The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1095: Dragon trenches are dragged into hell

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

There was a roar of sound inside the beam, just like a huge drill bit slowly stopped drilling.

After a few seconds.


The beam disappeared, and a huge black hole in the palace flashed a golden light, then fell silent.

"Open, open, open!"

The Qinglong ancestors sensed the breath of the Dragon Field for the first time. At the moment of fleeting moments, Longfei broke through the limit, the insertion of the heart of the Dragon Field, and the power of the Yuanlong body broke out.

It’s amazing.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ to open the Dragon Field, gaining 100 million points of experience, 1 million points for Xianli, and 1 million points for special rewards.”


The figure of Longfei fell.

I glanced at my father's direction, my eyes sank, and said slightly: "Hey, you can rest assured that I will open the Dragon Field and will definitely finish the road you have not finished."

"Hey, hold on!"

"Yuanba, you insist, I will come back as soon as possible."

To Long Sanfeng Road: "Grandpa, let's go!"

Long Sanfeng said: "Xiaofei, your father, he..."

Long Feiqiang put on a smile and said: "Grandpa, you can rest assured that you will be fine."

Big deal is in the next hell.

This time I was faced with the **** of death, and I also tried to overthrow him.

The barrier of death is unfolding. Even if it is Longfei, there is no way to break through. He can't do anything. The only thing he can do is to enter the dragon field and get more powerful power.

Let Longzu return home.

Incorporating the claws of Yuanlong, the other is to complete the ‘Dragon domain’ mission!

Long Sanfeng glimpsed a little, and said: "The dragon disciples listened to the orders and all entered the black hole."

Longfei went to Jojo, the leopard female Liuluoxi, and they watched them become mature and become more beautiful. Longfei blamed himself: "Let you suffer."

Jojo walked up and said, "Master, don't do this."

Liuluo River Road: "Long Fei, you suffered."

The things that Longfei shoulders are unimaginable and heavy.

Long Fei said faintly: "From today, I will not let you suffer any more."


"Go with me." Longfei extended his right hand and held Jojo's little hand.

Jojo’s body trembled slightly, his cheeks blushing and he was shy.

The leopard female is full of wildness and directly holds Longfei’s arm. “Yong Gong, I will never leave you again.”

"come on."

"Look together to see what a dragon field is."

Longfei clenched their little hands and jumped heavily.

Thousands of dragons entered the black hole.

The brothers and women around Longfei also jumped.

Gu Tongtian watched the dragon fly and jumped, and couldn’t do anything. The heart was not willing to let him go crazy, and the heavy roar, said: "Give me kill!!"


"Breaking the barrier."

The dragon domain is open, but he can't go in?

Waiting for these years, everything that has been done in these years is in vain?

This makes Gutongtian's heart unbearable.

Two eyes staring at the dragon battle, said: "Dragon battle, I want you to die!"

The dragon war smirked and said: "Gutongtian, you don't always want to get the dragon secret treasure? You don't always want to open the dragon domain?"

"Now the dragon domain is open, but you can't go in. How is this feeling? Hahaha..."


"I **** your ancestors for eighteen generations, and my wife will come."

The dragon warfare rushed up without hesitation.

Like a thunder, all the power of the whole body is released, and a long sword flashes out of the sky, and each sword flower is like a sword spirit.

The sword of the sky.


at this time.

The Western Regions' ancestors shouted, "Give me kill!"

The giant axe in the hands of Li Yuanba shocked and said: "Brothers, it’s our turn to break out of the Eight Kings, and turn these fairy dogs into pieces!"


Li Yuanba took the lead and immediately rushed out.

The whole body was surging, and the golden light flashed. He smashed into the axe of a flying fairy who rushed up. "Give me a slap!"


The giant axe opened the sky, the giant spirits surged, and a stroke was killed.


Seven King Kong immediately followed Li Yuanba and attacked madly.

For a time.

The sky above Yuanlong City was dark and dark, and the entire southern Tianyu was shaking.

The eight King Kong, the heart and the heart, the force of the force, broke out eight times the power out, the ordinary Xian domain strong is not an opponent at all, completely killed by his eight people.



The power of the Holy Spirit of the Spirit broke out.

"The blade waltz!"


Oya's sword meaning.

"The Emperor is arrogant!"

The black knife's knives are played to the fullest.

The eight King Kongs broke out all the power and it was unstoppable.


The dragon wars and the ancient Tongtian fight together, thousands of rounds, regardless of the top and bottom.

The flying Feixian strong people can't enter their battles at all.

It was completely shocked by the arrogance on them.

Just when everything is going on normally.


The **** of death, who has not moved, suddenly spoke, saying: "The dragon is raging, time is up!"


In the hands of the **** of death, a huge sickle slammed into the hook, directly hooking the body of the dragon war, and the sickle was stabbed from his chest and exposed from the back.

Forced to drag.



The dragon’s body slammed out and the blood rushed to the ground. The loud voice: “Death, give me a little more time, give me a little more time.”

Death stopped and said slightly: "You have a last wish, I will help you. Do you want to use the last chance?"

The dragon battle is silent.

He wants to let the **** of death kill the ancient days, but not.

What he wants is not the life of the ancient heaven. He wants the whereabouts of his wife. Moreover, it is best to leave it to Longfei for a chance. He must leave everything to Longfei.

This is how he has been in his life.


He can't let Longfei stop at Tianwu, he should go to a more powerful plane.

The dragon battle is silent.

The **** of death grinned and moved, saying: "If you don't want to use the last chance, then you will go to **** with me."

The dragon battle was dragged to the ground.

His body is not moving.

Blood flowed to the ground.

"Dragon Uncle!"

Li Yuanba turned around and squatted against the huge incomparable death god, and screamed, "Go to hell, don't move the dragon."

Not waiting for the power of Li Yuanba to fall, the eyes of the **** of death are gently lifted.



Li Yuanba was hit by a force and flew 10,000 meters. All the buildings where the body went were turned into ruins.

The seven King Kongs moved.

The attack fell down. This time, the **** of death did not even lift his eyes, and the seven people flew straight out.

All knocked over.

The dragon war shouted: "Don't come over."

The body of death sank, and the huge sickle lifted the dragon battle to the air, and the dragon battle was brought into hell.

Also at this moment.

The barrier of death disappears, and Gutongtian has a look at both eyes. "All enter the dragon field!!"


chapter Five!

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