The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 54: Give gifts

   Zhang Yue kept chatting with Shen Manjin until 5 o'clock in the afternoon before he went offline and went home.

   After arriving home, he found that his family had not yet returned. Zhang Yue contacted Zhao Gaoshi. Zhao Gaoshi was hosting guests at his real-world home. It was Zhang Yue’s uncle, who happened to ask Zhang Yue to come over.

After a short time, Zhang Yue walked to Zhao Gaoshi’s residential area and looked at the magnificent gardening scenery. Zhang Yue wondered if he should change to a bigger house, at least have a larger training room, or he would use it later. not open. Well, I will discuss with my parents after I go back.

   Zhang Yue knocked on the door, which was opened by his mother Li Xin.

"Xiaoyue is here, your master is waiting for you inside." Li Xin looked at Zhang Yue with satisfaction. She is now more satisfied with Zhang Yue, good character, high talent, and grew up with Yun Shu’s childhood sweetheart. , It's just a match made in heaven.

"Well, mother, this is my gift to you. Amethyst and queen honey is said to be the best tonic. I will give you 30 kg and give me 20 kg." Zhang Yue said in a respectful tone from a younger generation. Take out 5 boxes in the object space.

   "Amethyst Queen Bee Honey! I have heard that I can't buy it if I want to buy it. I didn't expect Xiaoyue to send it over today. I am interested! I am interested!" Li Xin smiled, she only took 3 boxes.

"These three boxes are mine. No one can take them. You can give the remaining two boxes to your master." Li Xin said with a smile. She opened one of the boxes and saw small art bottles made of water jade. , More satisfied.

   "Okay." Zhang Yue retrieved the two boxes and walked toward the living room.

   "This is the disciple of the Tianjiao evildoer that our master is thinking of." A handsome uncle who stood up to welcome him.

"Yes, as long as Xiaoyue is in front of him, there is no one else in the master's eyes." Zhao Gaoshi said sourly. During the years when he was with Master, the number of times he laughed at himself had not seen Zhang Yue. More than 5 hours.

   "Haha, can't blame Master, our Master is also for the future of the human race. With one more demi-shield, it is only a matter of time before our human race is promoted to the second-rate race." The handsome middle-aged uncle said with a smile.

   Zhao Gaoshi motioned to Zhang Yue to sit down, and said to Zhang Yue: "This is your sixth uncle and your youngest uncle, uncle Xiang Zhouxiang."

   "Hello to uncle." Zhang Yue gave a gift to the younger generation.

"Okay, I didn't expect to be so predestined today, I just wanted to meet you. Xiaoyue is now Tier 3, how about it? Are you interested in doing a few fragmented worlds with your uncle? I will fund the construction, and the good things are all you Yes, for the remaining one and half, I also reimburse the cost of the round-trip teleportation array, right as a sightseeing tour, how about it." Xiang Zhou said with a smile, there are three difficult small fragments under his hand, the world has not yet been conquered, and has been in his hand. Hold it.

   "It just so happens, Xiaoyue, after you have finished sinking over Jin, you will go to the capital area to see Yun Shu and bring her something by the way." Zhao Gaoshi said.

   Zhang Yue knew that it was only the master who hinted that he agreed.

   "No problem, Uncle Xiang, I will go to the capital area after running here."

   "Okay, then let's make it. This is a gift from Uncle Master, guardian rune, which can withstand the full blow of the 9th rank beast." Xiang Zhou took out a small crystal rune and handed it to Zhang Yue.

   "Thank you, Uncle Xiang." Zhang Yue is not polite. Who doesn't like a life-saving thing.

   "Okay, the business is over, I should go now, there are still some things that have not been handled in the capital area." Xiang Zhou stood up and said goodbye.

   Zhao Gaoshi and Zhang Yue sent Xiang Zhou to the door.

   "No need to send it, it's far from the teleportation array here."

   "Sir, go slowly."

   "Uncle, go slowly."

   Xiang Zhou took out a speed car and flew into the air.

   "The transmission of the real world will cost more than one billion energy points." Zhang Yue exclaimed.

   "You, the uncle, are the lord of the rich world. The Yushan Chamber of Commerce, a large chamber of commerce within 100,000 human races, does business with some foreign races." Zhao Gaoshi introduced.

   "That's it."

   Zhao Gaoshi and Zhang Yue returned to the room and continued to sit down.

   Zhang Yue took out the two boxes and handed them to Zhao Gaoshi.

   "This Amethyst Queen Honey I honored you, 20 Jin." Zhang Yue opened a box for Zhao Gaoshi to see.

"I have a heart, I can't buy this stuff if I have money. I'm thinking of your mother's birthday gift. This is a fall." Zhao Gaoshi happily looked at the amethyst and queen honey, thinking about one box for himself and one box for his wife. , It just happens that my spirit is a bit bad recently.

   "The Master, I sent 3 boxes to Master, so you don't have to send them." Zhang Yue said cautiously, feeling like something bad happened.

   "Same, I will find a way to find gifts." Zhao Gaoshi rubbed his temples and said, the apprentice is a good apprentice, and things are good things, but I am so unhappy about that.

   "Master, I'll go home if I'm okay." Zhang Yue had better not eat dinner at Master's house.

   "Don't stay to eat?" Zhao Gaoshi asked.

   "No way, no, the house is ready."


   Zhang Yue just left the master’s house.

   When I got home, I found that the food was ready.

   "Xiao Yue is back, let's get ready to eat." Li Lengzhen said.


   After the family finished their meal, Zhang Yue took out a box of 10's and, this is amethyst queen honey, which should be helpful to your injury. Mom and little sister also eat something every day, which is good for spirits. "

   Zhang Shaohui opened the box and picked up a small bottle and took a sip. He was shocked, and the comfortable feeling in his soul seemed to be back when he was not injured.

   "Good thing, I feel that my injury seems to have disappeared." Zhang Shaohui said happily, the feeling of relaxation I had never had before.

   "Then you will always take a few bottles and soak in water to drink. I will get it after I drink it." Zhang Yue said about the scale of the amethyst honey.

   "It's great, don't I have amethyst honey that I can't drink in the future?" Zhang Luoluo said happily.

   "If you are like this, if you fail to enter the Truth Academy, your brother will have no choice." Zhang Yue said, looking at his sister Huanxi.

   "Look at someone."

   After Zhang Luoluo finished speaking, a breeze began to blow in the room.

   "The power of the wind!"

   Zhang Yue and his parents were shocked at the same time.

   Zhang Luoluo nodded proudly, she was satisfied with the expressions of her parents and brother.

   "I just comprehended yesterday, I sleep with the law spar every day, and I naturally comprehend it."

   "Well, it's my sister, now she's a bit on par with me." Zhang Yue said with satisfaction.

   "Thank you brother for the law spar."

   "No talent, there is no use." Zhang Yue touched Zhang Luoluo's head, and he thought about the house again.

   "Parents, let's change to a larger house. Now our small courtyard is a bit unsuitable. With a budget of 200 million yuan, let's buy a larger house."

   "Okay, it's time to change to a bigger house." Zhang Shaohui nodded and said.


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