[Ding! The main mission has been completed.]

Su Cheng just woke up and heard a crisp sound from the system.

Mission completed

【Gaining resonance with 500,000 listeners has been completed. 】

Has it gained resonance with 500,000 listeners under the age of 25 so quickly?

Su Cheng was a little surprised. He checked the progress of the task before going to bed last night.

At that time, only 30% had been completed, which means the resonance of 150,000 listeners.

How come it was completed overnight?

He took out his mobile phone, turned it on, and checked the time.


Uh~, well, it’s one night and one morning.

This damn sleep quality.

Did"Water Margin" come out last night?

That’s not right.

Su Cheng remembered that the task was"The next song will gain resonance with 500,000 listeners.""

《The"Hero Song" doesn't count.

Something seemed to have happened while I was sleeping.

"Forget it, I'll ask Song Jie later"

【Now paying out rewards!】

【Congratulations to the host! Obtained god-level arrangement.

A tingling sensation came over him, and Su Cheng felt like there was something more in his head.

Another skill!

God-level arrangement ability.

This is a practical skill, much better than the"tongue-tying technique" seen in the popularity mall.

Su Cheng used to copy the scores from the"Tough Guy Song Collection". He remembered clearly what instrument to use and which note.

With the [God-level Arrangement Ability], he doesn't have to rely so much on the music library.

His own music library is now full of tough guy songs, and he could only sing tough guy songs before.

Now it's different. He can compose songs based on the general melody in his memory.

Even if he doesn't sing it himself, he can arrange music for others.

Including this, Su Cheng now has five skills

【God-level vocal skills, breath control, emotional involvement, guitar proficiency, and composing ability.

The rewards for the main quests are pretty good.

The skills in the popularity store are a bit of a rip-off.

【Mission updating......】

【Main task: Get 5 million moving points】

【Note: During the duration of this task, only women can obtain the value of touching. 】

Another task with restrictions


Su Cheng muttered in a low voice.

He felt a headache. Songs that move women.

This damn system gave me a"tough guy song collection", and the song library was full of tough guy songs.

Now I'm given a task to move women.

Who among women can be moved by a steely straight man's song?


Besides, where can I find five million Mulans!

The songs in the song library are all passionate and can make men excited, no problem.

Now you want me to move women!

What to move?

The aura of kingship?


A flash of lightning flashed in Su Cheng's mind.

""The spirit of a king, Overlord!"

There is a song that he is very familiar with. It was a classic among classics in his previous life.

This song has Xiang Yu's heroic spirit and his deep love for Yu Ji.

The story itself is sad and beautiful.

The song is also mixed with helplessness, sadness, and attachment.

This song is the best way to move women!

《Farewell My Concubine》!

"Five million moving points!"

After deciding on the song, Su Cheng turned his attention to the number of moving points.

Five million is not a small number, it is ten times the previous task.

This time, he can't sing on a"niche" show like the military academy joint performance. There are too few people watching, and it takes too long to finish! It took him six or seven hours to finish 30%.

Although he didn't know what happened after he fell asleep, he must not choose such an occasion for the next song.

He had to find a variety show with a big influence.

After all, there are many women who love to watch variety shows.

"Open the Popularity Mall."

After deciding on the song and the general occasion, Su Cheng remembered that there was a Popularity Mall. He took this opportunity to see if he could exchange for some practical skills or items.

The bright blue mall interface appeared in front of him.

His popularity value was displayed in the lower right corner.

6 million!

He remembered that it was 1.1 million a day ago.

This speed is a bit exaggerated!

《The popularity of the two songs"Hero Song" and"Loyalty to the Country" were not calculated separately.

All of them were counted together and counted as their own popularity.

"Enough to exchange for a 'tongue-tying technique'."

This skill only requires 5 million popularity points.

However, Su Cheng would not spend the popularity points he had worked so hard to get on such a useless skill.

Straight men, no need!

Skills are too expensive, and the ones that are worth looking at require more than 20 million popularity points.

Su Cheng turned to the item category.

He could exchange for a lot of things.

A saxophone worth 20,000 US dollars, only 2 million popularity points.

A piano handmade by a master, 6 million popularity points.

A diamond-studded trumpet, 3 million popularity points.

"How many diamonds does it need to be inlaid!"

Su Cheng couldn't help but complain.

The little blue pill, one hundred popularity points (limited to one per day).

This purchase limit is inhumane, seven times a night is not okay?

Of course, there are many items that cannot be exchanged now.

For example, this is the violin that was played before the Titanic sank.

Fifteen million popularity points!

There are too many things, Su Cheng roughly scanned them, and didn't find what he urgently needs now.

Anyway, the popularity mall is here, and he will exchange it when he needs it.

Except for the little blue pill, there is basically no purchase limit.

Just exchange it as you use it.

Su Cheng closed the popularity mall.

Picked up the phone and called Song Jie.

I wanted to ask him what happened during his sleep. He got 350,000 resonance points after sleeping. Something he didn't know must have happened.

""Su Cheng! You have been made a role model by the Ministry of Education!"

As soon as the call was connected, before she had time to ask, Song Jie excitedly shouted

"What kind of model?"

Su Cheng was confused. He sang"Loyalty to the Country" yesterday, so how could he be considered a model?

"No, it's your song that has been used as a model. The Ministry of Education is going to promote"Serve the Country with Loyalty" in primary and secondary schools across the country.》!"

I slept for a while, and the Ministry of Education already knows about this song?

Song Jie continued loudly:"I just checked Weibo, and Shanghai No. 1 Middle School has used your song as a wake-up call!"

"OK, I got it"

"What did you know? Su Cheng, do you know what it means to be promoted by the Ministry of Education?"

Without waiting for Su Cheng to answer, Song Jie continued to shout:

"It means national certification! This is an honor that many veteran singers cannot get."

Such a huge honor fell on your head, and you just said a casual"I know"?

Listening to Song Jie's excited shouting, Su Cheng said helplessly:

"Then I will be so happy that I will jump three feet high?"

Just about to hang up the phone, I remembered that my latest mission is to impress women.

"Please help me keep an eye out for variety shows that girls like recently, where I can sing on them."

After saying that, she hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to answer.

Song Jie heard the two"beep" notification sounds coming from the phone, indicating that the call was hung up.

She was a little confused.

"Girls' favorite variety show!"

"Are we going to sing a tender song again?"

"Go back to the young and handsome route?"

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