The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 99: Lin Dong's 2 drawings

"Good brother." Chu Feng gave Xu Pofeng the interesting look of his good brother.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed.

When Chu Feng looked again, he found that the limbs of two Demontooth Sabertooth Tigers had been severed, and they were convulsing on the ground.

"Grab me blame." Chu Feng glanced at Chu Ying and said.

"Thunder Sword!"

A flash of thunder flashed, and several demon-toothed saber-toothed tigers began to numb all over, and they took the opportunity to be killed by Lu Heng.

An hour later, all the magic tooth saber-tooth tigers were all killed.

Chu Yunxuan took the tactical board, recorded the last information, and put away the tactical board with satisfaction.

"It's much easier than imagined. After entering the battlefield of ten thousand races, you don't need to intervene in ordinary battles." Chu Yunxuan thought of entering the battlefield of ten thousand races in three days, and the last shortcoming did not make up.

Chu Yunxuan thought for a while and said to everyone: "Tomorrow we will go to the Phantom Channel to test our mental defense and soul defense."

"Okay, team leader." The crowd responded.

Phantom Strait, a Galaxy-class battleship is driving on the sea, and everyone is on the open deck, watching the calm sea around it.

"I heard that Charm Sea is very beautiful. I don't know if it is true." Lin Dong said expectantly. When he read the Encyclopedia of Alien Beasts before, he felt that this alien beast was very strange. Take the prey into the nest, and then slowly eat some.

"I've seen them. They are beautiful, and they are more beautiful when eating people." Ji Xiayun walked to Lin Dong and said at this time.

"Sister Ji, hello." Lin Dong saw Ji Xiayun, his eyes lit up, thinking that the other party would be willing to make friends with his own.

"Don’t, don’t call my sister, I don’t want to know you, I want to tell you, step up to get your master to pay back the money, otherwise, my master will sell the war castle forcibly as a tauren. Very interested." Ji Xiayun threatened. Recently, her master was a bit unable to unravel the pot, and the rations of the few demigod summoned beasts under her were almost spent.

"Oh, you guys sell it. My master said that the price is right and sell it." Lin Dong said with a grin. Since following this master, he has been able to cope with this situation, and he is already familiar with the road. .

"Huh! Your master is a big rascal, you are a little rascal."

"Sister, my heart is also miserable. If I had money, I would really pay back the money for the master. Unfortunately, 100 trillion, I can't afford to sell it." Lin Dong said pitifully. After the success, the huge profit borrowed almost all the demigods and banks of the human race, and then carried out a human race’s world-renowned experiment. Then, the experiment failed, and countless people were lost by his smashed homes. .

Then his master often disappeared without a trace. He spent almost half of his time studying on his own. His master played a very small role. He was also named the biggest Lao Lai apprentice of the human race, and he couldn't receive bank loans for experiments.

Ji Xiayun snorted and left.

At this time, Lin Dong thought a lot, holding tight Yue's thigh is his current main strategy. Most people may not know who is the richest person in the human race, but all the demigods know that it is Wei Duntian, Wei Dawei.

There are countless chambers of commerce under his name, mainly operating various special products of the large fragmented world. As the top shield holder of the human race, you can take a large fragment of the world with a dog, not to mention all the top shield holders of the human race. Under him.

The shield bearer who has shown his best, Zhang Yue's future potential is unlimited.

At this time Zhang Yue was looking at the sea level in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Brother Yue! Brother Yue! I saw the large mecha giant you summoned yesterday. I have a lot of good ideas. I don't know if Brother Yue would be interested in listening." Lin Dong's expectant voice was in Zhang Yue's ears. Sounded.

Zhang Yue's eyes brightened when he heard Lin Dong's words. Just now he was wondering if he could optimize the giant skill he cast yesterday. With which hit yesterday, Zhang Yue felt that he could reach the level 6 advanced attack level. The idea is correct, but the actual optimization When he gets up, he will design a lot of knowledge that he has not touched.

"Okay, thank you then."

"Everyone will be brothers from now on, Brother Yue, you are too polite." Lin Dong said with a smile. Then the screen is emptied.

I saw a simple picture of a giant mecha on the screen.

"Look, Brother Yue, this is a temporary mecha model that I conceived. It is the one that idles after a few attacks. The biggest advantage of this graphic is that it saves half of the energy compared to your last giant, and it also contains simple The energy booster, Brother Yue, as long as you follow the energy pattern on the drawing, you can directly stimulate the energy when you bring it."

Zhang Yue looked at the drawings on the screen, it was 10,000 times more scientific than the one he had conceived, and the construction difficulty was still very low.

"Xiaodong, I'm interested." Zhang Yue thanked him. With this blueprint, he had one more killer move.

"Brother Yue, besides, this is the mecha giant that I optimized for a long time. It is 30 meters high, which is a bit more complicated." Lin Dong said with interest.

"But there is a particularly good idea here. If I see Brother Yue, the earth element giant is correct, you should have subdued the spirit of the earth element giant and created it in conjunction with your shield wall from Brother Yue."


"The bottom is the key, Brother Yue, the biggest highlight of this design drawing is that you are the main body, and your earth elemental spiritual body acts as an auxiliary system to help you drive the earth elemental mecha giant on the drawing more conveniently. If there is another one Earth elemental energy spar as a driving force, it is more perfect, but the earth elemental energy spar cannot be brought into the battlefield of ten thousand races, but I reserve the position for you." Lin Dong said that it was regrettable in the end.

"That's all right, let's find time to try these two drawings next day."

Zhang Yue feels worthy of being a perfect mechanic at this time. When it comes to professional issues, is really turning amateur seconds into scum.

"Brother Yue, you look down on me too much. How can I deal with the two drawings? I still have to deal with various types of enemies. Different mecha models have been sent to you. You can take a look at that time. Brother Yue, you have more Tell me the idea directly, and I will give you the details." Lin Dong's fat little face was full of sincerity at this moment.

"You brother, I recognize it." Zhang Yue said with his arms around Lin Dong's shoulders, it is rare for someone to help himself with such a heart.

"It should be." Lin Dong said shyly.

"Haha, it shouldn't be." Zhang Yue transferred 500 million energy to Lin Dong. A perfect-level mechanic personally designed skills for himself, which is absolutely worth the money.

Lin Dong's face suddenly collapsed when he saw the receipt of 500 million energy points.

"Xiaodong, this is my little gift. I don't like to take advantage of others. You accept the money. I also remember the favor. The most important thing is that I, Zhang Yue, recognize you as a brother." Zhang Yue Pat Lin Dong on the shoulder and said, he just feels that Lin Dong is a good person, and he can't let him work in vain.

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