The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 156: : I have a pig's foot halo!

While talking, Feng Ruchu got up and moved to Mo Qing's body.

The soft collapse and the table case are as one body, and the distance between the two is only two meters away.

Feng Ruchu has never been able to sit and stand well, lying forward lazily, supporting his chin with one hand, his feet on his hips, dangling bored.

"Look at me, from the strands of hair to the heels, how can there be a trace of devilishness to remove and wash you?"

Mo Qing's fingertips paused invisible, but it was fleeting, and he turned it away and put the Zihuangqin away.

The purple light on the piano body echoes the fluorescent light in his hand, and the silver bells dotted with buckwheat flowers on the fingertips jingle a few times, and the three-legged warm jade next to him spit out green smoke, indifferent eyebrows. , Like the ink painting, it contains the elegant and ancient "color" fragrance.

I really responded to the phrase, ‘The man on the Mo is like jade, the son is unparalleled in the world. ’

"Why did you bring me back to Jiuzhongdian? Not just to play the piano for me, right?"

Feng Ruchu's sudden question made Mo Qing stunned. He didn't respond immediately, but instead asked, "Do you want to enter the palace?"

"...Into the palace? Are you kidding me?" Feng Ruchu exaggeratedly rubbed the goose bumps on his arm, and said: "The old lady of Nanqiu Kingdom really thought I was a stupid, and she could be fooled by a few words. It's over? I know exactly what wishful thinking she had in her heart."

"Looking at my five element spiritual roots being repaired and getting a magical tool again, I want me to be used by her royal family."

"You still compare me with Nangong Yan with a shy old face?"

"I have my own pig's foot halo and opened the Xuanmen Talisman Master. If I follow the setting of the TV series, it is the kind of existence that comes with bgm when I appear, and I can't lose it because I was sucked into this world by this artifact. ."

"This is called the Heavenly General, and then the people in this country. You must first abuse the little third, kick the scumbag, step on the "lick" the dog, stab the enemy, and do what you can do with pigs feet, so do whatever you want, gain what you can't!"

Feng Ruchu burst into self-confidence, and her fingertips were all excited and turned into a floating light with her thoughts. The poor floating light was broken into two sections, and a few strands of silver wire barely connected the upper and lower ends. 'The head of the body is different'...

Now Feng Ruchu will be summoned, and with her ‘hip-hop bgm’ twists and twists, to increase her majestic momentum.

With a sound of ‘tear...’, Fu Guang finally successfully twisted himself off.

Feng Ruchu held the two-petal white silk and sent it to Mo Qing, of course, saying: "Now, your nine-day golden cicada silk shining silk, although light and transparent, it is extremely tough and unbreakable...Come on, the owner , Give Sanbao."

Mo Qing took the broken two pieces, trembling in her own hands, and frowned slightly, "Three bags?"

"Repair package, return package replacement." Bad comment, this kind of knowledge still needs science?

Just let him fix it! Those who are still biting about words have to say some strange things, and don't know the strange things this woman has ever learned.

What else is ‘after torturing Xiaosan, kicking the flying scumbag, stepping on the waste "licking" the dog, cutting the enemy...’

Barely he can understand a little bit.

But what does this have to do with pig's feet?

He didn't bother to ask, he didn't bother to say.

Mo Qing popped a flower petal, and the soft and soft luster lingered around the broken part of the floating light, and then re-condensed the split silk thread.

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