The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 115: : The dog can't spit out ivory

Feng Ruchu looked at her coldly: "Since you don't speak human words, why do you keep this mouth? I'm counting on you to vomit ivory?"

The dog can't spit out ivory...full of mockery!

"You!" Feng Moer pulled out the Shuiyun sword, and just about to rush towards Feng Ruchu, he was pressed down by a hand next to it.

Turning his head and looking, it was actually the leader of the Bodhi Sect, Feng Ze.

"Big brother, why are you stopping me! Do you even want to help a waste?"

Feng Ze was still gentle, but his tone was slightly reproachful: "After Mo'er, our task is arduous and it is really not suitable for infighting. Moreover, several real people are not far away. If they are attracted, it would be bad. Up."

Feng Moer's expression became stiff, and her temper was lost in an instant. She took the Shuiyun sword away unwillingly, gave Feng Ruchu a vicious look, and said, "If there is a kind, don't follow us for protection. You entered the blood maple forest. Even if you kneel in front of me and "lick" my shoes, I won't look at you."

After finishing speaking, domineering one step ahead.

Feng Ruchu turned to Wang Yu after taking a large group of troops for a certain distance. He glanced at his dusty school uniform, and said in doubt, "How did you enter the Ksitigarbha? Don't you have a master?"

Hearing this, Wang Yu gritted his teeth invisibly, and said in a deep voice: "My master... half a month ago, he had already passed away..."

Feng Ruchu frowned.

Wang Yu immediately said: “It’s not that the benefactor’s Nine Resurrection Pill is not working, but...but as soon as I stepped into the realm of Xiyang, I was surrounded by the Guo family... Not only did I severely wound me, but also I snatched the Nine Resurrection master wanted to save me..."

Such a tough and honest young man, when talking about the master, his eyes were red, and he could only bite his posterior molars so hard that he would not cry.

Wang Yu took a deep breath and said: "I want to avenge my master, but I am weak, how can I compete with the Guo family? So I came to Yucheng and participated in this year's trial meeting. Only when I have the opportunity to become stronger in the Cloud Palace Holy Realm, the Guo family will pay the debt.

With a sea of ​​blood on his back, he did not hesitate to reject Feng Mo'er's "As long as I humiliate myself", the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister's Mansion would be the olive branch in the background.

It can be seen that Wang Yu is not only loyal and filial, but also a person who is kind and repayable.

Feng Ruchu patted him on the shoulder and nodded.

Wang Yu pulled a little girl behind him and introduced: "Benefactor, this is my sister Wang Lu. She also participated in this year’s trial, but she only won the ninth place and failed to enter the sect. Spiritualist belonging to the wood family...Benefactor, you have a great kindness to us. From now on, let us siblings follow you and be loyal to you."

Feng Ruchu smiled and said: "Follow me, but I don't like others screaming at their benefactors."

"Then let's call you the second lady." Wang Yu said.

"Yeah, it's the second lady." Wang'Lu' also followed up, but this girl was more shy than her brother's honesty, and she spoke softly.


Blood Maple Forest—As the name suggests, it is a maple forest with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The miasma in the forest is pervasive and poisonous.

For thousands of years, it has been a place for gathering Yin and evil spirits.

It is said that three thousand years ago, in the battle between gods and demons, many ancient monsters were sealed with this, and every hundred years, the seal barrier would appear correspondingly damaged, and the disciples of the sect of the Yungong Holy Realm came to repair it.

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