The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 359: : Establish Zongmen

"So, they don't even keep a dog you want to kill? Including the fat aunt in the kitchen just now, and her grandson Dogdan?" Feng Ruchu asked rhetorically, with a very calm tone, like gossiping.

Seeing Cheng Zihao not speaking, but with tears in her red eyes, she gritted her teeth with hatred, she said again; "If you haven't killed enough, just go, kill the enmity of the door, it should be the return of the door."

Cheng Zihao turned around and left, heading towards the old house of the Guo family.

However, without taking two steps, he suddenly turned back.

He raised his head stubbornly and looked at Feng Ruchu, without knowing who he was doing, and said, "I'm not going!"

He said: "The Guo family is inhumane and conscientious. It does not mean that Cheng Zihao has to do the same... Those old and weak "women" and children are Guo family slaves and maidservants. Many of them are abused by Guo Cheng's husband and wife. The mistakes they committed cost their lives in vain."

"I, Cheng Zi, a man of seven feet, how can I bully the weak and have no grievances?!"

Feng Ruchu patted him on the shoulder, smiled, took out a fourth-tier pill "medicine" from the "medicine" bag and handed it to him.

"I see that your spiritual energy fluctuates. It should be a long-term resentment siltation, which caused you to practice and become devilish when you were young. Although it is not fatal, it has buried hidden wounds in your spiritual veins, which is not suitable for your future cultivation."

"This Guyuan Pill will help you strengthen your foundation and cultivate your vitality."

Cheng Zihao took this pill "medicine", and his excitement was beyond words.

He didn't know who Feng Ruchu was, nor what background she was.

Before coming to the Guo family, he even planned to die with the Guo family.

But I didn't expect that later, not only did he report his revenge for the destruction of the door, but he was also unscathed. Feng Ruchu even saw the hidden wounds hidden in his body at a glance, and even sent a Guyuan Pill to him for repair.

Without a word, Cheng Zihao knelt on the ground: "Girl Feng, Cheng Zihao is willing to follow the girl and swear allegiance to the death."

As soon as he knelt, dozens of holes behind him also knelt down one after another.

"Xiyang Chen Family."

"Xiyang Xu Family."

"Xiyang Wang Family."

"...I would like to follow the girl and swear allegiance to the death."

Feng Ruchu:...

She wanted to kill Guo Cheng Guo Weiyu and take revenge. Why did she report a group of brothers?

Feng Ruchu held his forehead with a depressed look.

While eagerly gearing up, Wang Yu said bitterly at ease: "Miss Feng, these people are bullied by the Guo family just like me, their family is ruined, and their families are wandering. You took them to take revenge. From now on, you will be them. If you don’t accept them..."

"Yes, Miss Feng, just accept us."

"Miss Feng, I can lift the sedan chair for you."

"I can lead you a horse."

"I can sing for you."

"I can warm your bed."

"..." Feng Ruchu was scared into a cold sweat.

Good guy, the bed warmers are out...

Fortunately, she is a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl.

Feng Ruchu pondered for a while, and wanted to establish a foothold in this Canglan Continent, he must have his own power.

There was the Demon Race (the man in black) outside, and the Gang Jing (Cihang Jinwu Ming) outside. He was forced to injure the priests of the Celestial Race, and offended Yao Extraordinary by the way.


I don't know, I was taken aback.

Why is she so waves? !

"Girl Feng, or else, you can set up a sect!" Wang Yu suggested: "Just like the Canglan Continent, there are countless large and small families in addition to the six sects in the Holy Land of Cloud Palace. With the sect, the disciples from all walks of life, Miss Feng, or you should also establish a sect.

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