The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1850: Dragon fly, die together!

With a look of arrogance, I didn’t think that Longfei would play this hand! ! !

Too dirty, too sinister!

For a time, the audience was stunned and fancy in the dragon.

"Rely, is this too shameless?"

"Dragon, can you be like a man?"

"What is shameless? Is this the brain to understand? The brain is a good thing, do you have it?"

"Smart, too smart, Yan Nantian, the head of the top ten disciples, was killed in the absence of the game. Hahaha... This move is too smart."

"Ha ha ha... wonderful, so wonderful."


There are many arguments and different opinions.

Longfei didn't care what other people said. He hangs on the corner of his mouth and smiles at Nie Lin and Yan Nantian's expression. He mutteres, "You can't play!"

The elders were a little embarrassed, and Nie Lin, who looked at Xuanyang Zong, had to go to the ring and said: "According to the rules of the exchange meeting and the current points."

"Tian Zongzong, Longfei's points have far exceeded all disciples, this year's newcomer..."

The voice has not finished yet.

Yan Nantian suddenly got up and shouted: "Slow!"

The presiding elder paused.

Yannan flew out in a step, and immediately landed, standing in front of Longfei, cold ice swearing: "Dragon, you have this trick? With me brushing Yin?"

"Yes." Longfei smiled and said: "I have this trick, I am biting me?"

The rogue is a rogue.

Yan Nantian’s eyes sank and said: “You!!!”

Longfei smiled and said: "What happened to me? Very handsome?"

Yannan Tiandao: "Dragon, do you dare to accept my challenge? I will crush you on the ground within ten strokes."

"I want to single-handedly?" Long Fei looked at Yan Nantian.

Yannan Tiandao: "Are you afraid?"

Longfei smiled slightly and said: "I accept, but don't worry, I will look at the advanced demon temple, you will wait here."


Longfei is about to step down.

As long as the dragon flies into the Devil's Temple, he will be the newcomer of this year.

Nie Lin suddenly got up, and some panicked people sighed and said: "No, you can't let him in!"

The Devil Temple can only enter one person.

If Longfei enters, then she will lose this opportunity.


Every disciple can only participate in an exchange meeting. This year is coming, and next year will not be qualified. This is the only chance for Nie Lin.

Nie Lin’s face was cold and said: “Yan Nantian, what are you doing? Stop him.”

Yannantian eyes flashed a hint of cold, cold and sullen: "Dragon, can't pass me, you can't enter the devil temple."

The sword is moving.




The sound of the sword raged, and all the surrounding areas were crushed toward the dragon. Yannan Tianyi came up to display all the power. He must not let Longfei enter the Devil Temple.

Longfei stood still in the same place, faintly said: "Yan Nantian, I used to think that you are at least an individual. I didn't expect you to be a dog who listened to people. He would listen to a woman, among the top ten disciples. The eight disciples are also what she told you to kill?"

"For a woman, you can really get the blood."

Yan Nantian’s eyebrows are tight.

Nie Lin’s eyes also flashed a cold light.

The elders of the nine major Zongmen were all shocked, and they looked at Yan Nantian.

Yan Nantian’s sword in his hand was even more fierce. He yelled: “Long Fei, I don’t know what you are saying, give me death!”


A sword hit, stabbing the dragon's eyebrows, and the swords in all directions spurred on him like a sharp sword with the same handle.

"Fei brother is careful!"

"Be careful!"


Many people exclaimed and screamed.

Yan Nantian’s full force, the sword is soaring, and Longfei has no reaction. He certainly can’t resist it.


"Yan Nantian is the head of the top ten disciples. Who among his younger generation is his opponent?"

"Oh... but unfortunately, I still like Longfei this kid, very energetic."

"I will die soon."

"He didn't even have a reaction. This sword will kill him."


Longfei did not react at all, just like being scared.

Nie Lin’s mouth showed a sneer sneer, and said: “Long Fei, you have to use that trick if you want to live? When you run out of that trick, what else can you have?”


Nie Lin has been waiting, she is waiting for Longfei to use Blasting Boxing.


At the root, she did not know that Longfei’s blasting fist was still cooling and could not be released.

Everyone is watching Longfei.

Yannan Tianjian Mang flashed golden light, a sword and force, heavy blows, "dead!"

Power is extremely strong.

This sword can easily kill the same-order powerhouse of the purple star first-order power, and even kill the purple-star second-order powerhouse, but... the level of Longfei is now!

Purple Star Sixth Order! ! !

The breath on his body moved slightly, and the fingers were gently pinched.


The powerful explosive force of the purple star has burst out of the body, forming a fierce impact, and directly crushing the sword gas from all directions.

The void ripples like a wave, and the rapid rollover oscillates out.

at the same time.

Longfei's fingers are gently clipped, and the long sword of Yan Nantian is easily grasped, and the power on the fingertips bursts!



The long sword broke, the tip of the sword fell in the hands of Longfei, and the dragon flew at a pace, and instantly fell on the side of Yan Nantian, with the sword tip on his neck.

All of this is like a flowing stream, completed in an instant.

It’s dazzling and dazzling.

Yannan Tianzheng lived, his eyes were shocked, his eyes looked down at the broken sword on his neck, his body was trembling, and said: "Longfei, there is something to discuss."

All the people in the audience were shocked.

Especially Nie Lin!

"What is the realm of Longfei's cultivation?"

"Isn't Yesterday's Blue Star Realm?"

"No, no, he is now repairing from the breath of the moment is at least the purple star realm, and above Yannan, otherwise it is impossible to crush Yannantian in an instant."

"Purple Star Realm? My God, is he always hiding? Otherwise, who can break through dozens of layers in a single night?"

"I rely on, be crazy."


Not everyone can be more and more anti-kill.

The level of the realm is particularly important. A layer of realm is a heavy day. It is too difficult to fight against the level.

Not everyone is as perverted as Longfei!

Longfei Zixing six products can easily crush Yannantian without a little temper.

"In the past, Lao Tzu always kills leapfrogs. He has never tried to crush people who are lower than my level. It is quite cool to try today." Long Fei said in the ear of Yan Nantian: "Talk about it, how did you kill it?" Eight disciples?"

Yan Nantian’s eyes were tight and he couldn’t help but look at Nie Lin.

Nie Lin’s face was blue.

It was at this time.

Yannantian eyes flashed a strong chill, saying: "Dragon fly, die together!"

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