The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 129: : Bamboo and Moore

However, the black cat looks fleshy, stupid and cute, but reacts very sensitively. It will fly around in an s-shape, move in a z-shaped snake skin, go up half a meter high, and stick again. The earth pressed himself into a black carpet.

After all, the dignified Yuanying-period spiritualist, even with several ultimate moves, was easily evaded by it.

"Meow..." The black cat landed, looking at Feng Moer lazily with green eyes, as if mocking.

Immediately, before she launched the next wave of ice hockey offensive, the black cat digs out a pile of mud from the ground, rubbed the ball indiscriminately, and hit it with a paw.

"Ah!..." Feng Mo'er screamed again, but this time it was not painful, but crazy!

That beast, that beast dared to throw her with mud!

It was so accurate.

The soil in the blood maple forest was covered with hundreds of blood stains and corpse gas, dirty, smelly, yin and poisonous.

Now he slapped Feng Mo'er's face with a squishy water stain on Feng Mo'er's face, and slapped his face sticky, even a few pieces were still in his mouth. Embarrassed and disgusting.

Everyone took two steps back, clutching their noses.

"You beast, I'll kill you, I'm going to kill you! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Feng Mo'er was furious, waving his sword and slashing at the black cat.

Feng Ruchu hit the Shuiyun sword with a talisman, and sullenly rebuked: "Is there enough trouble? We are here to seal the enchantment in Xuefenglin, not to come to see you getting angry with the eldest lady, this team, you Stay if you can, if you can't stay, follow me quickly!"

"You, you actually told me to get out!" Feng Mo'er was bombarded by this man and cat repeatedly, crying in humiliation, tears fell, and another layer of corpse soil hit her neck.

"Can't understand human words? Don't you know what you mean?" Feng Ruchu had no patience with Feng Moer, and said hurriedly; "Since you came in, you have been working as a demon looking for things. Those who chatter know that there is no stopping, you can jump so well, do you want me to kill you with a single knife and send you to the sky?"

"As always!" Bai Lianfei came to show her gentle and virtuous again: "My sister, how can you teach Moer like this in front of the big guy for a cat, she is your sister..."

"A cat? Heh... do you know where the cat is?" Feng Ruchu saw through her mind at a glance, didn't she just turn the corner and scold herself for ignoring the sister's affection?

"No cats can match our sisterhood..."

"Cloud Palace Holy Land!"

"What?" Feng Feier was surprised.

"This cat is the inner spiritual pet of the Sacred Realm of Cloud Palace... In terms of qualifications, even the prince would respectfully call it'Little Master', is Feng Mo'er boldly trying to assassinate it? What do you think this will end up if it reaches the ears of the Lord?"

The corners of Feng Feier's mouth twitched, and the slap in the face was so painful that she couldn't say a word.

Feng Mo'er wiped mud on his face and was equally surprised.

"The spiritual pet of the Yungong Holy Realm? You lied to..." Feng Moer was beaten to death.

But before the words were finished, the black cat suddenly moved and turned into a fourteen-five-year-old girl, but in the blink of an eye, she turned back into the black cat itself.

However, the big guy still saw a light pink petal around the girl's waist, which was a sign of the people at the gate of the Holy Land of the Cloud Palace.

Feng Ruchu bent down and poked the black cat's chin with his finger: "It's too dangerous here, don't be too waves." He said, as if he was holding it up.

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