Shells from all directions pierced the night sky, whistling as they hit the anchored clipper.

The sea beast Moo Moo immediately sank into the water to avoid being hit.

Zoro, Sanji, and Nami, who returned home at night, responded immediately.

At the stern, the blood knife cut the incoming shells in half from more than ten meters away, and sparks blew up in the air.

On the top of the ship, green flames erupted from Sanji's body, swallowing up the shells on both sides of the ship silently.

At the bow, thick fog suddenly spread from Nami's body, and the shells sank into the thick fog, and nothing happened.

There was no fire, no explosion.

"Four Devil Fruit users?"

The people observing in the dark were shocked.

According to the currently known information.

Bloody-Eye Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, has a powerful healing ability.

This healing ability allowed Zoro, who had not eaten or drunk for many days in Shields Town, to burst out with powerful combat power.

It also allowed the chef of the sea restaurant Barati, Red-legged Zeff, to regenerate his broken leg.

It also allowed Miss Kaya of the West Rob Village to recover from her illness and poisoning. It also allowed Nokigo and Ken, who were dying in Cocoa Village, to recover as before.

Zoro showed his blood control ability for the first time in Shields Town. He could condense his own blood to form a blood knife, making his swordsmanship weird and unpredictable.

After joining the Straw Hat Pirates, Sanji also suddenly mastered a green flame.

Now even the navigator Nami has shown the ability of thick fog.

The four-fifths of the Straw Hat Pirates' Devil Fruit users are astonishing.

Seeing the Straw Hat Pirates The strength shown.

The bombardment was reduced by two-thirds at once.

But there was still one-third who were still stubborn and continued to bombard.

This one-third was most likely the staff of Baroque Works.

Only in this way.

Would they risk their lives to protect the face of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

Then they paid the price for their risk.

A red light flashed.

The flying shells flew back at a faster speed.

In the loud explosion.

There was a flame everywhere on the Whiskey Peak.

Along with the flames.

All the bombardments fell silent.

The people of Whiskey Peak had a panoramic view of this confrontation.

They made a great assessment of the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates.

With such strength.

No wonder they dared to challenge the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile just after arriving at the first half of the Grand Line.

As long as Crocodile didn't do it himself.

The Straw Hat Pirates It was not difficult for the thieves to escape safely from the hands of Baroque Works.

For a time, many bounty hunters were tempted.

What tempted them was not to join the Straw Hat Pirates and fight Crocodile together.

But to try to follow the Straw Hat Pirates and then pick up leaks.

Many senior members of Baroque Works carry high bounties.

If they can fish in troubled waters and pick up two corpses, it will be a profit of hundreds of millions.

That's right.

Bounty hunters are so useless.

Most bounty hunters are more like hyenas and vultures.

Few bounty hunters and pirates confront each other head-on.

Hidden guns, poisoning, and picking up leaks are routine operations.

Otherwise, with so many bounty hunters, the fledgling Zoro would not have made a name for himself as a pirate hunter.

One night passed.

There were no other attacks.

Bombed by shells. The dead bodies have been buried.

Those injured by the shells have been treated.

The fire has been put out.

The damaged buildings are also being rebuilt. Although last night was lively.

But in the Whiskey Peak where bounty hunters gather, it is not too unusual.

They are all used to the situation where gunfire may break out at any time.

But there are indeed not many conflicts using artillery.

Pictures and reports flowed out from Whiskey Peak.

The revelation of the Straw Hat Pirates' abilities will inevitably become a new hot news in the world.

There was a challenge to the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile before.

It's just right to make some news fees by taking advantage of this.

The area around the Straw Hat Pirates' clipper was empty.

Everyone in Whiskey Peak ignored them.

Life continued as normal.

The second night.

There were gunshots and explosions at Whiskey Peak again.

But this time the target was no longer the Straw Hat Pirates.

It was a fight within Baroque Works.

Soon, the strong movement spread from the residential area to the dock.

"help me"

"The pursuers behind me are Crocodile's lackeys"

"I am willing to join you to fight against Crocodile."

A female voice shouted at the clipper.

Behind her, a tall and strong man was covered in blood and flesh, but he kept shooting backwards to block the pursuit.

But it was useless.

A fully armed armored figure, holding a huge steel shield, charged at a man and a woman.

Behind the shield, a toy-like air gun and water gun with an explosive head shot at the strong man and the girl one after another.

The toy-like shooting caused a violent explosion.

Because there was no shelter to protect him, the strong man stepped forward and blocked the girl. His flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the wounds could already see bones and internal organs. It was extremely terrifying.


The girl screamed.

Then the strong man in front of her was hit by a shield and flew away.

"Princess Weiwei, we meet again."

A female voice came from under the armor.

The iron glove was raised high towards Princess Weiwei's head, and it would smash down violently in the next moment.

But they couldn't take the next step.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The pirate appeared in front of the two of them.

"I can't move."

The armored lady and the Afro were all shocked.

One of them had the ability of the Light and Heavy Fruit, which allowed her to freely adjust her weight between one kilogram and ten thousand kilograms.

So her fighting style became wearing a full set of armor and using the adjustment of her weight to impact and hit.

The Afro was a user of the Explosion Fruit.

He could turn his body tissue into bombs, including air and liquid.

So the weapons he used were air guns and water guns, which could maximize his abilities.

Both of them were cadres of Baroque Works.

Afro Mr. 5 Jem and Ms. Valentine Michita.

Then the two found that not only could they not move, but their bodies were even melting.


Afro and the armored lady disappeared.

Only their clothes, weapons and armor were left behind.

The pirates recovered two blood eyes.

They were the Light and Heavy Blood Eye and the Explosion Blood Eye.

To become a devil fruit user, you don't need to eat devil fruits.

The Four Emperors BIG MOM Charlotte Linlin vividly showed others another way to obtain a devil fruit.

That is to swallow the devil fruit user whole.

In this way, you can inherit the ability of the other devil fruit user.

This is how the pirates operate.

Use the blood eye to swallow the afro and Valentine completely.

Sure enough, you get the exploding blood eye and the light and heavy blood eye.

Such a mysterious and weird way of killing shocked Vivi.

But she reacted quickly.

She completely ignored her so-called royal dignity and knelt down in front of the pirates.

"Please save Ikalem"

"I'm willing to pay any price!"

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