The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 175: : Feng Ruchu, you are fat

Fire Phoenix glanced at Mo Qing and saw that he didn't say anything, but glanced at Feng Ruchu with a very faint expression, as if she didn't intend to stop her lame acting skills and exaggerated awkward smile.

So, he smashed his head at the strange feeling, and then slipped away.

After walking a few steps, I looked back from time to time, trembling, and curious: Only she was banned for "Mao"? She is the only one kneeling? She is the only one to escape from the "urine"? Where is Feng Ruchu? Is she jumping alive for "Mao"?

unfair! It's really unfair!

After Fire Phoenix is ​​gone, where does Feng Ruchu dare to stay alone?

At Mo Qing Lu, he gave a smirk of big white teeth, and said: "If you have no other orders, the little girl will leave first!"

Then, oil the soles of the feet, ready to bugger.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a step, the waist was tight, and he was suddenly pulled back. When he looked down, it was actually a piece of buckwheat.

"The cultivation base is not good, but the courage is quite fat."

The magnetic "sex" subwoofer sounded from behind, the uniquely cold and pleasant smell of Moqing, and it suddenly rushed into the tip of the nose.

Feng Ruchu knew that he could not escape from the Five Fingers Mountain of the Lord, so he slowly turned around and screamed.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, she is very petite, and coupled with chronic malnutrition, she can barely reach the position of the man's clavicle with the top of her head.

She lowered her head, her agile hands churned around her chest, and one foot was still drawing circles on the ground with hyperactivity.

"Hehe..." He laughed twice, and said: "I have no courage... I was in Qifeng Palace and was scared by the emperor by the real people under your Yun Palace. I was so incoherent... …"

"Whatever people say, I will follow along, and the whole thing will be a repeater."

"Oh, look at me, now I'm still dizzy, my heart is suffocated, am I scared out of my nerves, no way, I'm dizzy and I'm dizzy..."

Feng Ruchu thought, Nangong Yan spicy, eating Feng Feier's little white lotus routine, isn't it just admiring ‘a crying woman is pet’.

So, she also followed ‘嘤嘤嘤呦呦呦’ a few times, pretending to be weak and expressing sympathy.

He also deliberately held his head, paddled his feet and turned half a circle in place, to deeply reflect the current situation of his'fainted'.

Seeing that he was about to pretend to be tilted at Mo Qing, the straight steel man stepped back slightly and flashed past her directly.

Feng Ruchu staggered, almost not crooked. Fortunately, she didn't really want to lean on Mo Qing, but did a show.

So, he quickly stabilized his body.

Mo Qing's eyebrows tucked slightly; "Dizzy and suffocated?"

This is insinuating that she is still agile!

Feng Ruchu's performance was dismantled, and he felt boring, rolled his eyes, and grumbled confidently: "You are so boring... Haven't heard the lyrics sang, "You should ignore me if you act with me?" ?"

At this time, Xuan Bing also walked out of Qifeng Palace and saw Feng Ruchu and Mo Qing standing outside the temple, so he took the initiative to pass, and said, "Holy Lord."

Mo Qing's expression was faint, and he hummed as a response.

Xuan Bing then turned to Feng Ruchu, with gentle brows and eyes, and said, "Ruchu, what did you think about what I said just now?"

Xuan Bing is asking her about apprenticeship? !

In all fairness, Feng Ruchu is indeed quite satisfied with such a handsome temperamental master who is patient and protects his shortcomings.

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