The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 123 Spirit Silkworm Hall

Everyone discussed some specific matters, and when it was getting dark, Gu Wanchang waved everyone away.

When everyone stood up and prepared to leave the meeting hall, Gu Wanchang suddenly said

"Everyone here should not make a big deal about today's matter after leaving this door. I don't want to make you smelly before the matter is completed. Do you all understand?"

Everyone present was a veteran, so they naturally understood the pros and cons and all said yes.

"Wan Hua and Shi Qing stay for a while."

Gu Wanhua has been sitting in his original position with no intention of leaving. Gu Shiqing is a little confused as to why the patriarch would keep her. Is there anything else that has not been explained clearly?

"Shiqing, I believe in your ability to cultivate elixirs. However, many of the elixirs here have never been raised by the Gu family before. You still have to be careful. If you find anything wrong, you can come to me."

Gu Wanchang warned that this batch of elixirs was really too precious, otherwise he would not talk too much.

Gu Shiqing said seriously

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I understand the importance and won't force you."

"That's good. In fact, I asked you to stay for another reason. Among these elixir plants, there are two kinds of mulberry trees: Tianyou mulberry and Fenghuo mulberry. If they are planted in large quantities on Bifeng Mountain, how many do you think would be better? good?"

Although Gu Shiqing didn't understand why mulberry trees should be planted on a large scale, she still thought for a while and said:

"Both of these mulberry trees are third-level spiritual plants, and it takes a long time to raise seedlings. If you want to expand the scale, it is best to use the method of grafting and inserting poles, but this method will cause some damage to the logs.

Tianyou Mulberry is okay, but Phoenix Fire Mulberry is a third-order high-grade spiritual plant. The spiritual energy on Bifeng Mountain can only barely support Phoenix Fire Mulberry. Even if grafting is used, it will be difficult to survive. It is also likely to damage the original strain.

Plant Tianyou Mulberry on Bifeng Mountain. It is enough to plant about 400 plants. If there are too many, it may affect the growth of other elixirs and the cultivation of the tribe. "

Gu Wanchang nodded. He opened the jade box on the table, revealing the Jueling Silkworm.

Gu Shiqing couldn't recognize it for a moment, but Gu Wanhua's eyes lit up

"This is the Unparalleled Silkworm."

It turned out to be raising spiritual silkworms. Gu Shiqing understood.

Raising spiritual silkworms is not difficult, as long as you feed the silkworms on time and clean them up.

"I'm going to hand over the task of raising Jue Ling Silkworms to your elixir garden. What do you think?"

Gu Shiqing has some doubts. It is not difficult to raise spiritual silkworms, and it is also a fat job, but...

"Spiritual silkworms are also spiritual beasts. If you leave them to our spiritual medicine garden, I'm afraid that the brothers of the Shifeng clan will be dissatisfied."

Gu Wanchang nodded,

"I didn't consider this matter carefully. What do you think, Wan Hua?"

“Spiritual silkworms need a large supply of mulberry leaves at all times, unlike ordinary spiritual beasts that just need to be raised extensively.

The family has never raised spiritual silkworms before. Spiritual silkworms are easy to raise, and the scale will definitely become larger and larger in the future. It is better to set up a spiritual silkworm hall to be responsible for raising spiritual silkworms. "

"This method is feasible. I'll leave it to you."

When Gu Shiqing saw that she had nothing to do, she resigned. She walked in a hurry, apparently anxious to plant all the elixirs as quickly as possible.

As soon as she left, Gu Wanhua couldn't help but ask

"Brother Ninth, where did you get all these spiritual objects?"

Gu Wanchang smiled and said nothing.

"Could it be that kid Chang Huan got it?" Gu Wanhua asked tentatively.

Gu Wanchang nodded.

"This matter should still be kept secret. Don't tell other people in the family. I will tell Uncle Twenty-one.

When these industries are on track, 20% of the profits will be given to Chang Huan. There are also wine parties who contribute, and the profits from subsequent sales will also be shared with you. "

"Brother Twelve is still in seclusion. If he comes out of seclusion and finds out that Chang Huan has brought back so many spiritual objects, he will laugh so hard that he will get two more wrinkles." Gu Wanhua clapped his hands and said with a smile.

With such a capable junior, it would be strange not to smile.

"In the end, my Gu family is lucky." Gu Wanchang expressed great relief.

"You should pay more attention to the development over Xianze Lake!"

Gu Wanchang said to Gu Wanhua. Gu Wanhua nodded and sighed again. This is another expenditure.

Although the Gu family has had good luck in the past two years and made several quick fortunes, their annual expenses are also not small.

The previous industry has not yet fully profited, and the wave of monsters is coming again. All expenditures are expanding. Now it is necessary to develop new industries, and the family finances are somewhat tight.

But it's not just the Gu family. The Yu family is not as good as the Gu family. It has already been stretched thin and even the salaries of the clan members have begun to be reduced. The situation of the Zhang family is slightly better, and only the Fang family is able to handle it with ease because it relies on the Haoran Sect and has never been less than the Zifu ancestor.

Gu Wanchang was naturally aware of the family's financial situation. He and Gu Wanhua thought in unison that it would be great if they could make a few more quick fortunes.

But they also know that this kind of thing is all by chance and cannot be forced.

"Over there at Xianze Lake, Brother Qi, what are your plans?"

"After the industry is developed there, I plan to have Shixin or Changhuan stationed at Xianze Lake."

Gu Wanchang said that Xianze Lake is more important to the family, and it is appropriate to send a foundation-building monk to garrison it.

The garrisoned industry is different from the garrisoned city. Professionals are responsible for the large and small matters of the industry. The foundation-building monks play more of a deterrent role and can have more time for cultivation.

"There are still too few foundation building periods available to the family now. In the future, the family industry will gradually expand, and it will be unsafe to be stationed without a foundation building period."

Gu Wanhua sighed.

In fact, according to common sense, the future Xianze Lake, Guaping Mountain, the previous underground cave, and several other industries of the Gu family all need to be guarded by the foundation-building period.

It's just that the Gu family has too few foundation-building people. They can't take care of so many industries, so they can only send two more late-stage Qi training people to defend the industry with the formation.

"Don't worry, the spiritual medicine for refining the foundation-building pill has been gathered. After Uncle Twenty-one comes out of retreat, we can ask someone to refine the foundation-building pill."

By then, the Gu family will have one or two more foundation-building masters, and they will be more at ease.

A Zifu family should normally consist of one or two Zifu and ten or so foundation-building people. Although the Gu family is now a Zifu family, there are only six foundation-building people.

The Gu family has been a Zifu family for too short a time, and the industry is expanding too fast now, which has led to the current situation.

"We have Uncle Twenty-one Qingtian in our Gu family, as well as outstanding descendants like Chang Huan, and future pillars of the family like Chang Cheng and Chang Ze. As long as we survive this period and get through the monster tide, the future of our Gu family will be bright." Gu Wanchang said confidently.

Gu Wanhua also agreed with him and nodded in agreement.

Just as Gu Wanchang and Gu Wanhua were looking forward to the future of the Gu family, in a cave on the Bifeng Mountain, Gu Wanhao slowly put away his skills.

During this retreat, he successfully broke through to the late stage of foundation building.


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