The Path of Evolution

Chapter 6 Combat Power Explodes

At night, beside the mountain spring, the shining bonfire dispels the despairing darkness.

The alluring aroma of meat spreads far away with the night wind.

"So, am I destined to become the God of Cookery?"

Zhao Hao sat by the bonfire and flipped his hair on his forehead coquettishly.

It was his first time grilling and it went surprisingly well.

The grilled silver wolf hind legs taste indescribably wonderful.

Of course, one of the reasons was that he hadn't eaten cooked meat in several days.

Now that I've caught the smell of meat, I feel like I've found my first love.

There is another reason, the beasts of the evolutionary world are particularly delicious.

In this purely natural and pollution-free world, the meat quality of wild beasts is unmatched by artificially raised livestock on earth.

Nibbling on the delicious wolf meat, Zhao Hao couldn't help but think of an anime he once followed - The Prisoner of Food.

After eating half of the wolf's leg, Zhao Hao triggered a supernatural event.

"Eat the flesh and blood of intermediate primitive creatures and gain 2 points of primitive genes..."

Feeling this thought, Zhao Hao was stunned for a moment.

He finally understood why Dahei wanted to eat the essence of those plants.

It turns out that eating evolved organisms can also increase genes!

"Two genes were added at once. Is this what's special about intermediate primitive creatures?"

Zhao Hao keenly captured a detail. The crystals he refined in the past were all low-level goods.

Based on this inference, primitive organisms may be divided into three stages: primary, intermediate, and advanced.

That giant wolf was clearly an intermediate primitive creature. No wonder its combat power was astonishing.

If it hadn't suffered serious injuries to its hind legs, Zhao Hao and Dahei might not have been able to defeat the terrifying monster together.

"If you eat a wolf, how many genes will be added?"

Zhao Hao came up with a new idea, but the half of the wolf leg was about to burst into his stomach and he couldn't eat it anymore.

After resting for a while, he stood up and practiced the mad fighting sword technique.

During the practice, not only did he not feel the discomfort of exercising after a full meal, but it also accelerated his body's digestion.

Zhao Hao had a strange feeling that using the Crazy Fighting Sword Technique was very draining of blood.

And the silver wolf meat he eats happens to be a great tonic that increases blood energy.

With the vitality replenished by wolf meat, his sword skills became more and more proficient, and he became more and more domineering.

After practicing the Mad Fighting Sword Technique three times, Zhao Hao actually felt hungry.

This is really unscientific, considering that he had just eaten half an hour ago.

Zhao Hao was not a person who understood science to begin with, so he simply didn't think about it so much and ate the remaining half of the wolf leg completely. The still warm wolf meat did not increase the original genes, but added abundant blood.

After eating again, Zhao Hao felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he had nowhere to vent his excess energy.

He ignored the scientific teachings that strenuous exercise should not be done after meals and embarked on a theological path of his own.

The light of the sword flashed beside the campfire, and a generation of swordsmen let go of the wings of their dreams.

After practicing the sword three times again, the surging blood in Zhao Hao's body finally calmed down, and he no longer felt hungry this time.

Evolver: Zhao Hao.

Original genes: 22!

Combat power: 22!

Shouyuan: 72!

Combat skills: Crazy fighting swordsmanship, E-level combat skills, current evolution energy 12/100!

Evolution: E level!

Looking at his condition, Zhao Hao was elated.

The original evolutionary energy of 0/100 of the Kuezhan Sword Technique suddenly increased by 12 points of evolutionary energy!

Zhao Hao remembered clearly that he practiced sword skills three times in the afternoon, but his evolutionary energy did not increase at all.

After eating wolf meat in the evening, I practiced knife skills six times in total, which increased my energy by 12 points.

According to this calculation, eating wolf meat and practicing the mad sword technique once can increase the evolutionary energy by 2 points.

"No wonder I feel that my sword skills are much sharper, it turns out that's the case!"

Recalling the bloody sword training process, Zhao Hao suddenly realized.

"It seems to be regular. After eating the intermediate primitive flesh and blood, practicing with the blood energy will increase the evolutionary energy by 2 points. According to this calculation, eating the elementary primitive flesh and blood and practicing will increase the evolutionary energy by 1 point. If it is the advanced primitive flesh and blood, It is very likely to increase the evolutionary energy by 3 points... The end of physics is indeed mathematics, my mathematics is so awesome!"

Zhao Hao stood in the night wind, his expression indescribable.

Looking at the raw wolf meat hanging on the tree branch, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

On earth, fresh meat left outside will inevitably attract flies and will quickly rot. In the evolutionary world, there are no such creatures as flies, and the piece of fresh wolf meat that has been left for a long time shows no signs of deterioration or smell.

"This world is so magical. If I could be teleported back, I would take Weiwei to BBQ every day."

Zhao Hao set a small goal, his eyes softened, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly, he tightened his grip on the machete and scanned the left front like a falcon.

I don't know whether they were attracted by the smell of barbecue or disturbed by the campfire, but two giant tigers came galloping towards them.

The size of the tiger was fully twice the size of the tigers Zhao Hao had seen in the zoo.

Dahei is currently in a hibernating state of sleep and cannot participate in the battle. Zhao Hao can only rely on himself. He was under great pressure. He had personally experienced the fighting power of that giant wolf. What kind of fighting power did these two giant tigers have?

"If you fight hard, just do it!"

It was impossible for Zhao Hao to abandon Dahei and run away, so he simply took the initiative and rushed over with a machete.

In this case, retreating means death, but there is still a chance of survival if you fight hard.

The eyes of the two giant tigers flashed with human disdain, obviously not taking this human with less than 30 combat power in their eyes.

A flash of sword light lit up the night sky.

The sword light contained endless violent fighting intent, making the two tigers fearful.

Boom, boom, boom!

Where the knife passed, a tiger's head fell to the ground and rolled several meters away.

The headless tiger couldn't die anymore, and the other tiger started fighting, whimpering in terror.

Zhao Hao himself was shocked. The power of the Kuangzhan sword technique was so terrifying?

That sword swing not only perfectly demonstrated the sharpness of the eighteen chops, but also carried a violent force. The force derived from combat skills wrapped around the blade, forming a deadly blade light, causing astonishing damage.

Zhao Hao had the idea of ​​doing an experiment and slashed at the hard forehead of the other tiger.


There was a sound similar to that of cutting tofu with a sharp blade, and the hard tiger head neatly cut a gap.

The second giant tiger didn't even let out a scream. It lay on the ground languidly and died on the spot.

"Holy crap, is this the legendary explosive fighting power?"

Zhao Hao looked at the machete in his hand in disbelief. He fell in love with himself and experienced the power of combat skills firsthand.

The only fly in the ointment is that after killing two tigers, there were two more gaps in the blade of Shiba Chop. If things go on like this, it is estimated that after killing a few more ferocious beasts, this machete will be declared useless.

"Nothing explodes, and you don't drop combat skills every time you dare to kill a beast?"

In this battle, Zhao Hao had a new experience.

In a sense, he can be regarded as a pioneer of human beings entering the evolutionary world, and these experiences are very valuable.

Taking out two tiger crystals, Zhao Hao did not rush to refine them and put them into a plastic box. When he was refining and crystallizing, Dahei had been standing guard for him. Now that Dahei is digesting the crystal, he must protect Dahei.

Thanks to Dynamic Tian for becoming the first ally of this book. I will save it now and will add more after it is released.

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