The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 151: : Mo Wushuang appeared

Feng Feier bit her lip and explained very aggrievedly: "Ruchu, Ruchu, she is my sister. She has the magic weapon, I am naturally happy, why should I be jealous of her?"

"I'm just worried. I'm worried that we were trapped outside the enchantment just now, and I don't know what happened to Ruchu. After all, the guardian spirit in the scepter insisted that it was a demon. I was worried about her. Devil corpse or something, will it be invaded by devil energy without knowing it."

Yida took Feng Ruchu’s pulse and interrupted their lips and tongues: "Okay, just say a few words. Ruchu is in a very bad situation now, with overflowing spiritual veins and surging breath. If you don’t adjust your breath well, you will Go crazy."

Yu Kui immediately became nervous: "Then don't hurry up!" As he said, he paused on the ground and said: "Wang Yu, help me, I will carry the second lady out."

Wang Yu responded, just as he was about to lift Feng Ruchu up, suddenly a strange man in a white robe floated out of the black "hair" ball ornament on his waist.

Apart from anything else, he walked to Feng Ruchu first.

Bend down, grabbed her knees, the whole movement was smooth and flowing, without any delay, she hugged her horizontally.

Then, in full view, without saying a word, he turned around and left calmly.

After a long while.

"I'm going, who is that person? When did he come? How to hang on the second lady?" Yu Kui.

"It seems, seems to be the spiritual pet of the Holy Realm of Cloud Palace?" Wang "Lu".

"Nonsense, I have seen that spirit pet, he is obviously a little maid." Feng Moer.

"Maybe it is the sweetheart of the original, otherwise, how could it be so close?" Feng Feier. "Really? How did Feng Ruchu know him, he is so handsome, immortal, and elegant!" Gu Shan.

"But a low-level monk in the fusion period, even the sect was not able to enter, so he relied on his face to eat soft food!" Nangong Yan looked at the white and immaculate figure, and squeezed the palm of his hand. Annoyed and angry in his eyes, even a touch of unconscious jealousy appeared.

Then, he cursed: "Bitch, I don't know the shame!"


The strange celestial phenomenon of the five colors appeared again.

It attracted the Southern Emperor, the Queen, and even the Queen Mother who had just broken through the out-of-aperture period, all rushed to the Blood Maple Forest the first time after the retreat.

At this time, except for the real people of the six major sects, and Yu Xiao was already waiting here.

On the main seat, even the holy deity came to sit in person.

"Holy Venerable, Jade Master." The Southern Emperor nodded at the two immortals and said in respect, "I heard that the celestial phenomenon of the blood maple forest has changed just now. What is the situation? Also, when I came, what happened? I heard that the ancient artifact guarding Jiuyouquan has recognized the master?"

The Southern Emperor asked anxiously in the Yungong Shengjing Posthouse outside the Blood Maple Forest.

A divine tool that can suppress Jiuyouquan for thousands of years, it is an unquestionable treasure in the entire Canglan Continent for thousands of years. If it falls on the monks of Nanqiu Kingdom, then he will feel a little relieved, but if it falls on other countries Monk's hands.

It is difficult to guarantee that the Holy Realm of Yungong will not attach importance to that person and country because of this ancient artifact. Maybe it can rely on the artifact to make it the second largest country in Nanqiu Kingdom.

So, how could he not be impatient and anxious.

At this moment, a little girl dressed as a maid ran over excitedly and joyfully, her tail trembled with joy, apparently running fast: "Holy Lord, head, girl, she woke up, she woke up... "

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