The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 225: : Can the Lord save Nianchu?

However, what he didn't understand was why she had to come to join in the excitement, or under the circumstances that Ci Hangzong did not welcome her.

"Why do you have to break into the top three?"

"Because I want to win the Heavenly Sacred Pill to save Nianchu!"

Mo Qing suddenly realized.

He almost forgot, there was another Feng Nianchu who had also suffered undermined damage, his spiritual strength was exhausted, and the poison gas attacked his heart.

There are countless spiritual masters in the Canglan Continent. Who killed someone for a pill "medicine" today, and who will kill another for private enmity tomorrow, there are countless grievances, big and small.

Mo Qing is inherently cold and cold, so naturally he doesn't pay attention to these mortal grievances.

If not, the five-『color』-*** in the sacrificial field, perhaps he will not leave the Jiuzhong Hall for a half step.

"So, you chose Jiang Li?" Mo Qing's tone was calm and faint, but it fell in Feng Ruchu's ears, but she couldn't help feeling a little cool.

Feng Ruchu didn't understand why his breath would become a little cold in an instant. She scratched her head and said of course: "What can I do? Who calls this entire Canglan Continent? Only he and the real person Cihang can refine it. Heavenly Pill?"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Mo Qing's cold hum from his nose, and the corners of his slightly drooping mouth were tightly pressed, revealing a little bit of discomfort.

Feng Ruchu's mind was a little knotted, and he didn't react to his arrogant ‘huh! What does it mean.

Feng Ruchu only slapped his head until Mo Qing had a silver "color" halo around him and released the aura of the tribulation period for a second, and then he realized: "You will also grab the heavenly pill. Wrong!? You can even refine the nine-grade pill "medicine" like Xisui Pill. Heavenly Sacred Pill or something is definitely not a problem, right!?"

Why is she so stupid! Mo Qing is a saint who crosses the robbery!

When Feng Ze said that in the entire Canglan Continent, only the real person Cihang and Jiang Li could refine the Heavenly Sacred Pill, she prematurely left the strange feelings behind.

After all, no one thought that the dignified sage condescends to start cultivating "medicine"!

"The deity does practice."

Her eyes are shining, very beautiful, like the stars in the sky wandering in them, with a trace of excitement and a trace of desire.

Mo Qing finally let go of some tsundere, and the response voice became a little softer.

Feng Ruchu was very happy. After spinning around him twice, he grabbed his sleeve with one hand, and said excitedly: "Then you can also help me completely remove the poison from Nianchu body and repair his spiritual roots. He practiced again, didn't he?"


When Feng Ruchu heard this, he was so excited that he couldn't take off. Without saying anything, he grabbed Mo Qing's wrist and took him a few steps away: "If this is the case, what are we waiting for? , Let’s go now. I won’t attend the Pill Fighting Conference, so don’t watch the ceremony. Let’s go to the Xuanyuan now..."

Mo Qing was so excited by him that he staggered a few steps forward, but when he heard the word'Xuanyuan', he suddenly stopped.

Feng Ruchu tugged a few times before he could no longer move. He glanced sideways, and saw that Lord Sovereign didn't know which "hair" had been reversed. After all, the slightly gentle breath suddenly felt cold.


"Where to go?"

"Xuan, Xuanyuan."

"Not going."

"..." Feng Ruchu resented.

Yao Feihua told you to drink tea and you went away, I asked you to save people, and you put on the face of a landlord... Sure enough, "color" is lighter than friends! See "Lose" the intention!

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