The skirt with stars flowing on it swayed in the wind, and the pure wings fluttered slowly.

She, who was as petite as a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, gently stretched out her fingertips and touched Fu Xuan’s cheek.

A warmth, a sacredness, and a radiance slowly rose in Fu Xuan’s heart.

“Come and make a contract with me!”

Like a voice from the highest heaven, it rang in Fu Xuan’s ears, as majestic as a song sung by thousands of people.

Make a contract?”Fu Xuan looked at the young girl in front of him, full of divinity, and his eyes could not help but move slightly. This girl who appeared inexplicably in front of her actually claimed to be the end of reincarnation, the same name as the final plan implemented by the Zeluo tribe’s upgrading faction.

Could it be that she was one of the gods in the virtual world who was awakened by the activities of the Zeluo tribe in the virtual world?

Fu Xuan couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart.

If he could get the help of the gods in the virtual world, then the immortal boat would at least have a chance to survive from the hands of the Calamity Empire.


Fu Xuan thought of the end of the Zeluo tribe, and a cold sweat broke out on his body.

The gift of the virtual world was not without cost, and Fu Xuan knew this.

“I also have a fairy boat, what can I get?…….From your hands”

“What will you take away?”

Fu Xuan raised his head and stared at the divine woman in front of him and asked.

The girl who called herself the end of reincarnation showed a light smile, and the stars between her skirt swayed with it. Thousands of stars were born and died, and thousands of planets fell and were reborn.

The end of everything, the destruction of everything, the rebirth of everything, the reconstruction of everything, thousands of things, the bright stars, are all in the circle of reincarnation, moving forward.

“I will give you unlimited”

“You will have to pay the price.”

As the girl’s voice sounded, Fu Xuan’s eyes reflected a different attitude.

She saw the explosive development of the technology of the Immortal Boat, the army became strong, and resources gushed out like springs.

She saw the Immortal Boat establish new colonies on countless planets in the universe, saw the Immortal Boat’s space station floating above the stars, and saw the Immortal Boat spanning the stars. It was not six Immortal Boats, but countless Immortal Boats covering the stars and covering the sun.

This is the infinity promised by the end of the reincarnation.

He will give the Immortal Boat almost infinite power, as long as the Immortal Boat is willing to bring…..And pay the end, the reckoning, will come, but before that…..

Xianzhou can use the gift of the end of reincarnation without scruples.

Fu Xuan’s heart was pounding, and he couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

This temptation entangled in Fu Xuan’s heart, inducing Fu Xuan to make a choice.

However, Fu Xuan was silent for a moment and then said:

“I don’t have the right to make a decision on behalf of the entire Xianzhou. I need some time.”

“Of course.”

The End of the Reincarnation looked down at Fu Xuan and the other chosen girls.

“But, make a decision quickly, we don’t have much time..”

“Go faster than the speed of light, while the stars are still shining.”

After the words fell, the figure of the girl full of divinity became hazy.

“Wait!” Fu Xuan raised his head and hurriedly stopped the girl from disappearing in front of him.

“First tell me, what exactly is the Scourge Empire pursuing?”

“Is the ascension they speak of the same as that of the Zelo tribe?”

“What exactly is the higher level they are talking about?”

The girl floating in front of Fu Xuan gently closed her eyes and murmured in a low voice:


“Reality above reality”

“Our creator, audience, meaning and value.”

Ignoring Fu Xuan’s confused eyes, the girl disappeared silently in front of her.

“this…..What does this mean?…..”

Fu Xuan couldn’t help but mutter to himself:

“Reality? Reality above reality?”

Fu Xuan couldn’t help but feel strange.

At this moment, the light curtain in the corner of his eyes lit up again…….

“You, signed it? ? ?”

On the Starry Sky Train,

San Yue Qi stared at Xing in amazement, unable to help but widen his eyes.

“Signed.” Xing held a golden trash can and nodded decisively.

“Wait, let me think about it again.”

Sanyueqi held his head and paced back and forth:

“Are you saying that there is a being who calls himself the End of Reincarnation and can grant you infinity or something?”

“Then you were rummaging through the trash can and signed the contract without much thought? ?”

Listening to San Yueqi’s words, Dan Heng couldn’t help but hold his head and shook his head.

Ji Zi sighed, and Walter Yang held his chin and couldn’t help thinking.

“Claiming to be the end of reincarnation, the existence looks like a girl”

“Could it be the virtual god mentioned in the light curtain?”

Walter Yang frowned and couldn’t help muttering:

“But why did you choose Xing? Did you expect Xing to easily agree to sign the contract?”

“No, it was after careful consideration.”

Xing raised the golden trash can in his hand and said seriously:

“You see, this is what He gave me.”

“Pretty cool, right?”

“……Huh?” Sanyueqi looked at the golden trash can and couldn’t think of the word”cool”

“Wait, March 7th.” Walter Yang stopped March 7th who was about to explode and said,”This trash can may have some special abilities.”

“After all, that being claims to be the end of reincarnation, and what he gives may not be simple.”


Xing nodded fiercely, raised the trash can in his hand and said loudly:

“This is the Contract: Trash Can of All Worlds”

“This trash can is connected to an infinite number of worlds and can recycle trash from these worlds”

“……Isn’t this still a trash can?!” A vein popped out of Sanyueqi’s head.

“No, no, no, this is not an ordinary trash can, this is the trash can of all worlds……March, you see……”

As he spoke, Xing opened the trash can and reached into it to search around…….

“Ding ding ding ding!!!”

Xing pulled out a fruit covered with complex spiral patterns from the trash can.

The fruit looked very strange, like a red mushroom with green vines on the top.

“Oh?” Dan Heng pinched his chin and looked at the fruit that Xing had found in the trash can.”I have never seen such a fruit before.”

“There is no record of this kind of fruit in the think tank. Could it really be a fruit from another world?”

“Let me take a look.” Xing held the golden trash can and picked up the strange fruit.

A light curtain appeared on the trash can…….(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Animal Devil Fruit: Human-Human Fruit. Human Form This is a strange fruit that comes from a world covered by seawater and roamed by pirates. It is said to be the incarnation of the sea devil. After taking it, it can give the eater certain superpowers, but the side effect is that he cannot touch seawater.

This devil fruit is an animal-type fruit. Taking it can give the eater the same intelligence, learning ability, walking on two feet and natural life span as humans.

Comment: Being human is also a privilege.

Note: It tastes as bad as shit.


March 7 blinked in confusion:

“Will you gain unique human abilities after eating it?”

“But you can’t swim after eating?”

“And it tastes as bad as shit?”

“Yes! Isn’t it cool?”Xing nodded seriously and asked

“Then what?” asked March 7

“There is no more”

“Isn’t this just garbage?!”

Just as San Yueqi’s eyes twitched, the light curtain in the corner of her eyes suddenly lit up.[]

“”Huh?” Sanyueqi’s eyes widened slightly.

On the company’s enterprise ship, Jinjin raised his head slightly and looked at the truth doctor Latio in front of him.

“Professor, what do you think of the methods of the Emperor of the Scourge Empire?”

“The ability to suddenly make the last evangelicals surrender was simply too unreasonable.”

Shajin gently closed his eyes and reviewed the scene he had just seen on the light screen:

“Too sudden, too unreal”


“What happened is real.”Dr. Zhenli shook his head and said

“That’s not necessarily true, professor.”

Gold Dust knocked on the table and said:

“Remember Punch Lord?”

“People there believe that the universe is a game waiting to be completed”

“If it is true as they say, the entire universe is virtual…..What else is real?”

“game…(Wang Zhaohao)..”Doctor Zhenli shook his head and said,”I don’t really believe this statement.”

“This is more like nonsense, there is no evidence to prove their claims.”

Shajin shrugged:”But Latio, you said…..Truth does not change due to human will”

“The truth is the truth, even if the truth tells you: our world is just a game”

“rhetoric……”Doctor Zhenli shook his head:”But if the reality is really like this, then I can only accept it.”

Sha Jin couldn’t help but smile. At this moment, the light curtain in the corner of his eyes burst into dazzling light, and a line of text appeared on the light curtain. Sha Jin’s expression was stunned for a moment.

【”Reality is a virtual box for people to play with, and we will disconnect”】

“This?” Doctor Zhenli, who was sitting opposite Shajin, also suddenly changed his expression.

“Is reality a virtual box for people to play with? What does it mean to disconnect?”

“How are they going to cut off the connection with reality? ?”

Doctor Zhen’s pupils suddenly contracted.

“Professor, don’t worry, just keep reading.”

Shajin comforted Doctor Zhenli, while his eyes were fixed on the words on the screen:

【Pioneer: Wataum】

【A pioneer who realizes that everything is virtual, breaks the universe with death, and penetrates reality】

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