[Demon Hunter: Phantom’s body is constructed of burning lava, and its exterior is covered with exoskeleton stone armor, which has excellent physical defense and is also excellent in anti-magic. 】

[Demon Hunter: If you want to break the Phantom Armor defense head-on, it is completely impossible with your current firepower. 】

“I’m pretty clear about that, and then what? V, tell me the weakness of the Phantom! ”

Asada pursed her dry cherry lips and once again used the combined strike skill with Yotsuya Miko.

Yukiya Miko relies on the huge amount of magic power in her body to charge the Artemis magic gun.

Shino Asada then calibrates the angle and aims at the phantom body in a moving state.

Shino Asada’s talent as a gunslinger is extremely outstanding.

In one go, more than a dozen low-level one-eyed demon spider demons’ golden-purple magic cluster light cannons were evaporated.

The mighty bombardment hit the torso of the lava giant spider demon.

However, under the protection of the gray-white stone armor that surged with hot magma.

Shino Asada and Miko Yotsutani are confident in their combined fighting skills.

Only one polishing operation was completed for the stone armor on the phantom body, and even the slightest bit of stone chips could not be successfully shattered.

Whether it is the trialists such as Shino Asada, or the entire audience in the live broadcast room.

They all have an incomparably deep understanding of the thick protective ability of the layer of stone armor on the lava giant spider phantom.

It is supplied with a huge amount of magic power in Yotsuya Miko’s body as an energy source.

A golden-purple mana cluster light cannon blasted out by Artemis’ magic gun.

This was already the largest firepower attack that the Trialist’s group was currently able to exert.

Since even this move could not break through the armor defense of the lava giant spider demon phantom body surface.

Then Asada Shino and the others really want to be helpless against this terrifyingly powerful demon.

[Shino and Miko’s combined attack technique can’t be broken, can this lava giant spider demon really be defeated?] 】

[I’m afraid that only the Demon Hunter God himself can cut this demon under the horse! ] 】

[This demon hates the Demon Hunter God so much, I’m afraid he was hung up and beaten by the Demon Hunter God before. ] 】

[It’s just a henchman under the Demon Emperor, it’s already so terrifying, how strong the Demon Emperor himself is, I don’t dare to think about it……..].

[Demon Hunter: Phantom’s weaknesses have a total of two, because it needs to use its mouth to release mana, Phantom’s mouth is not protected by armor, and it seizes the time when it opens its mouth to output it with all its strength. ] 】

[Demon Hunter: The second is the center of the Phantom’s back, and there is a gap that is not covered by stone armor. 】

[Demon Hunter: However, it also knows that weakness, has a phantom that is not inferior to human intelligence, and will pay great attention to protecting its back during battle. 】

The corner of Asada’s eyes twitched, just as An Cheng said.

Even if it is already known that the inside of the phantom’s mouth, the gap between the armor and the back is its weak point.

But with a phantom that is not weaker than human intelligence, it will not give Asada Shino and others the opportunity to attack those two weak positions.

No matter how much the fire power was poured out, the Quiet Moon Arrow, Golden Shotgun, and Red Soul Stone, which densely occupied the entire space, were ejected to the phantom body surface.

It still didn’t have the slightest effect, and it couldn’t even make the phantom go backwards even that step.

I finally aimed at the gap between the back armor and the inside of the mouth.

Phantom’s long lava scorpion tail, and twelve slender arthropods swinging between.

It was easy to cut off and smash all the attacks launched by Asada, Shino and others.

[Demon Hunter: As for the phantom’s attack method, in addition to the obvious scorpion tail and arthropods, it can also transform the magic accumulated in the body into flames through the mouth and spit out, bury the head in the ground, and ignite the resentment of the dead in the ground into a pillar of flame……..].

“Don’t say it’s an attack method like spitting flames, now it only attacks with knuckles and tails, it already makes us burnt out———— V, you hurry up and think of a way!”

Even if you have a magic tool as a support weapon.

But Shino Asada and the others are just ordinary human girls, and they can’t last long in the high temperature environment that the phantom comes with.

With even the magic tools helpless against the stone armor defense of the phantom body, Asada Shino had to ask for help again.

Trying to get a magic tool or strategy that can restrain the phantom, and in one fell swoop reverse the death situation that is now in a desperate situation.

“It seems that if I don’t give you some color, you tiny bugs won’t tell Lord Phantom the news of that damn demon hunter.”

The Phantom seemed to be tired of the constant feeling of being attacked by the Trialist girls on the armor of the body surface.

Its six blue compound eyes flashed with an evil glow, and its gaze swept over Shino Asada, who were carrying magic tools, and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Shitani Miko, who showed a stubborn expression and held the shotgun tightly with both hands.

Between An Yilun, who was holding his injured wrist and holding his face with a cringe on his face, he did not dare to look at him.

A phantom who tries to kill a monkey and force Shino Asota and Yukinoshita Yukino to hand over the news of “Dante”.

Of course, I chose An Yilunye, who was a soft egg at first glance and would scream loudly.

“Wait a minute! Lord Demon! Phantom-sama! I said, I know that demon hunter you’re talking about! I’ll tell you everything, please let me go!!! ”

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