The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3342: One person is three thousand, spike!

One stroke gave the lord of the Raptor sect to the second.


The little priest didn't even move his hand, just read a word gently.

It’s also a strong person in the realm of heaven.

Just so?

Is there any Wang Fa, is there any reason?

It is like an ant, saying that he stepped on death and trampled on, but... the ant should step on it at least, but the little priest did not move, and Zhang Rapong died.

There is nothing left in the entire head.

The elders of the Raptors, the disciples did not react for a while, all looked at the little priests in a stupid manner, and many people squinted and thought they were blind.

Half a minute passed.

An elder gave an exclamation, "The sovereign, the sovereign, the sovereign, is dead!"

Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ninety-nine armored eagle disciples' faces were stunned, and they stared at the little priests with their eyes sulking.


Angry and arrogant.

The disciples of the Raptor are holding their fists one by one.

An elder shouted, "Fighting!"

His battle fell, and the armored condor instantly showed a battle form.

Some of the elders of Yuzong sank their minds and said: "It's over!"

"It's over, it's over!"

"Kill the lord of the Raptor sect, this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ”

"At the time, we are afraid..."

Everyone knows that Zhang Rapong is a man of Yuan Qizong. Now that he is dead, Yuan Zong is definitely not very sorry, and what kind of existence is Yuan Qizong?

Heavenly forces!

In other words, Yuzong has already provoked the power of the Tianzu.

Even if there are 10,000 lives, it is not enough to die!

Yu Feidao: "The lord, now that Zhang raptor is dead, this is our chance. I am willing to be a pioneer and kill."

An elder immediately shouted: "Yu Fei, do you want to make Yu Zong Wan dynasty?"

"Do you want to let Yuzong die?"

"Do you have a brain?"

"Are we really afraid of the Raptor? We are afraid of the Yuan Qizong, the Tianzu, have you thought about the consequences?"

Yu Feidao: "I don't care what you think. He is ill and wants him. The Raptor has been riding on our heads for the past year. Now it is time to get back."

He is like killing first.

The quarrel in the temple kept going.

Longfei glanced at the main hall and said to the elder who was still on the ground: "Go back and tell your lord, let them stop a little, and watch it on the side, don't worry about his mother, it's annoying!"


The elder was stunned and flew past, and then said the words of Longfei without saying a word.

The faces of many elders sank.

"I thought it would be great to kill Zhang Raptor?"

"Since you are arrogant, I will see how you deal with the three thousand iron armor eagle of this raptor."

"See how he died!"

"I don't know how tall and thick, I really thought that the raptors would be less chased by a sovereign. He thought more."

"Look at how he died!"


Indignation is very upset.

Yu Fei looked at Longfei's heart and was very anxious.

He knows the power of the Raptor.

It will not be because of the death of a raptor, but the army will be in a state of chaos, but it will be more envious and more united, and a stronger force will come out.

Three thousand against the three.

Longfei did not have any wins.

Yu Fei wants to go out to help, but Longfei is too arrogant, and many elders are unhappy, even the Sovereign will not agree.


Longfei stood in the same place and did not move.

The mad king stood by his side.

It is not so much that three people play against three thousand, it is better to say that one person is fighting three thousand.

The little priest is suspended in the air.

In the face of the mighty armored eagle, he just snorted. "I know that you are all forced. You don't want them to control. You want freedom, you need the sky."

"Don't worry!"

“I’ll be fine soon!”

Hanging on the knees.

Gently read your mouth.




Countless golden runes emerged from his body, falling one by one, and in a flash, the little priest stood up and smiled and said, "Okay!"

The voice fell.

The disciples of the Raptors saw the golden runes printed on their bodies, swept them hard, went to frustration, and wanted to get rid of them, but they could not do it at all.

Think of the death of the lord.

Their eyes slammed and slammed.

The little priest fainted, "explosion!!!"




The mad explosion, two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine raptors of the Raptor, burst into flames at this moment, and died in an instant, not only that.

The place where they burst is the head.

The power of the beast built by the sea and the armored condor is also instantaneously cracked.

The armored eagle gave a free scream, and the wings swept to the sky.

For a time.

Three thousand iron armor eagle flew into the air, the scene was unusually spectacular.

The little priest smiled and said: "Fly, fly!"

Just one minute.

The original piece of black pressure, now no one.

The entire Yuzong is surprisingly quiet.

Quiet and flustered, all eyes wide open, growing up and watching the little priests slowly falling down in the sky, one by one is like falling over the earth.

"Is that human being?"

"Is that child a human?"

"He, he, what did he just do?"

"My Scorpio, what happened just now?"

"Three thousand iron armor eagle, yes,,, that's it? The strongest force of the raptor, so it's gone?"

"He is definitely not a human."


Looking at the little priests one by one is like watching God. Now I dare not say any ridiculous words, even a contemptuous look.

The little Taoist priest fell on the side of Longfei and said: "Senior brother, solved."

Longfei nodded, but his heart was dark and tight. "Hey, the crisis has been lifted. Why hasn't the system sounded yet? It is reasonable to say that this task has been completed?"


"I rub!"

"System, what do you want to hang me?"

Longfei opened the system to see that the task was not completed, and the time has passed one-third, which means that Longfei has 16 hours to complete the task.


"No reason."

Longfei didn't understand. He walked back to the hall and looked at Yu Fei. He said: "The crisis of Yuzong has been lifted."

Yu Fei is now in awe of Longfei, and his voice is low.

The little priest and the mad king stood behind Longfei.

Those elders are quick to avoid, bow their heads and dare not look straight.

Yu Feidao: "Yes, it was lifted, and the Raptor was destroyed."

The patriarch of Yuzong is bold: "The Raptor is extinct, but the crisis of Yuzong is not. We are not afraid of the Raptor, but the Yuan Zong, the power of the Tian!"

After talking about his body, he trembled.


Longfei murmured, "I understand!"

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