The Path of Evolution

Chapter 874 Essence of the Sun and Moon

Zhao Hao, who is in the state of the Five Elements Rotation, is quite clairvoyant.

Now his eyesight and hearing are so sharp that he even fears them.

In the distance, he saw colorful auspicious clouds a hundred miles away.

Gradually, he also heard conversations coming from the auspicious clouds.

"Judging from the various signs on my benefactor, there is only one truth: he has lost his memory!"

Zhao Hao heard this sentence clearly.

"Amnesia? It seems like a very unexplainable excuse..."

Xiao Zhao rolled his eyes, and the plan came to his mind.

He pretended not to see the colorful auspicious clouds flying over, turned around and flew towards a hill.

Boom boom boom!

The mountain that had stood for countless thousands of years suffered an incredible disaster and was razed to the ground.

With such a huge movement, it was difficult not to attract the attention of the Seven Rainbow Sisters.

The seven sisters flew in the direction of the roar. Looking down from a high position in mid-air, they saw a man in a green shirt with a tall and majestic back, bombarding a mountain.

The man's hair was disheveled and he looked crazy. He pulled his hair from time to time and cried out in pain: "Ah, ah, ah, who am I, where am I, why should I live?"

Rainbow Qimei was stunned and watched Zhao Engong go crazy.

After a while, the girls who came back to their senses all looked at Murong Lan'er.

Their eyes expressed the same meaning: Your reasoning is so scientific, it’s simply a genius!

Murong Lan'er lowered her head in embarrassment as she showed off her face.


The busty lady in red landed on the ground and said hello politely.

Zhao Engong suddenly turned around and stared at the Seven Beauties of the Rainbow as if facing a formidable enemy, his body filled with murderous aura.

Seeing the appearance of the seven sisters clearly, the murderous aura in his body gradually disappeared, and he said coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Murong Hong'er said calmly and generously: "We sisters happened to be passing by and met our benefactor, so we came here to pay homage."

The charming third sister in the goose-yellow skirt suddenly brightened up when she saw her benefactor's appearance and figure. Autumn spinach was dancing in her beautiful eyes. She then stood up and said charmingly: "Thanks to my benefactor's help that day, The little girl is in a coma and has no time to thank her for her great kindness. My benefactor, please accept Huang'er's respect."

According to the conventional routine, Zhao Engong should reach out to help her up at this time, and the two of them could have their first intimate contact.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Engong did not follow common sense. He stood still and said impatiently: "It is said that a great favor is not expressed in thanks. What's the use of thanking me with words? If you are really grateful, give me something real. !”

[This man has indeed lost his memory! 】

[This guy doesn’t even understand basic etiquette, he’s very sick! 】

[This person wants real benefits as soon as he opens his mouth. His style is so simple and crude! 】

The seven sisters exchanged glances and communicated silently.

Before the eldest sister could say anything, Murong Huang'er knelt down and said weakly: "Could it be that my benefactor wants the little girl to be a slave and a maid, working as a cow and a horse during the day, and undressing and undressing at night?"

This girl got more and more excited about Mao. Could it be that she was so good? Zhao Hao's anus tightened and he felt a strong trembling breath.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I already have a wife, so I don't need you to take off your clothes. If you want to thank me, just give me something valuable, and we will write it off from now on."

This time, the seven sisters instantly understood what Zhao Engong meant.

The mercenaries in Tianji City are not always fighting against each other. Sometimes they help each other. When mercenaries help each other, one side often saves the life of the other. If both parties have no intention of continuing the relationship, then the rescued party will give a generous gift, and the two will not owe each other anything from now on.

Zhao Engong has made it so clear that the seven sisters have no choice but to think about the Tao.

The Rainbow Seven Beauties made eye contact for a while, then the big-breasted lady in red took out a jade bottle and handed it over, saying with fear and fear: "My benefactor, this is the most valuable thing in our sisters' possessions. I hope my benefactor will accept it if you are careful."

When Zhao Hao opened the jade bottle and took a look, his eyes almost bulged out.

There are a total of ten soybean-sized dewdrops in the jade bottle, lying clearly like ten glass beads inside.

Zhao Hao used his spiritual sense to investigate and found that the dewdrops were not as pure as the dewdrops refined by the Gate of Wonders, and seemed to be a semi-finished product.

He asked curiously: "What is this?"

The seven sisters were exposed by this question, and Tianji City probably couldn't find an adult who didn't recognize these dewdrops.

Fortunately, Murong Hong'er had long been accustomed to Zhao Engong's weirdness, and patiently explained: "This thing is called Linglu, and its grade is low grade."

Zhao Hao asked: "What is Spiritual Dew?"

Academic master Murong Lan'er took over the conversation: "My benefactor, Linglu is also known as the intermediate sun and moon essence."

Zhao Hao still didn't understand. After some questioning, he finally understood the situation.

In this world, all cultivators pursue only one thing: the essence of the sun and moon!

In fact, whether in the homeland of China or the evolutionary world, the origin of all evolved creatures is also the essence of the sun and the moon. According to legend, there are plants and trees that absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and become enlightened, and there are birds and animals that absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and become fairies. It is not unreasonable.

Practitioners in this world have extremely advanced research on the essence of the sun and the moon. The distinguished [alchemist] in Tianji City does not refine elixirs at all, but directly extracts the essence of the sun and the moon from raw materials. The so-called medicine is three parts poison, and the method of refining elixirs is extremely weak in this world. A great alchemist can go straight to the source and extract a very pure essence of the sun and the moon.

The essence of the sun and moon, the alchemist of Tianji City divided it into three major grades.

The first type: the secondary sun and moon essence, commonly known as [True Dew], is of great benefit to practitioners in the realm of real people. The [Old Version Source Dew Drops] that Zhao Hao used to transform using the Gate of Wonders are actually equivalent to True Dew.

The second type: Intermediate Sun and Moon Essence, also known as [Spiritual Dew], this item is full of spiritual energy and can help half-saints improve their cultivation. Strictly speaking, the [new version of source dew] recently extracted by Zhao Hao using the Gate of Wonders is a kind of spiritual dew.

The third type: Advanced sun and moon essence, known as [Holy Dew]. This kind of thing is hard to come by, and it is said that it can help saints improve their realm!

Each type of sun and moon essence, due to its different purity, is also subdivided into three small grades: low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade.

The bottle of stuff that Murong Hong'er gave to Zhao Engong just now was low-grade spiritual dew.

This is already a good thing that the semi-saints are flocking to. The reason why the Seven Rainbow Sisters have improved so quickly is because Granny Rainbow used a lot of low-grade spiritual dew to cultivate them. It's a pity that Rainbow Tower is no longer in glory now, and the seven sisters have limited financial resources, so they only have this small bottle of spiritual dew left.

The original dew that Zhao Hao refined himself was at least a high-grade spiritual dew, so it was inevitable that he would be a little disgusted with the low-grade spiritual dew in his opponent's hands.

The seven sisters all saw Zhao Engong's dislike. Murong Hong'er said with embarrassment: "According to the rules of the mercenary world, one life of a half-saint is worth ten pieces of spiritual dew. We seven sisters should have given out seventy pieces of spiritual dew to repay the favor." Sir. I feel ashamed. The little girl’s family is in a state of decline and she cannot take out the remaining sixty spiritual dews for the time being. I would like to ask my benefactor to grant me some grace.”

Zhao Engong was waiting for this sentence and immediately climbed up the pole: "No need, let's find another solution. Since you are mercenaries, it is normal for you to be hired by others. Why don't I hire seven of you and treat it as repayment?" What do you girls think of the remaining sixty spiritual dew?"

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