The Path of Evolution

Chapter 36 Gene Lock: Violent!

After surviving in the evolutionary world for two months, the careless Zhao Hao also learned to prepare for a rainy day.

When he left the neutral land, he exchanged 25 primary rare crystals with Lao Miao at a two-for-one ratio.

Now that he has evolved successfully, the rare crystal comes in handy.

The third level of the Nine Heavens can refine three crystals at the same time, and it only takes three hours.

Theoretically, by refining 24 hours a day, 24 crystals can be absorbed in one day.

The magical effect of C-level evolution is most vividly demonstrated at this time.

Ancient warriors such as Fengyun Sword relied on their secret martial arts to gain an innate advantage and win at the starting line.

As Zhao Hao said to Xue Qing, he is one of the "ordinary people". Compared with the ancient warriors, he is a purely ordinary evolver who knows nothing about martial arts, and represents a large and weak group. .

"This world may not be the world of ancient warriors!"

Zhao Hao was full of energy and shouted out those heroic words again.

He always believed that 99% of ordinary evolvers could create miracles.

Even if 1% of ordinary people succeed, they can still compete with those rare ancient warriors.

In less than two days, all 25 rare crystals were absorbed, adding 25 points of rare genes.

During this period, he ate mid-level rare beef jerky and gained 2 points of rare genes.

27 points of rare genes are equal to 54 points of combat power.

Zhao Hao's total combat power has increased to 154 points!

This is not over yet, don't forget that he has activated the A-level gene lock.

Berserk: A-level talent ability. After being turned on, you will enter a violent state and your combat power will be doubled. It lasts for five seconds and has a cooldown time of 60 minutes.

Five seconds is a short time, but the increase in combat power is quite terrifying.

He specifically tried it, and his whole body fell into an extremely wild and domineering state.

In that state, his combat power doubled from 154 to 308, no less than a top rare evolver!


A big tree as thick as a millstone was chopped down by Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao discovered a gratifying phenomenon. Generally, the aura emitted by rare evolvers is about half a meter. I don’t know if it’s because of his body modification, or because the A-level gene lock has hidden bonuses, but the sword light he projects is one meter long.

And in the violent state, the huge sword light was actually two meters long!

That big tree was chopped off by the giant sword light.

That sword was so powerful that even he was afraid of it.

"Hey, if this kind of sword light suddenly bursts out, it will probably kill many people..."

Zhao Hao showed a smile even more vulgar than Lao Miao. On the court, his best and favorite position is point guard, and he is used to using his brain to play. The battles in the evolutionary world are similar to fierce sports competitions.

"Brother can finally use the rare armor, don't say anything, just walk away!"

Zhao Hao packed his bags and walked through the jungle.

There is a prerequisite for using rare armor, which is to have at least 1 rare gene in the body.

In the same way, if you want to use mutant armor, humans must first evolve to the mutant level.

Three days later, Zhao Hao was sitting by the spring, looking depressed.

Not far away from him were the bodies of more than eighty bison.

However, Zhao Hao was not happy at all. The crystallization and flesh and blood of this elementary primitive creature was no longer his pursuit.

In three days, he killed a total of two hundred beasts that came to drink water, but he didn't encounter a single rare beast!

The reason why rare creatures are called rare is that they cannot be found everywhere.

What's even more tragic is that after hunting two hundred beasts, nothing was revealed!

Primitive creatures also have a chance of dropping high-quality goods, such as mounts and healing bracelets. Zhao Hao even revealed an evolvable combat skill called "Crazy Fighting Sword Technique". In recent days, his character seemed to have been exhausted.

"Do I have a tendency to go into Africa?"

Zhao Hao's expression changed when he thought of a possibility.

According to Lao Miao, the average probability of dropping something when hunting evolved creatures is about one percent.

People who hunt two to three hundred creatures without exploding anything are so black that they are commonly called Africans.

People who can explode things after hunting a hundred creatures have normal character and are commonly known as Americans.

Those who can explode one thing out of an average of fifty creatures are lucky and are called Asians.

People who can explode one thing out of an average of twenty creatures are extremely lucky and are called Europeans.

Zhao Hao's recent luck has made him stand on the endless African savannah.

"No, I am a red-handed brother, definitely not an African!"

Zhao Hao firmly does not think that he has entered Africa. He cannot accept this setting.

"I think back then I also broke out the Savage Blade. It was very European! Well, there is also the mad fighting sword technique. Lao Miao said that 99.99% of people have no combat skills that can be evolved. The Ghost Head Gang has D Those with super combat skills can become elders... The first thing that I broke out in my life was the crazy fighting swordsmanship. This is simply a divine character that defies heaven. Yes, someone like me has the [Red Hand of God] This man is just saving up his character these days!"

Using this set of logic, Zhao Hao convinced himself.

This guy can always find a reason to be happy to motivate himself, and then live lifelessly.

He followed the mountain spring and embarked on the hunting road.

After a long time, he looked ahead curiously.

I saw a thin boy of fifteen or sixteen years old with fair features, holding an artificial short knife, fighting a wild beast.

Experts on the Internet have long studied that humans who enter the colorful beam of light need to be at least sixteen years old. If a child walks in, he or she will be ejected. Pregnant women are also not allowed to walk into the colorful light pillar.

The young man in front of me must have just turned sixteen.

In the eyes of many people, he is still a child, looking like he has graduated from junior high school at best.

God knows what he has been through. He came to the evolutionary world at a young age.

Just like Zhao Hao back then, the young man obviously didn't know how to do martial arts, and he was in dire straits under the attack of that primitive beast. Zhao Hao thought of his past self, his heart pounding with fear and his liver and gallbladder running cold under the attack of that silver wolf.

The difference with Zhao Hao is that after all, he was known as the Devil Muscular Man at the beginning, but the boy was too thin, he was born with malnutrition or was suffering from diseases. It seemed that a gust of wind could blow him down.

Zhao Hao had long been used to life and death and didn't care about the young man's life or death.

What really interested him was that the boy had a strange instinct.

The boy was much slower than the beast, but he seemed to be able to predict it and avoid the beast's attack by half a second.

It's a pity that his physical fitness is too poor. He has exhausted his strength after dodging many times, and he can't escape the end of being buried in the belly of the beast.


The young man fell to the ground, his eyes bright and clear, as if he was quietly waiting for death.

Suddenly, a flash of knife light flashed.

The invincible beast in the young man's eyes was chopped into two pieces.

He looked at Zhao Hao who came unexpectedly, still looking very calm.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Hao asked.

"The cancer is terminal, I want to come and have a look."

The young man seemed to be telling an insignificant matter. He had been suffering from a terminal illness for many years and had been accustomed to suffering from illness since he was very young. His life was filled with surgeries and chemotherapy, and he took everything very lightly. Even the death threats of primitive beasts could not shake his mind.

Zhao Hao was silent for a few seconds and took out the Savage Blade.

Although this knife is only half-part, it is still powerful and has no problem dealing with primitive beasts.

He unbound the Savage Blade, threw it in front of the boy, and then turned around and left.

The young man picked up the Savage Blade and silently looked at the strange man who suddenly appeared and left suddenly.

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