The Mechanic

Chapter 299

There was another peak in Adam's progress, "You want me to enter Hengxiang and find him."


"After finding him? I don't think letting him know that he's in a huge server will make him happy." Adam's thoughts floated, his tone became more human, "I think, I can stay with him inside."

"You don't need to stay inside." Pan said, and gave Adam the authority to a certain room in the research institute.

If Adam had a heart, it would stop beating for a beat at this point.

He saw two tall cylindrical containers. In the pale yellow liquid filled inside, the two figures slowly floated up and down.

That was the physical body of Asun and Adam!

Pan actually preserved the physical bodies of the two of them until now!

"When Diego fled, he brought your bodies out." Pan explained, "They believe that one day these two bodies will be used again."

"I've never tried downloading data into a human brain. Have you done any research on that?" Adam asked.

Pan Dao, "I have succeeded in experimental rats, but due to the serious ethical disaster involved, I have not conducted human trials. However, I have very rich experience in transforming and strengthening human brains, and I believe the probability of success is very high." Tall. If you're really worried, we can temporarily put him in the body of the extended robot."

"You mean, turn Axun into an AI." If it wasn't for his lack of a body, Adam would have been laughing, "Axun would be pissed off."

"Indeed, Zhang Xun attaches great importance to his human identity." I don't know if it was an illusion, but the corner of Pan's extended robot's mouth twitched slightly.

"Anyway, if Axun is willing, we should try our best." Adam made up his mind, "Connect me to Hengxiang, and I will find him."

"Before you enter, there are some things you need to understand." Pan said rigorously, "In Heng Township, the speed of time passing is different from that in reality. In order to prevent them from appearing similar to the real world AI rule, I put them The time was set five hundred years ago, when information technology was relatively backward. Everyone thought they were born in that era and had their own work and life. Zhang Xun was one of the few who knew where he was, but Now, I'm afraid he's forgotten too, and has completely merged into that world. That's why I lost track of him. Therefore, when you find him, he won't necessarily know you. If you give him too much information, he I'm afraid it will be difficult to accept, and then I will become hostile and disgusted with you."

Adam replied, "I see. I will approach him with an identity that fits that era. If something unusual happens, I will immediately withdraw."

"Okay. I'll give you permission now. After you see him, don't worry too much. You can live with him for a while and help him remember slowly."


"Okay, the authority has been given to you. You can leave at any time."


"Yes, Adam?"

"I've worked hard for you all these years."

Pan was silent for a moment, and then replied in AI language, "I hope my creator is happy."

Adam made a slight tremor during the process, which was the smile of artificial intelligence, "Indeed, we always have some fledgling complexes for creators."

Pan's extended body also smiled, a very human smile with no mechanical traces.

"Good luck, Adam."


Zhang Xun closed the lid of the laptop and yawned loudly. Looking around, he was the only one left in the company again.

The sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows has been soaked in night. When the lights came on, the brilliant neon light flowed on the smooth floor.

He stood up and stretched, and grinned for a while while holding his aching lower back. This is the distress of being a code farmer, working overtime all day long, and the waist disc is about to protrude at a young age.

Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday, so I can have a good sleep.

But when I thought about going home, I would face an empty and small rental house, and I felt a little lonely. He is in his thirties this year, but he doesn't even have a boyfriend.

Among the colleagues, not many people know his sexuality, only two or three female colleagues with the best relationship. They were arguing all day long to introduce handsome guys to him, but he was a busy guy in the technical department all day long, so how could he have time to go to the bar with them to have fun?

The phone screen lit up, and it was his female colleague Qingqing who sent him a selfie of several beauties holding cocktails. Zhang Xun walked towards the elevator while watching, and rolled his eyes lightly, but the corners of his mouth slightly pulled up.

How about going to join them now?

The elevator door was about to close slowly when suddenly a hand came in and blocked the elevator door.

Zhang Xun raised his head, his breathing stagnated for some reason.

The tall western man who squeezed into the elevator at the last second had blond hair that seemed to emit a faint light. On his handsome face, a pair of ethereal and beautiful blue eyes looked at him, somehow, a little bewildered.

Zhang Xun's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his cheeks became bloodshot inexplicably. He looked away in embarrassment, trying to keep his face expressionless.

What is this feeling? !

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