The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1823: angry! !

In the evening, in the woods.

The end of the day's test is a one-day cultivation end for Longfei.


"One day and one night of cultivation, finally broke through." Longfei smiled softly, and when he was about to leave, another place in the grove sounded a dispute.

"Nie Lin?"

Longfei’s heart glimpsed and immediately passed.


"Nie Shimei, you have seen the results today. No one can stop me. I will definitely become the newcomer of this year. When you and I are married, we will be able to rely on the strength of our sect."

Don't wait for the opposite man to finish.

Nie Lin coldly said: "Yan Nantian, how many times do you understand? You are you, I am me, please don't keep me with you."

The handsome man opposite is Yan Nantian, the head of the top ten disciples.

Yan Nantian smiled and said: "Why? Nie Shimei, you used to be like this. After you came back from Xianyuan Cliff, you changed into a person. Why?"

"Because of the waste of that day?"

"If it is because of him..."

"Today I want him to die under my sword." Yan Nantian said coldly.

Nie Lin said: "I have never changed. You and I will never be a person of the world. We are pursuing different things and different means. I will not be as sinister and sinister as you are..."

The words are not finished.

Yan Nantian suddenly stepped forward and stared at Nie Lin with his eyes: "All I have done is for you."



Yan Nantian shivered a little, and his body suddenly became strong. "Get me out!"

In the jungle, Longfei saw a familiar figure, Lu Shuangquan.


Longfei smiled and walked out and said: "I am very embarrassed, bothering you."

"That, you continue."

Nie Lin looked at Longfei's face with a slight change and immediately explained: "Longfei, we are not what you think."

"You are Longfei?" Yan Nantian sneer sneer.


Yan Nantian strode forward and walked to the front of Longfei. He looked up and down and smiled. "A district name is a famous disciple. I heard that the talented disciples who were deprived of their talents are dead. ?"

Nie Lin also quickly came up and directly took Longfei's hand and said: "Let's go, ignore this madman."

Looking at Nie Lin’s hand holding Longfei’s hand, Yan Nantian’s eyes will spurt anger, and the pace will move, and it will fall in front of Longfei’s front to block his way. “How? I’m wrong? If the day is disabled Zong is not dead, how can you let this kind of garbage come to the exchange meeting?"


"Forgot, your garbage has not yet come to power."

"Heavenly Remnant... The name really started, all of them are wastes. I don’t know if the flying goddess of the year was disabled or the limbs were perfect. Maybe it was crippled..."

The voice fell.

Longfei’s eyes lifted and his right hand moved. “Boom!”

The dragon of the fire dragon fell in the hands.

Between the electric and the Flint, Longfei stepped out one step at a time, "I don't move the king!"


The flame is like a dragon, and the knife is mad and raging. In an instant, Yan Nantian will be enveloped, and the powerful and unmoving Ming Dynasty will fall wildly.

Just at this moment.

Yannan Tiandong did not move, but a look of disdain, cold smile, said: "Do you have this power?"

"Sword slave!"


In the back of Yan Nantian, the old man who was carrying his back came out, holding a short sword in his hand, and made a continuous move. In a short moment, he would not block the imperial king.

"Who dares to do it here."

A patrol squad outside the forest rushed in and saw Yan Nantian immediately respectfully said: "Is it a Yan brother?"


"Is this kid going to do it for you?"

Yannan’s cold ice and ice screamed, “Get out!”

The patrol team was slightly shocked.

Longfei’s eyes lifted slightly and his fists sank.

Nie Lin immediately took Longfei and gently shook her head and said, "No."

The action is so close, Yan Nantian is even more angry, and the fists are clenched and shivered. "Dog stuff!"

Longfei had a drink and a pair of fists exploded.


Insults can be anyone, but... just can't say his mother!

The breath of Longfei’s body slammed into a blast, and the fists rushed straight up.

It was at this time.


A figure fell and violently shocked. The powerful pressure directly crushed Longfei and snarled Longfei. "You kid, are you looking for death?"

More and more people in the forest are coming together.

Lu Shuangquan also arrived with Wang Tai and Bawang flowers, standing beside Long Fei, and be careful to guard.

Longfei chilled and said: "Look at who is looking for death."

Yan Nantian sneered and said: "As for your waste, if there are so many people today, you are already dead, understand?"


"A named disciple whose talent has been abandoned also dares to be in front of me. What do you count? If it is in the test field, you are a dead dog."

Longfeidao: "Is the dead dog?"

"I will let you know what a dead dog is right away."

Once again, the breath will be washed away.

At this moment.

The two elders of Tianzongzong and Jin Hao came up, and Jin Yu sipped out. "Long Fei, are you having enough trouble? Give me back!"

"The face of Tian Zongzong has been lost by you!"


The two elders immediately apologized to Yan Nantian for the ceremony. "I am really sorry, we have no discipline, and please elders forgive me."

Yan Nantian sneered and said: "Go back and take care of this dog. If it appears in front of me again, he will only become a dead dog, understand?"

"Longfei, there is a kind of tomorrow's seeing on the platform, but I don't think you dare, a waste dare to stage?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Yan Nantian laughed and laughed, and immediately said to Nie Lin: "Nie Shimei, I will consider the things I mentioned... so a waste is not worthy of you."

Turn around.

Yan Nantian laughed and left.

Many people followed him behind him and sneered at Longfei.

"Toad wants to eat."

"Don't sneak in the urine to see what kind of virtues you have."

"The famous disciple of Tian Zongzong."


Countless ridicules sounded.

A little bit pointed at the way.

Kim’s face was extremely ugly, and the bite of the teeth blew.

In the camp.

Jin Hao roared with Longfei and said: "Long Fei, you have lost the face of Tian Zongzong..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei’s eyes suddenly slammed, and his body slammed into a rush. Longfei kicked Jin Hao on the ground and stepped on his face. He said: “If you don’t let me play tomorrow, ,I will kill you!!!"

"have you understood?"

The air is ferocious, like a beast.

"Yan Nantian, don't kill you tomorrow, Lao Tzu with your surname!"


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