In An Cheng’s right hand, the Flame Long Stick of the King of Cerberus swept abruptly.

The blazing flames that burst out from the flame stick instantly heated the arctic-chilled closed room to a suitable temperature for normal human activities.

“Miko, this is for you.”

The Trialist girls who can always watch the development of the battle situation from outside the door.

Only then did he slowly enter this environment that was no longer too harsh for ordinary people.

Empty-handed, Yotsuya Miko had just stepped into the interior of the Kankai room on the second floor.

Then he saw An Cheng without mercy, throwing the azure three-section stick he was holding in his left hand towards him at random.


Yotsuya saw that he hurriedly stretched out his hand and barely caught the magic tool that An Cheng had thrown over carelessly.

Her golden eyes widened slightly because of the astonishment that welled up in her heart.

“However, didn’t that hell three-headed dog just now say that if it wants to give its power to Mr. Ancheng, it is more appropriate for you to use this magic tool yourself.”

When Yotsuya Miko was outside the door, she clearly heard the conversation between the three-headed dog of Hell and Ancheng.

Although as the second-tier guard boss, the hell three-headed dog is an enemy in terms of position.

But what may make the hell three-headed dog feel very sad is that after all, it failed to cause any harm to the trialists like An Cheng.

Miko Yotsutani, a kind-hearted girl, prays for the three-headed dog of Hell to make use of the power of his magic tool like a dying wish.

Still want to help it happen as much as possible.

So Yotsuya Miko looked hesitant, held up the azure three-section stick held in his hands, and slowly walked in front of An Cheng.

Attempts to return the magic tool to Angelo.

If Ancheng only lent himself the magic tools temporarily, as he did when he lent the king of Cerberus.

Now that Shitani Miko, who does not have a suitable magic tool in his hand to protect himself, he is naturally willing to help An Cheng keep it temporarily.

But from An Cheng’s nonchalant tone.

Yotsuya Miko felt that Ancheng completely felt that the magic tool Cerberus was useless to him, so it was like disposing of unnecessary items accumulated on his body, and he casually threw it to himself.

“I already have the king of Cerberus, this magic tool of Cerberus is useless to me, and it is also a white space to put on my body, compared to me, you still need magic tools to defend yourself.”

An Cheng waved his hand towards Yotsuya Miko, and the handsome face was full of calm.

It was as if what Yotsuya Miko had in front of him was not a powerful demon turned into a magic tool, but an ordinary wooden stick.

After all, Ancheng had already consulted with the comic playing system when he got the magic tool Cerberus.

The magic tool Cerberus can not be upgraded in the material sense with the King of Cerberus.

Nor can it be placed in the system space anytime, anywhere for easy storage and access, like the king of Cerberus, which is a reward for the system.

In terms of performance, even if you don’t count the two powerful elemental powers of the Flame Long Stick and the Thunder Long Whip, which the King of Cerberus has added.

Whether it is attack speed or output damage, the king of Cerberus, who incarnated as the king of the three-headed dog of hell, is much stronger than Cerberus.

This all-round crushing made him have the magic tool of the king of Cerberus.

It is impossible to look at Cerberus, like an old-fashioned weapon that has been fourteen years behind the King of Cerberus.

“I mean, not only in an environment like the Demon Tower, even if you return to the real world, you still need magic tools for protection.”

After seeing the persistent look of Yotsuya Miko still putting the magic tool Cerberus in front of him, An Cheng coughed lightly and continued to say to Yotsuya Miko as if he were serious.

“Because of those yin and yang eyes, you will be forced to see a lot of ghosts when you see your son.”

“Now the trial space will directly put the content of the live broadcast room on every piece of the sky of the earth, knowing that the ghosts you can see are now too many to count, and when you return to the real world, maybe every day there will be densely packed ghosts lining up to find you.”

Listening to An Cheng’s speech, after subconsciously thinking of the terrifying picture described by An Cheng in his mind, Yotsuya Miko’s face suddenly turned white.

The tears that were about to cry continued to shake in her golden eyes.

Shitani Miko began to waver.

Her slender white and delicate little hand began to gradually clench the azure cool three-section stick in her hand.

“So you just take it, a magic tool transformed into a big dog like Cerberus, it is still very suitable to use it to visit the nursing home and protect the owner.”

An Cheng gently patted the delicate shoulder of Yotsuya Miko in front of him, and suggested to her in a serious voice.

“Originally, it turns out that Mr. Ancheng is willing to give me the Cerberus magic tool for my sake, thank you……. However, this is too valuable, and I can’t come up with anything to repay you. ”

Yotsuya Miko gently wiped the crystalline tears that had not yet flowed from the corners of her eyes, and the delicate little face raised towards An Cheng was full of gratitude and a trace of entanglement.

“If you are embarrassed to take it for nothing, then take it as a custody of Cerberus for me, and you only need to pay me a certain storage fee every month.”

Looking at the tangled look on his face, because the weight of the kindness given by this white is too heavy, and he dares not accept it for a long time.

An Cheng suddenly thought of what the legendary demon hunter Dante did.

That is, Dante’s behavior of handing over all the unused magic tools to his trusted friends for safekeeping, and collecting the corresponding magic tool storage fee from his friends to buy pizza and eat.

“Custody fees… However, because of the sudden selection of the trial space, I only have three thousand yen on me now…”

Yotsuya saw that her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and she carefully took out the wallet in her pocket and took out the only three 1,000 yen bills left inside.

The live broadcast room of the trial space is projected to every corner of the earth on a global scale.

If An Cheng really intends to sell the magic tool Cerberus.

The rich who yearn for the mysterious and powerful power of this magic tool are afraid that they will fight for their heads and want to buy the priceless Cerberus.

It’s just that Shitani Miko of an ordinary family will never be able to buy a powerful magic tool like Cerberus for money.

Even if it is only rented for the storage of magic tools, the cost is not something that a high school girl like her can easily afford.

[Congratulations to the host Dante template for advancing to 75%! ] 】

[Get rewards, sword skills, dimensional slashes, sword skills, dimensional slashes, magic crafting, phantom swords, and experience in using the Yan Demon Knife! ] 】

The moment Yotsuya Miko took out her wallet, a prompt from the comic play system sounded in Ancheng’s mind.

“Enough, the storage fee or something, see the child yourself, just give it casually.”

An Cheng Shiran stretched out his finger and took the three bills from Yotsuya Miko’s hand into his hand, under the extremely touched gaze of Yotsuya Miko.

Almost for nothing, he loaned the extremely rare magic tool Cerberus to Yotsutani Miko for safekeeping.

The cost of keeping Cerberus doesn’t matter at all.

The real satisfaction of Hyun Hy is also because of the Dante template playing degree that can move forward by lending the magic tool Cerberus to Shitanimiko.

The template potential of the comic play system goes beyond Dante, who is the prototype of the character card.

At this moment, even Dante himself had never mastered the true use of the Yan Demon Knife.

A terrifying sword move that was enough to cut through space and tear the sky and earth was familiar in his chest, constantly echoing in An Cheng’s mind, as if he was a swordsmanship master who had been immersed in it for many years.

If he once again held the hilt of the Yan Demon Dao, An Cheng had enough confidence to be able to swing a dimensional slash that split the space with one move, and wipe out all the enemies in front of him.

“Ahem, the problem of magic tools is put aside.”

When he noticed that Yotsuya Miko was looking at Ancheng, compared to the embarrassment and overwhelm at the beginning, he now looked more and more unpleasant, as if he had some kind of affection.

Asada, Shino instantly sensed that something was wrong, and after coughing lightly twice, she forcibly inserted it between Ancheng and Yotsuya Miko.

The topic of the magic tool Cerberus was forcibly transferred to the skeleton demon sword on An Cheng’s back as if it was attracted by a magnet.

“V, speaking of which, what is going on with this sword of yours, why did it just take it out, causing the demons in the entire Demon Tower to howl like crazy?”

It is not only Asada Shino who cares about the origin of the Rebel Blade, but the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space has long been itchy about the answer to this question.

It’s a pity that Ancheng can’t see the barrage they sent and can’t answer the audience’s questions immediately.

Fortunately, now Asada Shino has helped them ask this long-awaited question.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately waited to pay attention to An Cheng’s response.

“Do you mean the Rebellious Blade, if you want to talk about the origin of the Rebellious Blade, then it is a long story…”

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