The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1037: Evolutionary person

Longfei was dropped in the air.

It was bound by the tension of the giant tail, and the movement was not allowed. The strength of his body was the same, and it was sealed by a powerful force.

This power comes from the release of the giant treasure.

Longfei struggled and did not have any use at all.

It was at this time.

The woman riding on a white tiger and a beast said coldly: "Don't waste your time, you can't break free."

Yan Huang’s ancestors also said: “She said it was good.”

"This is a spiritual treasure of the chaos world. You can't break free. The more you break away, the more tight you are. In the chaotic world, the military uses it to catch mounts. I didn't expect... they used to catch humans in Tianwu. ”

Longfei’s heart was uncomfortable: “What is this?”

Yanhuang ancestors said: "Rolling net, chaos is a very common thing to capture the mount."

Long Feidao: "Since you all say that it is a very common Lingbao, then you must have a way to crack it?"


The Yanhuang ancestors said: "I am not completely repaired now, and I can't attack the power of the chaos. If it is the power of the world of Tianwu, I might be fine."

Longfei is speechless.

"Your sister's, loss is still what you are in the chaos world, the strongest of the emperor level, you are too shameful." Long Fei talked to the heart.

The glamorous woman looked at the dragon fly with painful color, and asked coldly: "What happened?"

"I have liver pain!"

Longfei slammed and said: "Who are you, why should you catch me?"

Not only him.

Behind the women's team, there is a huge iron cage with dozens of people inside. Like Longfei, they all ventured into the wilderness and were captured by

There was no expression on the woman's face, and there was no answer. He said directly: "Take him up."

The voice fell.

An old man around him thought of a move, controlled Luo Ling net, and finally Long Fei was slowly put down.

It is also at this moment.

The young man who was smashed by Longfei rushed up and punched his fist on Longfei’s face. “Hey!”

A fist will fly the dragon to fly out.

The dragon's body strength was bound, and there was no resistance at all. He was kneeling on the ground, his mouth was hanging from the blood, and his heart was filled with anger.

The man snorted, "Take another arrogant man."

"Dog things, fight with Lao Tzu, what do you count?"

The man walked toward Longfei step by step, and his eyes were filled with killing.

Longfei’s eyes narrowed and he was slightly gloomy. His hands and feet were tied, but it did not mean that he did not have the power to fight back now.

There are forty-six dragon ancestors in his body.

There are also three trolls.

There are also six endless Galen and Knock!

Not waiting for the man to approach, the woman on the back of the white tiger snorted, "Teacher, you are enough!"

The man did not stop, said: "I want to kill him, this dog thing dare to shoot me, I want him to know my power."

The woman’s eyes sank and said: “Now it’s time to hire people. This time, the escorts go to Nantian, they must rely on them. His repairs are good and should help us complete the task.”

"You can't move him!"

The man did not pay attention.

In the heart of Longfei, it was a shock. "The **** went to the South Tianyu? What is this?"

"South Tianyu?"

"Wild field?"

"Is it... Is it because of the wilderness?" The dragon's heart stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and his eyebrows were tight. He wanted to summon the troll, but now he resisted.

He wants to know what is going on in the wilderness area?

The man did not stop, and the killing in his eyes did not weaken half.

The woman’s face changed slightly, and the voice became cold. “Do you want to defy the master’s order?”

This sentence comes out.

The young man stopped and looked at the dragon and said: "Kid, you remembered me, your life is mine."

Longfei mouth corner hook, slightly said: "You also remembered me, just a punch, I will use your life to pay off!"


"Is it your waste?"

"Not self-reliant." The man disdain, turned to look at the glamorous woman, said: "Sister, you don't take the master to press me later."

The sound is cold.

Very arrogant.

The woman did not compete with him. Instead, he told several guards around him: "Take him in the cage. This time our arresting task is completed."

"Back to the wild city!"

The man’s eyes looked at Longfei’s eyes and sneered in his heart: “When I arrived at the wild city, I saw how I killed you.”


The man’s thoughts moved and the runes on the palms blew directly on the ground.

"The king of the wolf, give it to me!"

Just like the psychic in the world of fire and shadow, the power of the rune blasts open, and the height of a three-meter-high body is summoned by a giant wolf like a steel needle.

The white tiger under the woman became a little uneasy, constantly pulling away from the wolf king.


The rank of the Wild Wolf King is a little higher.

Longfei’s eyes glowed with a glamorous excitement. He was excited: “What is this pretty wolf king is actually a boss, and the level is not low.”

Yan Huang’s ancestors also looked up and said: “The blood of this mount is very pure, hehe...”

Two people are like two madmen.

Greedy madman.

When Longfei saw something good, he wanted to explode it!

This mount is very unusual.

Longfei was lifted by two people and thrown directly into the iron cage.

During this period, the bikini woman on the white tiger looked at Longfei and then headed for the sun down the mountain: "Go back to the wild city."

In the iron cage.

More than a dozen men, their cultivation is not simple.

The lowest is in the realm of Hexian Sanpin, and the highest one has reached the four grades of Chengxian.

“Why do you catch us?” Long Fei asked tentatively.

Those people did not answer, and their eyes were full of helplessness.

For them.

Their cultivation was in any place in the Tianwu continent, and there was a tyrannical cloud, and the existence of one of the overlords was captured by the beasts.

The blow is too big.

Longfei once again asked: "Who are these people? There is no such strong person in the wilderness."

A man in his thirties breathed a sigh of relief and said: "These people are not people in the wilderness, they are all evolved people!"

The voice fell.

Everyone's eyes are on him.

The man smiled and said: "Do you know the gates of the wild treasures? These people have entered the door of transmission, and their strength and physical body have all evolved and transformed."

"We are not opponents at all!"

Longfei’s face was stunned and muttered: “I wipe, the person after the biochemical transformation?”

"Old ancestors, is that the case?"

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "In theory, he is similar to what he said. Although these people are not people in the chaos world, they have indeed entered the chaos world and got some kind of power transformation."

"What is the wilderness domain doing?"


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