The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 351: : The King of Jiaxian Corpse

Seeing her look suspicious, Mo Qing explained: "Sang Luo was severely injured a thousand years ago, the roots of the wood spirit were destroyed, the body of the immortal was burned, the vines in a radius of a hundred miles were uprooted, and then they did not know why. He committed a heinous crime and caused Tianlei to be punished. When he was suppressed here, his soul was already broken."

"It's also a ray of energy left on this person, otherwise it would have been wiped out."

Feng Ruchu tilted his head to look at him, and said, "Do you know the past of this Jiaxian?"

Mo Qing shook his head and said: "I heard about one or two, but not very detailed. I only know that Sang Luo is famous, compassionate to others, compassionate to all living beings, and sheltered this land and water for thousands of years. As for Jiaxian, the city was bleeding overnight. There was not a single dog left, and he died absolutely. Later, I heard about Sang Luo being suppressed."

The whole city died overnight! ?

This is the hatred of the grandfather who killed his parents and robbed his wife and children?

"Did... Sang Luo did it?" Feng Ruchu asked.

Mo Qing shook his head and said: "I don't know... In those days, my teacher and your uncle were in retreat. I knew nothing about external affairs. When I left the customs, it had been more than 100 years since Sang Luo was suppressed. They are all dead, there is no soul, no one knows the truth."

Old ancestor Yang knelt on the ground, his whole person looked a little depressed and decadent: "Back then, I was a child. If Sang Luo hadn't saved my life, I would lose the last ray of spirit and spirit into my body. I'm afraid at that time. Killed by the corpse king."

"The King of Corpses?" Feng Ruchu heard this name more than once.

Old ancestor Yang's eyes were muddy, and when he mentioned the past, he was already proud of himself. "The curse of a thousand years was cast by the king of corpses."

"He is for revenge, so that everyone can be buried with Sang Luo."

"He is him, the only apprentice."


Feng Ruchu summoned the two brothers and sisters of Wang Yu and Wang "Lu" overnight, and brought several warlocks from the Tianxuan Pavilion, according to the roster given by the Yang family, to rescue all the innocent "women" who were trapped in Jia County .

If you are willing to leave, give some silver back to your hometown twice. If you have a child and want to stay, it is all voluntary.

The fate of those girls is really miserable. Even if they give birth to children, if they lose their fertility in the future, they will face the consequences of being killed, and even their souls will be sacrificed.

Therefore, when Wang Yu and the others rushed to save people, 90% of the girls chose to leave, and the remaining 10%, it really staged a true love story in which the hostage fell in love with the kidnapper and was abused.

"Then the old man didn't make it clear. Why did you seal the knowledge?" Feng Ruchu was very curious about the secrets of the world in Jiaxian thousands of years ago, but after hearing half of it, Old Ancestor Yang suddenly sealed the consciousness. Become a vegetative state of brain death.

Mo Qing has a calm expression on his face: "Since it is a mystery of extinction, it will certainly not be easily revealed. I am afraid that someone has cast a curse on him. Once it is implicated in things thousands of years ago, he will be Seal the knowledge."

Feng Ruchu stood on tiptoe and raised his chin to look at him. He looked like a curious kitten. He cast his eyes down and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

"People in a county died, not a dog was left, and a thousand-year curse was required to sacrifice tens of thousands of souls, turning the entire Jia County into a purgatory on earth, and the instigator is most likely the one in your mouth The guardian spirit of Lausanne, who has a good name and has a common heart, why don't you react at all?"

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