Night Wind looked at the ninjas and civilians of Iwain Village on both sides of the street, and couldn’t help but shake his head.

This little old man likes to play with these bells and whistles.

Soon, under the reception of Onoki, Night Breeze and his group lived in a high-end VIP apartment.

After a day of rest, the next day, under the personal leadership of Onoki, I came to the office of Iwahide Village.

“Night Wind, our Iwain Village sincerely wants to cease war with Konoha.” Onoki said solemnly.

“As long as the conditions proposed by Konoha can be accepted, then we in Iwahide Village will definitely not make any other moves.”

This remark was almost already saying that their Iwain Village had decided to cut the meat, and asked Konoha’s subordinates to show mercy.

After all, reach out and don’t hit the smiley person.

“My conditions are also very simple.” Night Wind carried the knife and looked at Onoki with a smile.

He wanted to see where Onoki’s energy was.

In the original work, Onoki is a relatively pedantic old man, but later at the Five Shadows Conference, he was scolded by my Ai Luo, and this temper was much better.

However, after these three weeks of high-pressure oppression, this Onoki’s mentality has also changed.

At least he didn’t go angry like a grumpy little old man like the original.

It’s like how much money is owed to him.

The change in Onoki’s mentality is mainly because of the strength of the night wind.

If the night wind was not strong, then he would not pay attention to these things at all.

Therefore, being strong can change everything, and this is true in any world.

“That was… What conditions? Onoki asked in a low voice, his heart tensed at this time.

Some cautiously looked at the night breeze, afraid that something would come out of his mouth that he could not accept.

“Every year, your country of earth needs to pay 50% of Konoha’s financial resources and materials.” Night Wind stretched out his right hand, and the five hands dangled in front of Onoki.

“Fifty percent ?!!” After Onoki heard these words, the whole person’s expression suddenly changed greatly!

The already dark yellow face directly turned earthy yellow now.

The night wind was not in a hurry, so he carried the black knife and waited quietly.

If you don’t agree, it’s simple, just hit it, hit until he promises!

It really didn’t work, grabbed his granddaughter, and threatened him with black soil.

However, this is also a last resort, as long as it does not go to that step, the night wind will not use it.

After all, Onoki is different from the shadows of other ninja villages, and he is in a hurry, and he can really break the net with Konoha.

Although the night wind is not afraid, it will also be a consumption for Konoha at that time.

If you can avoid it, you will avoid it, and if you can’t avoid it, then fight.

“Good!!” At this moment, Onoki said deeply, “The old man promised you!” ”

Night Breeze was slightly surprised, he agreed, really agreed.

“Are you sure?” Night Breeze narrowed his eyes and smiled.

“Hmm! The old man has always said the same thing! Onoki said solemnly.

Fifty percent! How much pressure he had to put on his back to agree.

“In this way, I am not such an unreasonable person.” Night Wind smiled softly, “Give you two percent, three percent.” ”

“Really ?!!!” When Onoki heard this, his expression suddenly became excited.

Night Wind looked at Onoki’s face and nodded, “Really. ”

“Hahaha! Good, good, good! Night breeze, the more the old man looks at you, the more he likes you! Onoki smiled, he leaned in front of the night wind, and asked in a low voice:

“That… How much do the other Shinobi villages have to come out? ”

“Let’s count it.” Night Breeze stretched out a slap.

“Hahaha! Good! Night breeze, nicely done! Onoki laughed again.

“That, today’s banquet, I want to receive you well!”

Seeing Onoki in a good mood, Night Breeze couldn’t help but smile secretly.

“It’s so bad you! Night wind, I used to think that you were bad enough, but I didn’t expect that you were actually worse than I thought, even worse! ”

At this moment, in the golden spiritual space of the night wind, the Nine Tails couldn’t help but mutter.

As soon as the night wind moved, he came to the spiritual space.

He smiled faintly and said, “Nine Lamas, where am I broken?” ”

“Wow? Where are you not bad? Don’t think I don’t know your tricks! ”

“Then tell me, what trick did I use?” The night breeze jumped on the head of the Nine Lamas, and immediately sat up leisurely.

“Hey, hey, hey! Night Breeze! Don’t sit on my head… What, you have to sit down, is it comfortable to do? ”

The Nine Tails was just about to shout twice, when he saw the faint smile on Night Breeze’s face.

In the gentle smile of the night wind, the Nine Lamas directly chose to give in.

I almost forgot! This is a great uncle! Can’t afford to mess with, can’t afford to mess with …

“It is worthy of being the strongest tailed beast among the nine tailed beasts, and this hair is very comfortable to the touch.” Night Wind touched the head of the Nine Tails and nodded.

“Ahem…” The Nine Lamas opened his mouth and brought the topic back.

“You first went to Shayin Village and used extremely tough means to make Shayin Village submit.”

“After that, you left Shayin Village without hurry, and you also revealed a piece of information, that is, Yanyin Village is your next target.”

“Moreover, it is still moving in the direction of Yanyin Village.”

“This guy, it is estimated that in the past few weeks, the people in Yanyin Village have slept restlessly, right?”

“Mentally, they have already tortured, so the people of Yanyin Village will definitely choose to wait for you to come here and directly entertain them in the end.”

Speaking of this, the Nine Tails couldn’t help but move his nine tails.

“Next, it’s time for the big play, when the old man asks you for conditions, you directly prescribe a condition that he can’t accept for a while.”

“This guy scared that old man’s face black, if it weren’t for his stronger heart capacity, I guess I could go directly to the Pure Land.”

“And then, the best is coming!”

The Ninth Lama’s expression also became excited, “If it weren’t for saying that you were bad, you would have spared him two percent with your backhand!” ”

Speaking of which, the nine lamas slapped the two melons!


He accepted it! Fifty percent becomes three! That old man didn’t even want to accept it! ”

“Even, he is a little complacent!”

“You are too perverted in this psychological control!”

Night Wind listened to the narration of the Nine Tails and smiled casually, “When did I Night Wind say that I am a good person?” ”


yes, this guy never seemed to say he was a good person.

No wonder! No wonder!

Night Wind stood up above the head of the Nine Tails.

“Be my friend, there is wine and meat!”

“Be my enemy, there will be no return!”


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