The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 678 Laxus: Yes, I am the strongest

Suddenly, an exclamation broke the atmosphere here.

"Look! Laxus, he..."

Laxus? !

Kira's heart skipped a beat and she quickly turned her head to look at the arena.

At this time, the battle situation on the field changed. Alok became the attacker, and Laxus... was actually beaten! !

Laxus has the upper hand? ? How can this be? ! When he said that he and Philide were together, I believed it even more.

Kira's eyes widened and she stared blankly at everything on the field, her chest filled with disbelief: "What happened when I just deserted?!"

At this time, Laxus lost the high spirits he had at the beginning of the battle. Not only was the coat on his back knocked off, but he was also constantly being attacked. He kept retreating under Alok's crazy attacks, seemingly powerless.

Kira could see that Laxus' movements had not declined, and were still at the same level as before. What had changed was Arok, who had obviously become stronger.

Looking at Ivan in the distance, he looked arrogant, proud, excited, and a little surprised. It seemed that he had not expected such a development - but the red paw prints on his face that had not faded were very funny.

"You are so happy to see your son being beaten like this. What kind of unfaithful father is this? A family of 'father is kind and son is filial'?"

Kira complained silently and turned to look at the battle situation again. He still couldn't believe what his eyes saw, so he immediately released his magic perception to investigate carefully.

After a while, Kira opened his eyes again, both talking to himself and giving an answer to Makarov's doubtful look.

"It's not an illusion! It's real!"

Makarov's expression became more solemn and he didn't say much. He didn't believe that Laxus would be defeated.

At this moment, Kira was wondering: Laxus has changed? Absolutely impossible! Is Yalok really strong? No way... No matter how powerful he is, can he be stronger than Natsu from X792? Can it be stronger than the current Laxus?

You know, the current Laxus is not much better than the original Laxus in X792! The only explanation is that Laxus let it slip and didn't do anything serious.

Of course, it is also true that the opponent is stronger than at the beginning.

Seeing Laxus being pressed down and beaten by the opponent, all the magicians around him showed incredible horror, and their eyes looking at the field were full of tension and worry.

Bang! !

A violent magic beam knocked Laxus' body back several meters. Laxus used the force to roll several times in the air, and finally landed firmly back on the ground.

After standing still, Laxus calmed his breathing slightly and stopped the ineffective attack that lasted for three minutes.

"What exactly did you just do? Why do I feel that you suddenly became a lot stronger?"

Perhaps because there were no incidents in the original work where Wendy, Gray, and Lucy were repeatedly bullied by the 'Tail of the Crow', Laxus found a rare moment of calmness and did not directly confront Alok, but instead The other party started chatting.

He looked at Alok with a strange expression, but the other person was wearing a mask and could not see any expression. He did not say two words in total from the beginning to the end. The only body movements were waving the staff, looking mysterious. appearance.

Yalok replied succinctly: "This is the price!"

"Have no idea what you're talking about."

"In the cost summoning magic, there is a contract called price exchange. You can sacrifice 'safety' in exchange for a certain degree of power. This is why I get stronger as I fight - of course, you can also use 'magic power' as a price. "

Laxus was not an idiot, and he immediately understood the reason: "That means, the more you get beaten, the stronger you get, right? It's such a strange magic!"

Could this be what Kira often said when playing cards, "selling blood"?

Shaking his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, Laxus looked at the opponent in front of him again. He was not discouraged because the previous attack was ineffective: "However, as long as you use stronger power to hit you until you can no longer move, then you will become It’s useless no matter how strong you are, right?”

"That is impossible!"

Alok shook his head: "The fighting time is only 30 minutes, and half of it has passed now. There is no way you can beat me in the remaining time!"

"Not always!!"

Laxus grinned, his fighting spirit suddenly rising, and he activated his magic power again. A majestic and dazzling power of thunder and lightning burst out from his body in an instant. The electricity crackled and scattered the smoke and dust around him.

The magic power bursting out around him made Laxus's whole aura completely different from before. Alok was shocked and dumbfounded by this scene: "You actually have this level of magic power?! Then why didn't you use it earlier? "

"Huh! I just wanted to see how capable you are!"

In the Fairy Tail camp, seeing Laxus erupting again, with his expression still calm and his eyes still calm, Makarov finally calmed down: "It's true... this kid really makes people worry..."

"I'm just saying that Laxus won't be defeated so easily..."

"That's right, the president was extremely nervous just now!"

Although Makarov was cursing, everyone saw how nervous he was before, and now he was covering his mouth behind him and laughing, making Makarov's old face turn red with embarrassment.

The Thunder Gods suddenly appeared and proudly said to Natsu and others: "Laxus is different from you! In the past six months, he has been practicing unimaginably beyond the standard every day!"

"Oh oh oh!!! Unimaginable..."


Nazgre and the others felt excited after hearing this, with the light of buling buling flowing in their eyes. They wished that they were the ones who went to practice, but they regretted that Laxus did not take them with him to practice.

"In the battle just now, Laxus didn't even show one-tenth of his strength!"

"That's right... Laxus now might be stronger than Kira!!"

blow! Just blow hard!


Kira looked at the three fans behind him and sneered: "You still want to beat me? Beat Gildas first!"

The three of Philid stopped talking now. They had never even thought about defeating Gildas or something like that!

All along, because Kira is similar to them in age, these three people have always felt that Kira is Laxus's opponent, while Gildarts is a goal that is out of reach but can be pursued hard, so that they always forget that Kira is the opponent of Laxus. Ra has defeated Gildarts and is truly the number one person in the guild.

Feeling the magic power on Laxus, Alok didn't dare to be careless at all, and he immediately cheered up.

"I didn't expect that this guild would have a magician of your level. You must be the strongest magician in Fairy Tail, right?"

No, there is someone else who is the strongest...

Laxus complained in his heart, but did not say it out loud. He has always been arrogant and arrogant. Even if it was true, he knew it in his heart, but he would not admit it with his mouth. He just did not deny it.

In fact, since this was the first time he heard someone say that he was the strongest in the guild, Laxus was somewhat proud.

"Yes! You're right, it's me!"

Laxus: "..."

Oops! I got too carried away and said it accidentally...

Laxus himself was stunned by the words he blurted out, but he still kept his expression calm. He turned his eyes around and made sure that what he just said was very quiet, and only he and the other party could hear it. Only then did he feel at ease.

On the other side, Kira, who was always paying attention to the battlefield and heard the whole process with sound magic, suddenly turned dark.

"This guy is so shameless!"

On the other side, Eric, who was also paying attention to the battlefield and even the Fairy Tail position, and who was more proficient in using voice magic, chuckled after hearing Kira's scolding: "The people in this guild are so interesting! "

"Eric, whose gossip are you eavesdropping on again?"

"Nothing...not gossip."

"If you don't give people too much personal space, you will suffer emotionally!"


Eric was furious: "You don't know how smooth my relationship is. Sound magic accounts for at least one-third of the credit. You guys who have never been in love just study with books every day." , you can learn a lot!"

Hearing Laxus admit that he was the strongest mage, Alok nodded slightly.

"As expected, since you are the strongest magician in your guild, it is very necessary for me to use the strongest magic to defeat you!"


Before Laxus could react, he saw Alok mobilizing his magic power and shouting to the sky: "Come on! The God of War who has made a contract with me! Give me corresponding rewards!!"

"Summon...the Tie of War!!"

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