatively intact boat.

However, the boat was a little small, and it was a single-person boat. Even if the children went up, they could only squeeze in two or three people. But now the problem was that there were four children here.

Looking at the small boat that was small but carried the hope of life, Luo Xiu smiled with relief.

"Xiaonan, you are a go on board first!"

Luo Xiu began to command several people to board the boat in an orderly manner.

"Xiaohu, you are the second youngest, so you will be the second one to board the ship.……"

"Xiaolong, you are younger than me, you should also get on board. Oh, and take these rations. They are enough for you to eat for several days!"

Luo Xiu was still very prestigious among the children. In a flash, he arranged for the children to get on the boat. It was a little crowded, but they still managed to squeeze out a spot in the narrow boat.

"Luo Xiuge, come up quickly!"

"Yes...Brother Luo Xiu, come up quickly, there is still a seat here for Xiaonan!"

""Come up, brother!"

Several people shouted to Luo Xiu anxiously, but Luo Xiu just smiled and shook his head, then picked up a broken sword next to him and cut the rope that was used to fix it.

The boat immediately began to move away from the sea, and several people panicked... shouting Luo Xiu's name, but it was useless.

Standing on the beach, Luo Xiu just looked at them away with a fixed gaze, and he chuckled.

"A bunch of little can I run with you? Running away...that is the right only children have, and I am not a simple child!"

Yes, although Luo Xiu looks like a teenager now, he is indeed a time traveler from Blue Star. With the age of fifteen in his previous life, he is now in his twenties! As an orphan in his previous life, he did not experience what friendship and family are, and everything around him seemed to be against Luo Xiu chose to commit suicide in his previous life!

So Luo Xiu is very grateful that he has the opportunity to come to this pirate world, allowing him to experience these emotions in this world again, especially Uncle Helen...He is actually half of Luo Xiu's adoptive father in this world!

It was he who taught Luo Xiu everything he has now, and Luo Xiu really cherishes it.

So if these pirates today want to take away everything that has been hard-won, then...take his life with him!

Watching the boat getting farther and farther away, Luo Xiu slowly retracted his gaze...The final fate of this group of friends can only depend on fate, and Luo Xiu can only pray for them in his heart.

And now...

Luo Xiu rushed into the depths of the forest with a firm gaze, he was going to do his own thing.

"Uncle Helen...wait for me!"


At this moment, deep in the forest, a one-armed man covered in blood was leaning against a tree with a knife in one hand. His chest was full of scars...even his intestines were exposed, and next to him were several corpses lying crookedly, obviously all killed by this man!

"Damn bastard... This guy actually killed so many of my brothers! Damn it... Damn it!"

Casius, the captain of the Paradise Pirates who came specially to defeat Helen, roared like a beast as he looked at the miserable scene on the ground. He couldn't understand how this man who looked ordinary in combat power could have burst out with such strong combat power just now!

"Captain...what should we do now? The group of escaped children seem to have���"They ran away with the boat."

The crew member next to them reminded them gloomily, because they all knew that the living children were the real valuables and they were in short supply on the black market!

"What should I do?"

Cassius laughed grimly, walked directly to the dying man, and lifted him up with one hand.

"You bastard, you ruined a good business for me, you know that?"

"Oh...really? That's great!"The dying Helen naturally understood what the other party said, so...he laughed, laughed loudly.

And he spit hard on Cassius' face.

"Damn you stinky pirates, you are just a bunch of dirty maggots in the sea... I love seeing your angry eyes like this! Haha……"

Cassius wiped his face with his hand and said with a cruel smile,

"Very good... very good! Guys, teach this guy a lesson. I want to make him know what cruelty is!"

""Okay, Boss!"

Several pirates said as they were about to torture this stubborn man with a grin, but Helen's expression showed no fear at all. For him... his goal had been accomplished. If he died... he died!

""You bunch of bastards... put Uncle Helen down!"

But the next moment a familiar childish voice suddenly sounded, and Helen's face changed drastically... She suddenly opened her eyes and saw that a black-haired boy had appeared in front of her, holding a short knife and pointing at all the pirates!

The boy's stubborn face was so familiar!

"Luo... Luo Xiu." Helen yelled with an extremely ugly face,"What are you doing here, you stupid kid... Didn't I tell you to run away?"

Luo Xiu said nothing, but looked at all the pirates with a determined face.

He said in a deep voice,

"lay down!"


After observing the expressions of the two, Cassius showed a playful smile on his face, called a few men and rushed towards Luo Xiu!

He crossed his arms and watched with interest, but soon his expression changed, because he found that the child was actually fighting one against three without being at a disadvantage. Luo Xiu wielded the dagger very quickly.

Obviously, he was an absolute fighting genius!

"A bunch of trash!"

Cassius cursed and rushed towards Luo Xiu. He jumped high and hit Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu thought it was bad and quickly raised his sword to block it!

But the next moment Cassius groaned... His right hand suddenly became bigger and turned into a huge bear paw!

Because he is the user of the Wild Bear Fruit, a pirate with a bounty of over 10 million!


It was just a simple confrontation. Luo Xiu immediately felt a crisp bone cracking sound in his arm, and then flew backwards!


Luo Xiu spurted out a mouthful of blood and felt pain in his internal organs, but he still insisted on standing up, but the corners of his mouth were full of bitterness.

"Damn it... Just one attack, I couldn't even block one attack"

"Oh my God, why did you give me a chance to be reborn... and let me experience the most beautiful family and friendship in the world, but not give me the power to protect these?"

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

Swish! Swish!

Before Luo Xiu could react, Cassius had already arrived in front of Luo Xiu and threw him out... directly in front of Helen!

The latter was about to struggle and crawl towards Luo Xiu, her eyes full of heartache.

"You little brat... why are you so stupid and stubborn?"

"Ahem... Because Luo Xiu has nothing to lose. Uncle Helen, don't cry... I'm not afraid of death."

Luo Xiu said with a forced smile, and began to crawl towards Helen!

The two stretched out their hands at the same time, struggling to touch each other!

Once... even if it was the last time!

The two were satisfied!

But the next moment, a black shadow flashed, and a big knife suddenly attacked.


The knife went straight into Helen's chest, and the latter was furious... blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Luo Xiu with reluctance, and the corner of his mouth moved... but in the end, his eyes still lost focus and fell down.


Blood flew up high and landed on Luo Xiu's eyes... Luo Xiu's expression froze on his face. In Luo Xiu's eyes... the world suddenly turned into a strange blood-red color!

Then it turned into a dead gray-white color. A strange voice sounded in his mind.

Cassius stood between the two with a grim smile on his face. His voice sounded in Luo Xiu's ears.

"What a wonderful scene of love between father and son... But unfortunately, this is the kind of scene I hate watching the most!"


Cassius laughed wildly, not noticing that Luo Xiu on the ground had a hideous look on his face and was talking to himself like a madman.

"Dead... hehe... Uncle Helen is dead, and the people in the village are dead too... I have lost everything"

"Gone... Gone... All gone"

"Why...what did I do wrong?" Luo Xiu murmured as he stood up strangely, and finally showed a strange smile.

"Oh...this hell!"

"Damn kid...what's wrong with you?"

Feeling extremely uneasy, Cassius frowned.

Thump! Thump!

Luo Xiu's heartbeat was like a drum, as if some power was about to burst out. Luo Xiu narrowed his if he had sensed something and said to himself

"Please give me strength, okay?...The strength to tear everything apart!"


The next moment, a cold mechanical sound rang out from Luo Xiu's mind.

〖Ding! The host's emotions have been detected to fluctuate violently... Awaken the three-magatama Sharingan, and the Pirate Revenge System has been bound to the host!〗

〖The initial reward of the Pirate Revenge System: ten times the physical fitness!〗

〖Bury this world with hatred! 〗


The next moment!

Luo Xiu raised his eyes, his blood-red eyes fixed on Cassius, and three strange magatama slowly flowed.

Luo Xiu's mouth curled up into an icy smile, with a hint of evil in his white teeth.

"I want you to... fall into hell forever!" ps: For those who like this style of data, please add it to your bookshelf and urge for updates!


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