The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 171: :Lao Niu Senen Grass

Saying to go, I wanted to leave the hall, but just took a few steps, as if thinking of something again, turned around and walked towards Feng Feier.

At this moment, she was weak and Liu Fufeng was snuggling next to Nangong Yan, and she looked broken, as if a gust of wind could blow away.

Feng Ruchu circled Feng Feier twice, rubbed his chin with one hand like an old professor, and said, "Feng Da Bailian, I suggest you, think about crying, making troubles and hanging yourself in the future, just play. Be true, be careful, swallow the poison "medicine", break the meridian, "put a knife" into your heart and splash the blood on the spot, anyway, it will come out with a single blow..."

"Dancing in the lotus pond in the palace? Are you afraid that the intensive crayfish-like lobsters will make the palace ladies and eunuchs unable to find you, and if you are noisy, you will turn on their backs, everyone knows?"

"It's just your acting skills that jumped down on your front foot and gotten up on your back foot.'s hard for me to go to the palace to accompany you in the show!

Feng Feier's face turned pale suddenly.


"The second girl of the Feng family!" As soon as Feng Ruchu left Qifeng Palace with his front feet, Huo Fenghuang followed his back feet.

"Real Chi Yan?"

"Hey, what the real person Chi Yan is called, they call me old. I am not so particular. You can just call me sister Feng." Huo Fenghuang put an extremely familiar arm on Feng Ruchu's. Shoulders.


Sister Feng? ... Does this girl's fame resound to the Canglan Continent light years away? ! Feng Ruchu pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "That... Sister Feng... is something wrong, after all, my last name is Feng... Or, I'll call you Sister Huang."

Fire Phoenix immediately vetoed: "Why Sister Huang? Sister Green! If it's OK, just call Sister Huo!"


Buddy? Turkey? Sister Huo...?

This name is abolished!

Forget it, it's just a title anyway, Fire Phoenix doesn't care, what is she entangled here?

Feng Ruchu quickly accepted this fresh and refined name, and said, "Sister Huo, are you looking for something to do with me?"

"It's okay!" Fire Phoenix said: "I'm just boring. It's rare to meet such an interesting girl like you, and I want to make friends with you to relieve my boredom... But to be honest, I've lived so many years, and I'm still the first Once I saw you such a little girl who is not afraid of the emperor and I dare to swear, the real person Cihang and the real person Jin Gang, but they are notoriously tyrannical, you offended two in a row, tusk, in the future, can I want to be sad..."

He said that he was sad, but he stroked the "hairy" of the fire and phoenix tail on his head, but it was full of gossip about eating melons and watching a show.

As soon as he mentioned the real person Cihang, Feng Ruchu thought of it, and said: "Sister Huo, the Holy Venerable mentioned the love, hatred, and hatred between Real person Cihang and Real person Xuanbing in the hall just now? What is going on? I think this real person Cihang is like a real person Xuanbing. It's hard enough to be a real person Xuanbing. Could it be that the two of them have had an old-fashioned relationship between the young and the old?

"Puff...what old grass Senen girl, your mouth is really poisonous..."

Fire Phoenix couldn't help but sneered. When the women were together, they were good at talking about gossip. What's more, Fire Phoenix was familiar with it. Without a word, he sold his brothers and sisters.

She said: "This real person Ci Hang is only four years older than Real person Xuan Bing, but because Real person Ci Hang cultivated to the distracting state at the age of forty, while Real person Xuan Bing was able to incarnate at the age of 26. Thousand, "fuck" distracted."

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