Today, Zhang Yue knows the taste of everyone’s pursuit. At the celebration dinner, facing countless people’s toasts and praises, Zhang Yue feels a little fluttering. The deepest hidden and most selfish emotion in his heart has been saying in his heart: admit it. You are the most genius among the shield holders. When I become a demigod, everyone will admire you, and the human race will depend on you to grow. At that time you are the human master.

Zhang Yue wakes up in an instant, feeling that he is on the top. If this mentality continues, he will be abandoned in the future. There is no will to become stronger in his heart, and there is no will to guard in his heart. There is only the pleasure of being touted by everyone. The road is also broken.

   The dinner was over, and Zhang Yue returned to the home of the world of heavens under the accompaniment of everyone and went offline.

   Zhang's small courtyard, Zhang Yue practiced the shield pose alone in the small courtyard. ,

  The deserted starlight penetrated into Zhang Yue's body, causing Zhang Yue's drunkenness to slowly dissipate, and the arrogant and selfish sentiment just disappeared without a trace.

   "At that time, why did I have this idea? It shouldn't be, is it something too smooth recently." Zhang Yue thought. I feel that my state of mind is a bit unstable. This is what Master once told myself. The relationship between state of mind and strength. When all kinds of messy things appear in your heart, it proves that your strength has improved too quickly and your state of mind has not been tempered. OK, it's okay to go for a walk, take a look, let your mindset relax.

   At this time, Zhang Yue wanted to talk to Zhao Yunshu, and now Zhao Yunshu is resting at noon.

   Zhang Yue had a video call with Zhao Yunshu.

   turn on

Zhao Yunshu’s sweet face like first love appeared in the video. At the back of the video, she should be in a forest. Behind her stood the creatures summoned by her, the water elves and the ice elves, plus the huge shield in hand. , A heavily armored soil puppet.

"Brother Yue, we have come out for a field exercise today. Today's goal is Tier 2 Red Wood Tiger. You see, this is my harvest." Zhao Yushu turned the camera to the open space next to her, and saw three huge ice cubes inside. It was the Chimu Tiger that was frozen in the ice, neatly yarded in the open space.

   "Do you have any teammates?" Zhang Yue asked strangely.

"I didn't ask for teammates myself, because our summoners can form a team by themselves. I'm saying, I have the life structure diagram of summoning water elves and ice elves given to me by Uncle Zhang. I am a team by myself. Teammates are needed." Zhao Yunshu said proudly. Her current combat power ranks among the top 20 in their squad, and she is already very powerful in the gathering place of human geniuses.

   "Yun Shu is great, I will go to the capital area to do something in a while, then you have to take me to the capital area." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Really, Brother Yue, you are coming to the capital area. It's great. Although I have friends here now, I still miss you. That silly Luoluo said he would come to accompany me this year, but he didn't come." Zhao Yun When Shu said Zhang Luoluo, she pursed her lips and Gems was very unhappy.

"At that time, Xiao Luoluo was too arrogant and felt that she was very genius. After taking a test before the college entrance examination, her mental strength did not reach the standard, only the excellent level, and there was no way to reach the excellent+." Zhang Yue said helplessly, although Now the younger sister is fully qualified to be admitted to the Truth Academy, but she must wait until she graduates from high school before she can take the exam.

   "Haha, when I see Luo Luo, I will call her the Cowboy King." Zhao Yunshu smiled.

"Haha, she is the king of cowhide, don’t you know, didn’t I give her a law spar last time, now that I understand the trend of the wind, I become bullish, asking me all day long if I want to cool down, and her little wind blade? , Even my skin can't be cut." Zhang Yue preached.

   "She likes bluffing, she understands the power of wind, and I also understand the power of gold." Zhao Yunshu finished speaking and turned the earth giant into a steel giant.

   "It's just that the action is too slow after becoming a steel giant. I just cast the skeleton with the momentum of gold, and the rest is still earth elements."

   "Awesome, awesome. In the future, when we form a team, you will let your steel giant stand in the front, and I will be behind."

   "It was necessary then," Zhao Yunshu happily responded after receiving Zhang Yue's praise.

   "Do you know, today our team opened up wasteland in the debris world, where is it~~~~~~~~~~"

   talked until Zhao Yunshu was about to gather before hanging up the video. Zhang Yue wanted to quickly open up the debris world of Shen Manjin and the promised Celadon Chamber of Commerce boss, and then went to the capital area to see Zhao Yunshu.

   The next day, when Zhang Luoluo was on holiday, Zhang Yue took Zhang Luoluo to the top of the 15,000-meter Jufeng Mountain and put on flying wings.

   "Brother, do you really want to jump?" Zhang Luoluo looked at the clouds halfway up the mountain and said in fear. Although she was not afraid of heights, it was the first time to fly in wingsuit. She was a little scared.

"I have climbed up, and experience it. This is helpful for your wind power. You can use the wind power to fly in the air. I bought you a smart rescue bracelet, even if you are dizzy in the sky. It's okay."

   "Don't tell me, I jumped." Zhang Yue, wearing a wing suit, jumped from the take-off point after speaking, then rose up and flew in the air.

   "Wait for me." Zhang Luoluo also jumped Zhang Luoluo quickly grasped the essentials of flying according to the posture of the instructor, and even accelerated himself without a teacher from the general wind.

   "Brother, watch me overtake you." Zhang Luoluo began to accelerate and flew in the direction of Zhang Yue.

   "What, excite me." Zhang Yue saw the little girl flying to his side and said using the air conversation headset bought in advance.

   "I only discovered today that there is such a fun project." Zhang Luoluo said happily.

   "Yes, your sister Yun Shu is not there. Otherwise, the three of us should play together by ourselves, that would be great."

   "Brother, your heart is shining."

   "Do you dare to tease your brother, when you don't believe me, when I let you go to university, the soil can't afford it." Zhang Yue pretended to be vicious and said.

   "Hehe, I don't believe it. Brother, let's play the game and see who flies fast." After Zhang Luoluo finished speaking, he rushed into a large cloud.

   "Haha, sample, more speed than me, don’t think it’s great to know the wind."

   Turn on anti-gravity, electromagnetic acceleration, Zhang Yue, like an arrow from the string, flies quickly towards the big cloud group in front.

   Until the afternoon, the two men landed outside the city of Jushi City.

   "Brother, I have to play tomorrow." Zhang Luoluo handed the flying wing suit to Zhang Yue and said.

   "You come by yourself tomorrow, I still have business, go, tonight, let's have a barbecue dinner." Zhang Yue received everything in the storage space, and took Zhang Luoluo home.

   In the evening, Zhang’s small courtyard, the family gathered in the small courtyard happily and began to chat about the fun things about Zhang Yue and Zhang Luoluo’s childhood, and from time to time there were happy laughs from the small courtyard.

   One day's relaxing time completely brought Zhang Yue back to his previous state, and the unhumbly, not humble, arrogant, and turbulent Zhang Yue came to Zhang Yue again.


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