The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 132: : How about staying and serving this seat?

"In line with the sect, Xuanbingzong Chiyanzong is in front and is responsible for the main attack; Ksitigarbha and I will cooperate to deal with the bones; Bodhizong will assist on the left and right sides; Cihangzong will help after standing!" Feng Ruchu ordered the distribution Various tasks.

Xu is when she faced the ancient giant beasts, her strategizing, calm and calm mentality made the big guy involuntarily surrender, or she had seen her deal with the devil, and just repelled the beast, after the big guy heard her instructions , They cooperated in unison.

Even Nangong Yan subconsciously sacrificed the Chen Huang sword.

However, just two seconds.

Nangong Yan was stunned, and couldn't help cursing his mother in his heart: Why do you listen to a waste command? It's still a waste that I abandoned! ?

The Beast retracted its paws, stared at the gradually burning blood talisman, looked and looked again, and snorted with interest.

"It can break my demonic energy, tusk, interesting, really interesting..." As he said, a pair of black oily eyes staring at Feng Ruchu maliciously, said: "Little girl, swamp demon corpse and that little piece of bone You got rid of the flowers?"

When Feng Mo'er saw the devil's attention being drawn by Feng Ruchu, she immediately led the way; "It's her, that's her! She killed your demon!"

The Beast never paid attention to Feng Mo'er, but did not let her go, pinched her neck with one claw, and turned into black mist, and circled twice in front of Feng Ruchu.

When the black mist came around, he didn't bring any offensive power. Feng Ruchu held the blood talisman tightly, and followed the rule of not moving. After all, this ancient beast, with more than forty spiritualists alone, may not be able to retreat.

Who knows, that magic scratch did not do anything to her, but cut a small mouth in her chin, swish, and flew back into the sea of ​​flowers.

Warcraft put the blood-stained claws on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and then "licked" it on his lips, "licked" with a look of intoxication and contentment: "It's delicious, it's so delicious... Little girl, as long as you stay On weekends with me, I will put these choppy pieces, what do you think?"

"Shameless beast, how dare you humiliate the second lady!" Wang Yu scolded, Feng Ruchu, to him, is a life-saving benefactor, and the faith of following to the death, how can the Yi Mozu get involved? ! Not even talking about it.

"You shut up! Six major sects of more than fifty spiritualists' "life", why not exchange her Feng Ruchu for one person!" Feng Mo'er is afraid that Wang Yu's curse will anger Beasts, that is the first The one unfortunate is her.

So after interrupting Wang Yu's words, he immediately looked at Warcraft in kindness, and said in a good voice: "That girl is called Feng Ruchu. She is the daughter of my Feng family. She is born to be useless. If you like her, I will represent Feng Family, sacrifice her to you, just hope you don't hurt me... our six great sects these innocent spiritualists."

"Is it a natural waste...he..." A sarcasm smiled across the corner of WoW's mouth: "All of you gangsters can't compare to her alone."

Feng Mo'er gritted his teeth with hatred! If it is not controlled by others, she would like to slap his dog mouth!

The three real people of Xuanbing Dizang Scarlet Flame Sect treated her differently, and now even an ancient monster became interested in her, and even compared her with more than fifty spiritualists.

Feng Mo'er was hateful, angry and jealous.

"Little girl, your family has sacrificed you to this seat!" WoW said.

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