The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1378: May the death follow the alien

  Chapter 1378 May Shidi follow the alien master

   "Water and fire are inherently opposed to each other. Your fire is in this world. How can you be your opponent?

   said, another water spell in her hand was about to hit Huo Lian's chest.

   However, she just raised her hand, but there was another spiritual force that restrained her whole body. She kept moving, trying to break free from that restraining force, but she couldn't get rid of it.

   Turning her eyes, she saw Shengchu Xin.

"It's you!"

   When she saw the Shenxin Stone in the hands of Shengchuxin, she was frightened all of a sudden.

   "God Heart Stone! You..."

   "It's not scary to back the Lord, it's you who is scary. After backing the Lord, you want to devour the Lord even more, so you should be damned!"

   Sheng Chuxin flew between Huo Lian and Shui Yin, stared at her with cold eyes, and opened his mouth.

   "You...what do you want to do? This seat is the guardian of the power of God personally chosen by Master Yu. If you kill this seat, Master Yu will not let you go."

   "Master Fish? Sigh."

   Sheng Chuxin sneered and felt really sad for Yu Shi. How did he choose her as the guardian of the power of God for such a person?

   "If Mr. Yu in your mouth knew that you betrayed his orders, betrayed his obsessions, and betrayed him himself, what do you think he would do?"

   She asked Shuiyin back.

   "I..." Shui Yin said for a while, unable to speak anymore.

   "No need to talk nonsense, just let this God Heart Stone deal with you."

   As he spoke, the power on the Divine Heart Stone became even stronger. After a while, he turned the sound of water into a stream of water and disappeared above the calm water.

   Sheng Chuxin turned around and faced the fire.

   Huo Lian saw her looking towards him, turned over from above the water, and knelt down in front of her.

   "The **** of fire makes fire and has seen aliens."

   "Get up." Sheng Chuxin said to him.

   "Thanks to the alien master."

   Huo Lian took the lead and stood up.


   Outside, Sheng Chuxin finally opened her eyes, and there was another person beside her, making Jiao Huayu stare at the person.

   "Chuxin, you are more powerful than us, you can cultivate a person through meditation and cultivation."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "…"

   What makes her cultivate a person, does she have that ability?

   "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

   stood up, she looked at Bei Yehan.

   "A-Kan, he is Fire Lian, the guardian of the power of God, I used the God Heart Stone to give him a body again and give him back his freedom."

   Bei Yehan didn't say anything, but looked at Huo Lian lightly.

   "Then let him follow you," he said.

   "Huo Lian is willing to follow a foreign master." Huo Lian clasped his fists at Bei Yehan and said.

   Hearing this, Sheng Chuxin frowned.

   "Whoever came up with the word alien, it's really ugly."

   Where does her whole body seem to be related to this different word, the Lord is the Lord, you have to add a different word in front.

   "Does the alien master not like this title?" Huo Lian asked.

   How many people in this world hope that they can become an alien master on the land of the gods, why does Shengchuxin dislike it?

   "The original intention, the title of the alien master comes from a sentence handed down by Yu Shi, "Blue Sunrise, God and Land is different." Jiao Huayu explained.

   "Blue Sun?" Sheng Chuxin looked at Jiao Huayu.

   "I have seen the blue moon twice, but I have never seen this blue sun."

   "Other Lord, the blue sun will be empty for one month, you have a chance to see it, and this blue sun is because of you." Huo Lian said.

   (end of this chapter)

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