The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 355: : Isn't Ling Bai a big white dog?

"Holy Venerable." Suzaku saw that Mo Qing was about to kneel, but was signaled by Mo Qing to forgive him with one hand, so she didn't continue to kneel down, glanced at Feng Ruchu, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Miss Feng. "

It is well known in the Three Realms that the battle between the gods and demons was when the ancient gods and gods were dispelling souls, sealing the demon emperor, in exchange for the stability of the world for thousands of years, and then the ancient ways of heaven fell.

However, as soon as the gang formation opened that day, the golden light of Fengluan Mountain was flourishing, and the purple gas was immersed again, and the Suzaku knew that the Holy Venerable and the Profound Girl are back!

As for why Xuan-nv didn't have her soul scattered, Suzaku was "confused" in her heart, but she also knew that she could not ask.

Feng Ruchu saw Suzaku, full of curiosity and excitement, and happily jumped for two steps, jumped to his side, and circled around him twice, suddenly surprised: "Ah! You turned out to be the father of me? I always thought Suzaku was the mother!"



Suzaku coughed awkwardly, looking helpless: "Why do you think Suzaku is a mother?"

Feng Ruchu "touched" his chin and said, "It's beautiful! Suzaku should be the beautiful beak among the four beasts of the sky, so of course I would think it is a mother..." He said, he looked at Suzaku again, and said:" Although you are also very beautiful, you are not a "sorrowful" bag, neither gorgeous nor a mother."


Is this complimenting her? !

Well, still that person, still that taste!

He was neither surprised nor surprised.

At that time in Jiuzhongtian, Feng Ruchu was very naughty, jumping up and down, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was ADHD. He was curious about everything and had to grab everything.

The white tiger’s tail is about to be pulled, and the "hair" that is pulled is bald; the blue dragon’s beard needs to be plucked, and he still has a toothache when he is plucked; the Xuanwu’s shell needs to be knocked, and he loses his thick skin; Pull...At this point, I would also like to thank Yu Xiao for his love of walking the birds, which saved him from being brutally murdered! ... The past is unbearable looking back in tears!

"You are a male, what about Baihu?" Feng Ruchu asked.

"Have you not seen it?" Mo Qing replied.

"Me? When did it happen?"

"Ling Bai."

Feng Ruchu opened his mouth wide, seeming to be able to swallow a tooth, and his astonished voice increased by an octave; "Ling Bai is a white tiger? Real or fake? Don't bully me. I haven't read a book, you lie to me!... …I always thought he was a big white dog!"

"..." Mo Qing, helplessly raised his forehead: "How can the mountain beast of Baiyun Mountain be a dog?"

Feng Ruchu rolled his eyes and retorted: "Then you still have a cat in Baiyun Mountain. What's weird about having another dog? Originally, I thought it was fine to provoke Ling Bai and Zhu'er to a cat-dog fight. What...tsk..."

Suzaku's heart is particularly balanced! Rather than being "sex" to admit mistakes, it is better to admit mistakes than race!

"What about Xuanwu? Is it a tortoise or a snake? Are they brothers? They were born conjoined? Or were they cultivated the day after tomorrow?" Feng Ruchu opened one hundred thousand why modes.

"'s not right, he...xuanwu, he looks like that. The turtle shell is used for defense, and the snake shape is used for attack." Suzaku almost got around in, but fortunately he reacted quickly and broke straight in time.

"So... what about Qinglong? Folklore says that you and Qinglong are a couple?" Feng Ruchu.

Suzaku couldn't help snarling, "I'm a man!"

Feng Ruchu nodded his head in a serious and dignified manner: "I know, I mean, Qinglong is a mother."


Suspected Niaosheng for an instant.

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