The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 148: : Floating light shivering

The other spiritualists around him also grabbed Yu Kui.

Yu Kui's anxious eyes burst with bloodshot eyes, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "Fuck you, plan for a long time, and if you plan, the life of the second lady will be gone! You are all afraid of guarding spirits, I am not afraid of... I want the first one to die, anyway, my life was given by the second lady, so what if I pay her back now!"

With that, she pushed Feng Feier away rudely.

Nangong Yan hurriedly stepped forward and held her waist, Feng Feier immediately turned red with aggrieved eyes, and Chu Chu pitifully shouted: "Prince..."

Nangong Yan was immediately angered by the female "Laughter", and became angry: "Yu Kui, Mayfair is also your senior sister anyway, what is your attitude! She just kindly reminded you not to die in vain, why are you so so? I don't know how good people are!"

"I'm pooh!" Yu Kui broke into a spit, and scolded mercilessly: "Fuck her "milk" and "milk" for kindness, greedy for life and fear of death, so righteous, fresh and refined... No wonder the second lady What did she say...oh, yes...lotus white!"




Feng Ruchu tried his best to prop up the glazed bead shield against Shuai Yin's powerful divine power, while still listening to them being shot in the distance.

How could she not understand what score Feng Feier played?

I can’t wait to see myself dying tragically under this spirit. It’s better to be stunned and never to be overborn!

Then he pretended to say something on the side, ‘Sister, you died so miserably, I blame my sister for being incompetent and unable to protect you. In the next life, my sister will definitely make up for it, eh...’

By the way, crying to death in Nangong Yan's arms, to show how guilty and kind he was.

While screaming in his heart, he slandered: Little bitch, good death, let you grab a man with me? !

However, Feng Ruchu was not willing to let Yu Kui and the others take the lead in this crisis. How could this ancient divine power be able to contend with a mere mortal body? !

"Yu Kui, don't you..." Feng Ruchu gave a warning and did not finish.

Just listen to the ‘pop...’.

Liulizhu was shocked by a crack.

Feng Ruchu was shocked.

Looking up, Jin Guangshuai's seal was constantly pressing toward the top of his head, and a huge seal "Xuan" at the bottom of the seal appeared before his eyes in amazement.

With the aura of mountains and seas capable of destroying all living things, even with the protection of glass beads, she felt that her internal organs seemed to be crushed by Mount Tai, almost crushed into glass slag.

"Papa Papa!" There were several cracking noises.

The water ripple shield was finally crushed into slag.

Floating and energetic, when the shield was broken, he quickly wound around Feng Ruchu's body. After protecting her lifeblood, then wrapped around her waist, disregarding the image, in an'upside-up' posture, and hurried Feng Ruchu's body. Ruchu picked it up.

While trembling in the golden light, while carrying her headless flies, she ran into all kinds of trees.

"..." Feng Ruchu felt that the chicken thighs he had eaten three days ago were almost turned out by the light!

This girl has heard of airsickness, and it is the first time I have experienced the faintness!

"Cunning demons, still want to run! Eat a seal of this seat!" The golden seal of the mysterious character flew towards Feng Ruchu involuntarily.

"Tear..." With a sound, the floating light was split by the light blade.

Feng Ruchu was severely thrown to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the huge golden seal was smashed down.


ps: I will return to Shanghai on the high-speed rail tomorrow afternoon, update around 8 pm!

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