The stars in the light curtain suddenly dimmed, and the brilliance of the stars became convergent.

The ships of the Rectification Agreement, which were flying at sub-light speeds by inertia, gradually became slow, as if space had become as viscous as a swamp, and every step of movement became extremely difficult.

Gradually, the speed of these ships could not even reach the third cosmic speed required to break through the gravity of the stars, and they were captured by the surrounding stars and became part of the star system.

But this state did not last long.

The millions of stars in the universe became increasingly dim, but their mass became larger and larger. The Schwarzschild radius also increased with the mass, and the gravity generated became larger and larger..

“If you’re not stupid, you should remember what I said…..The slower the speed of light, the greater its mass.”

In the First Truth University, Doctor Truth looked at this scene on the light screen and glanced at the students below the stage.

“This is a rare spectacle in the universe. Millions of stars are so large that they cannot bear their own mass and are captured by their own gravity.”

“You know what the result is.”

The students nodded heavily.

Although they were called fools by Doctor Truth, they were all the best in the world. They naturally knew what would happen if the mass of a thing was too large and the volume was too small.

When the volume of a substance is smaller than its Schwarzschild radius,……

It will be crushed by its own existence and collapse into a black hole.

This is not unfamiliar knowledge to all living beings in the universe, but within the light curtain……

Millions of stars, unable to bear their own mass, collapsed at a uniform rate under the influence of their own gravity, swallowing up all the matter around them and turning into black holes hovering in the void.

These black holes occupy half of the universe, and their event horizons, from which even light cannot escape, are like holes that have been gnawed through, ugly and hideous across the structure of space.

The Summons Protocol hastily and with difficulty mobilized the superluminal engines of the remaining fleet, trying to overcome the huge gravitational field generated by these black holes, but the speed of light became slower than before, and the ships of the Summons Protocol were heavier than before.

The energy required to cross the speed of light increased sharply, and the ships of the Summons Protocol that were relatively close to the black holes were soon drawn into them, stretched into long strips, and fell into an endless fall.

But more ships activated their superluminal engines in time and overcame the collapse of the event horizon.

【”Error! Error! Error! Error!”]

The core of the Rectification Protocol kept reporting errors. The speed of light in the universe was constantly slowing down, which made it difficult for the Rectification Protocol to digest for a while.

【”The current speed of light in a vacuum is……1m/s!!!”】

The error message of the rectification agreement sounded, and all the beings in the universe who were watching this scene suddenly made a noise.

“Slowing down the speed of light to 1m/s?! Are you kidding me?!”

“With the speed of light being 1m/s, it would take millions of years for the light from a star to reach a planet!”

“Not only that! Without the use of a hyperdrive, the maximum speed of all transportation vehicles would only be 1m/s, which is no different from walking!”

“Even the human eye will have a delay when looking at things around it. I will have a delay of ten seconds when looking at things ten meters away!”

While the universe was clamoring, some smarter brains began simple calculations.

In physics, there is a concept called the Schwarzschild radius, also known as the collapse radius.

Anything smaller than its Schwarzschild radius will collapse into a black hole, and the Schwarzschild radius is positively correlated with the mass of the object.

When the speed of light is reduced to 1m/s, the mass of any substance will increase significantly, which means that the Schwarzschild radius will be very small.

“For a normal-weight human being, in a universe where the speed of light is only one meter per second, the Schwarzschild radius is 2.5 meters.”

Dr. Truth raised his head, looked at the student in front of him and said:

“”All of you who are less than two meters and five centimeters tall will collapse into a small black hole.”

At the moment when Doctor Truth finished speaking, all the ships of the Strict Protocol in the light curtain slowly stopped in the air.

They suddenly twisted themselves, like small stones sinking into a pond in space. In an instant, the horizon expanded, matter collapsed, and all the ships of the Strict Protocol collapsed into small black holes at the same time, suspended in the void.

These black holes collided with each other, intertwined, and merged into larger black holes, which were absorbed and expanded by black holes formed by stars.

Finally, the black holes that compressed half of the matter in the universe gathered into one, turning into a huge black hole, suspended in a space without any matter.

【”Our slow light experiment was successful.”】

【”As predicted, half of the matter in the universe collapsed into a giant black hole.”】

【”The most massive black hole ever recorded is named”Matter.rar」”】

【”The name comes from the compressed file format commonly used in the Empire”】

The three scientific research arrays reported to Zhou Xuan that they had given this black hole, which had destroyed half of the universe, a very humorous name, to represent that this black hole was a compressed package of half of the universe’s matter.

This name made Zhou Xuan smile, and he waved his hand and said:

【”Now, build the matter decompressor to decompress this zip file.”】

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