The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1073: Dragonfly's choice

The light of temptation has been seldom used.


Its rating is not low, it has reached the sixth level.

This skill is a brainwashing skill that controls the central nervous system and has a 50% bonus to some inferior monsters.


Longfei gently exhaled a breath.

Yan Huang ancestors said: "Kid, are you crazy? The power of the behemoth is indeed low, but it hates people who want to control it. Once he is angry, even if you are five, you will be crushed into powder. ”

"You still do what I said, pretend to die."

"You are not going to chase the world to seek more powerful power? Do you want to die here?" Yan Huang's ancestors anxiously get angry.

Longfei is a madman.

For good things, as long as you look at it, he will not move his legs.

There used to be room for retreat, but now... here is the dividing point, an extremely dangerous place, where anything can happen.

He wants to control the Behemoth?

This is going to see the rhythm of the king.

Longfeidao: "There is not much to control, as long as this guy can become my fighting pet, what Tianwu mainland, what is the heavenly fairy temple, the chaotic world, Laozi is to sweep."

Yan Huang ancestors: ...


"You are a madman!"

Longfei grinned and laughed, said: "Old ancestors, you don't know that today, I am a madman, not crazy, why is it a magic?"

"Ha ha ha..."


When the dragon flies, his heart is also jumping, no matter what, he will go out in this step, screaming, "the light of temptation!!"

A skill is released.

The dazzling **** grid began to expand from the little finger pressed on Longfei, and it was densely covered. In just half a minute, the entire behemoth was covered.

"It’s awkward."


The idea of ​​the grid enters the depths of the behemoth's brain. Longfei directly said: "Become my fighting pet, I will give you a different world."

"I will let..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

A powerful force blew up in the sea of ​​Bimeng, "Give me out and get me out."

Hands clasped his head and went crazy.

Yan Huang’s ancestors sighed in the heart, “It’s over, it’s completely finished!”

Longfei did not give up, said: "I am flying to assure you that it will bring you a different kind of wonderful, I will let you break through this void."


"You give me out." Bimon's beast's eyes are red, the power released from his body has become extremely arrogant, and the killing has never been so strong.

Same as Yan Huang’s ancestors said.

He hates that others want to control his brain.

The power of the power grid is getting more and more falling. In a few minutes, the light of temptation is cooling, and it is impossible for Longfei to perform once again.


The behemoth will not give Longfei the opportunity to release the second temptation.

He is angry.

The end of anger is to kill.

The eyes are like a **** fireball, staring at the five dragons, and he screams out, "I want you to die..."

Longfei did not give up control of his brain.

Even at the last moment, Longfei would not give up, and he did not give up the word in his dictionary.

He is still persuading constantly, and constantly wants to control Biemen's brain.


Just between the lightning flashes, a huge vortex appears at the demarcation point.

The Yan Huang ancestors shouted and said: "Long Fei, the opportunity has come, the super law has appeared in turbulence, it can fly out of the behemoth."

"This is your only chance."

The behemoth is also a glimpse.

In this chaotic space, the super-law turbulence is the only thing he fears. If he is hit, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

A more critical point.

In the depths of his memory, his father died under the impact of this super law turbulence.

In order to save him from dying.

This is a great opportunity.

Li Yuanba and Tianling both looked at Longfei.

As long as Dragon flies away and let the super law sneak into the behemoth, they will be fine.

On the occasion of a thousand miles.

Longfei looked at Li Yuanba and the four of them smiled and said: "If I am dead, go out by yourself."

The voice fell.

Longfei screamed and screamed, "Ten-level unparalleled, give me away!!"


One thousand and twenty-four times the power of the property broke out.

The concept of Longfei enters the sea of ​​knowledge, and the defensive power of the body of the merging dragon is released.

Eight Jinlong forcibly guarded the body.

The other thirty-eight dragon ancestors also brushed into the body of Longfei.


Longfei tried to resist all the defensive forces, such as a super giant, heavy in front of the behemoth beast, two eyes excitedly watching the behemoth beast, said: "As long as you become my brother, I will Resist you for everything, use your life to resist!"

In this situation.

Longfei can't use the Central Asian gold body to resist, otherwise the time and space will still pass through his body.

You can only go to the body with your body.

Yan Huang's ancestors are dumbfounded. "I... I really can't take you, I really can't see you."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Since you are going crazy, then I can only go crazy with you." Yan Huang's ancestors laughed wildly and said: "Let you see the power of my complete **** release."


A force deepened in the depths of Dantian, the force formed a defensive shield, wrapped in the dragon fly.

The law is turbulent.



The explosion of the earth-like explosion sounded on the heart of Longfei. With the protection of thousands of strengths, Longfei’s body continued to tremble and tremble.

The impact of the super law turbulence is too strong.

one second.

Two seconds.

It took ten seconds to pass.

Yan Huang's defensive gas shield cracked, and he was still desperately releasing power to release all the power in his body.

He is the first line of defense.

Longfeidao: "Old ancestors, put your strength away."

Yan Huang's ancestors excitedly said: "Kid, let me be crazy for you once, I can support five seconds."

At this time, five seconds is longer than five years.

In order to Longfeiyan Huang ancestors also rushed out.



In fifteen seconds, the power of Yan Huang's ancestors broke down, and his whole person disappeared with his breath, too weak, just like the wick that was about to be extinguished.

"Old ancestors!!"

Longfei sinks his feet and takes root, and he hangs on the ground, roaring, saying: "Come on!!"



The super power impact on Longfei's body, the value of Xianli is like the flood discharge, the frenzied surge, the reduction, all the defensive forces need the support of Xianli.


The defense of the eight Golden Dragons collapsed.


The defense power of the thirty-eight dragon ancestors collapsed.


Longfei’s own Yuanlong Eucharist defense force collapsed.

Can't resist it!

At this moment, the Bi Meng beast snorted in the same place, whispering, "Hey..."


third chapter,

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