The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 57: War wolves

The Wolf King looked at Zhang Yue and the four who were slowly advancing forward, and became a little anxious. The memory inherited and told him that the things on the altar must never be obtained by anyone, otherwise countless powerful men would break into his world. , Being killed or becoming their slaves, the coyote wolves will never allow the existence of enslavement.

This time I must guard my own world. If you stick to it for another two or two days, you can get another 10 years of free time. 10 years ago, I was an ordinary coyote, but I often drink the group in the forest. The wine made by the stupid monkey began to slowly rise and become the king of the entire coyote clan.

It decided to use its own trick to make the last fight. It had the same skills as the old wolf king of the previous generation. It was a kind of power that corroded the spirit of darkness. The old wolf king of the previous generation used it to defeat the invaders. The one holding the shield is killed, and the remaining people are not a problem.

   is advancing forward.

   "Brother Yue, be careful! Avoid, don't resist!" Suddenly Zhao Yujue's exclamation sounded in his ears, Zhao Yujue suddenly felt a wave of dark elements, and saw a dark nether magic ball shot at Zhang Yue very quickly.

The speed of the Nether Magic Orb was too fast. When Zhang Yue found out that it was too late for more coins, he directly resisted it with a shield, and saw that the Nether Magic Orb entered the sea like a drop of water, disappearing without a trace, but the dark energy followed Zhang. Yue's arm penetrated into the spirit.

   Zhang Yue felt his head slightly dazed, the stars in his mental consciousness flickered, and all the dark power was emptied instantly, and then nothing happened. Zhang Yue was a bit strange. Is this a bewildering talent skill?

"Brother Yue, are you okay!" After seeing Zhang Yue being hit by the Nether Magic Orb, Zhao Yujue shouted anxiously, wanting to call Zhang Yue back. The general Tier 4 Timber Wolf's talent skill is Nether Magic Clothes. This Zhao Yujue knows, but the Nether Magic Orb is a skill that will not awaken until the fifth and sixth ranks. Once hit by the Nether Magic Orb, the weak will be easily corroded by the dark power and the spirit will become an idiot, with strong mental power. At least he will be unconscious.

   "I'm fine, don't worry."

   As soon as Zhang Yue's voice fell, several Netherworld Orbs attacked the other three people, and they were blocked by Zhang Yue, who had been prepared. This time Zhang Yue didn't even feel stunned. A huge shield connected with a starlight armor appeared directly and unconsciously from his body, which was particularly dazzling on the battlefield.

   "Star Guardian! Forgot that Brother Yue understood the power of the starry sky system, and was not afraid of the dark invasion force." Zhao Yujue said in surprise, people with Star Guardian have strong defenses against spirit and soul.

After watching Zhang Yue fearlessly his own Nether Magic Orb, the Wolf King rushed towards Zhang Yue with two Tier 4 younger brothers, making the final resistance. At this time, the anxious look on the Wolf King’s face no longer disappeared. , And there is no fear at the deepest level in his eyes. At this time, the Wolf King is like a fighter who wants to complete the final mission.


  All the coyote wolves stopped their attack and listened to the instructions of the wolf king. The content is to complete our final mission.

   At this time, all the coyote wolves are in madness, the eyes of all the wolves have become extremely fanatical and bloodthirsty, and the spiritual suppression of the wolves by the shield force has disappeared.

   "No, speed up, let's get the heart of the world first." Zhang Yue felt bad, and once the shield failed, the attack he faced was likely to trap them in place, which would lead to passivity.

   ‘Burial Beast’ Zhang Yue directly used half of the energy in his body to send more than 200 coyote wolves in front of him to the ground.


   Taking advantage of the gap in the front area, Zhang Yue led the four directly to the altar.

   Zhang Yue picked up the Heart of the World on the altar and handed it to Zhao Yujue.

   "Send it to Boss Shen."


   Zhao Yujue summoned an ice bird casually, and the ice bird flew towards the small house full of gold with the heart of the world.

"It's over." Shen Manjin said in disbelief holding the Heart of the World. Such a small heart of the world requires 50 professionals, and at least half of them must be excellently evaluated to be within two or three days. Get the heart of the world.

   Shen Manjin began to refine the Heart of the World. The entire process took 2 hours. Once interrupted, all previous efforts would be abandoned, and Zhang Yue would be fine.

   When the heart of the world reached Shen Manjin's hands, all the coyote wolves rushed in the direction of Shen Manjin.

   "Hurry up and protect Boss Shen." Zhang Yue relaxed a little at this time. In Zhang Yue's view, guarding an immovable goal is the easiest thing.

   Zhang Yue has reached the best part, and his mood is also quite cheerful.

   "Shield Wall"

   Just as the coyote wolves were about to attack the pillar shield wall supporting the small house full of gold, a circular shield wall appeared around it, protecting the pillar in the center.

   This is the shield wall reinforced by Zhang Yue, even Tier 4 monsters will have to attack for 10 minutes before it collapses.

"Let's go, all that is left is to kill the three Tier 4 Timberwolves, and the wasteland will be over." Zhang Yue said with a shield, after speaking, a spear was condensed in his hand, facing the Tier 4 Timberwolves. Voted in the past.

  The Wolf King who was attacking the shield wall, as if he could predict the danger, directly avoided the spear thrown by Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue, throwing spears and archery are the same. For low-level monsters, you can use speed to shoot them ~ After reaching the middle level, you need to grasp the timing and speed." Ren Feipeng said. , Directly shot at another Tier 4 Timberwolf with a two-shot burst, and was broken. The other one plunged into Tier 4 Timberwolf’s leg, only piercing half an inch, hurting its fur. .

   "What about the explosion?" Zhang Yue asked.

   "I use Cloud Piercing Arrow. If I use the burst arrow technique, it will easily dodge it. The disadvantage of the burst arrow is that it is slow and powerful, so the timing must be grasped." Ren Feipeng explained.

   "Then I will create the opportunity for you, you have to grasp it." Zhang Yue saw three Tier 4 and a large group of Tier 3 coyote wolves rushing towards him, and ran into it directly with their shields.

   "I'm going to open your mouth." Zheng Yang said, and rushed over with Zhang Yue.

   "Brother Yue, do you know that every time I fight with you, I always feel like bullying them." Zheng Yang said behind Zhang Yue.

"Haha, just bullying them." Zhang Yue was inspired by Zheng Yang's words. One year ago, they only dared to go to the hard-steel Tier 4 severely injured earth dragon beast. One year later, they faced three or four. Only Tier 4 strange beasts can keep their face unchanged, and even want to kill it to make money.

   Fortunately, Zhang Yue immediately figured out many incomprehensible problems about gravity.


   After Zhang Yue collided with the wolves, he instantly turned on the anti-gravity he had just understood, and directly knocked all the coyote wolves into the sky, including the three Tier 4 coyote wolves.

   "Ren Feipeng, your time has come."

   Looking at a group of coyote wolves who have nowhere to borrow in the sky, Ren Feipeng seemed to have come to heaven. What's the difference between this and shooting a target.

   "Haha, my rune armor-piercing heavy arrow can finally be used as much as possible."


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