The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 47: Wind Demon Tiger

   Zhang Yue held his shield and ran into the Nether Leopard. When the Nether Leopard saw a Tier 2 worm dared to charge it head-on, he raised his paw and patted Zhang Yue, his claws shining with cold light, as if to tear everything apart.

   At the moment when Zhang Yue and You Ming Leopard collided. Started by gravity, tied the Nether Leopard and pulled half of its body into the earth, strengthening the hardness of the earth.

   This set of combos directly fixed half of the Nether Leopard's body in the ground, and it would be unable to break free for a while.

   "Attack, what are you still doing!" Zhang Yue saw that the rescued team hadn't done anything.

   "Oh, oh, sorry, there is no response." The archer said apologetically while pulling the bow.

   The archer’s heavy arrow condensed a lot of wind elements, and when it reached its limit, it spun and shot out at the trapped Nether Leopard.

   As a result, the heavy arrow was smashed by a claw of the Nether Leopard, and there was a mocking look at them, and then struggling to break free from the body buried in the earth, and ran towards the depths of the jungle.

   Zhang Yue looked at the back of the Nether Leopard and said with emotion that Tier 4 monsters are really hard to kill at low levels. Even if such good conditions are created, it won't work.

   "Brother, I'm sorry, we didn't grasp the opportunity you created such a good opportunity." The middle-aged archer said embarrassedly.

   "It's okay, the main purpose is to save you." Zhang Yue waved his hand and said he didn't care.

   "Are you here to hunt Tier 4 strange beasts or do missions. This place is very dangerous, and it is best not to come if you are not strong enough."

   "We came over unknowingly on the mission, and then we ran into the Nether Leopard."

   "If you have nothing to do, leave the handle, and be careful not to encounter Tier 4 monsters again." Zhang Yue looked at the fateful team and reminded.

   "Thank you, brother, for saving our entire team. Our Hidden Snake team would like to thank you."

  The middle-aged archer took the whole team and gave Zhang Yue a thank-you gift. Zhang Yue separated from them after returning the gift.

   "This person shouldn't die anyhow. Such a big blinding forest can meet a savior." Zhang Yue said that their lives are good.

   Zhang Yue continued to walk deep into the jungle, slowly feeling something wrong, there were insects and birds singing just now, and now it is too quiet around, there is no sound at all, and he felt that there was still a needle-stabbed feeling.

Zhang Yue knew that he had encountered a powerful enemy, and his consciousness of the average Tier 4 strange beast would not have this feeling. The lower Tier 4 Nether Leopard just now wouldn’t make him feel that way even if there were three more. of.

   took off the black gold shield behind him, kept it still, and waited quietly.

   "Wow!!!" A huge Tier 4 wind demon tiger rushed towards Zhang Yue with the hurricane.

   "Damn, Tier 4 high-level monster." Zhang Yue was knocked out after speaking, and stopped after breaking several trees with his back.

   "So fast, I don't even have time to turn on the gravity." Zhang Yue quickly looked up and vomited a mouthful of blood.

   "Is this the first time I was injured." Zhang Yue felt that his whole body was broken.

The Wind Demon Tiger looked at Zhang Yue with bloodthirsty and cruel eyes. His huge body circled around Zhang Yue at an extremely light pace, waiting for the next attack. Zhang Yue looked at the Wind Demon Tiger with a shield cautiously, restraining his physical discomfort. Defending with a shield.

With a ‘swish’, the Wind Demon Demon Tiger attacked Zhang Yue frontally. As Zhang Yue was waiting for the attack with his shield, the Wind Demon Demon Tiger drew a semicircle on the ground, and a paw hit Zhang Yue’s waist.

   There are a few more trees in the Biri Forest which were broken by Zhang Yue.

   "No, I can't stand it, let's run away first." Zhang Yue sank into the ground when he fell on the ground.

   The roar of the tigers spread in the ears of Zhang Yue in the earth.

   Zhang Yue sneaked in the earth for 10 kilometers before daring to emerge.

After    came out, he checked his body and found all internal injuries.

   "No, I have to go back and buy some medicine for internal injuries. Come here." Zhang Yue said, feeling the slight pain in his body.

   The next day, morning.

With a'bang', Zhang Yue flew out again. The shield wall on the battlefield did not play any role, and was perfectly avoided by the wind demon, demon tiger, and directly shot Zhang Yue. The one who made progress was Zhang Yue's practical mysterious shield. Block that paw attack.

   In the afternoon, Zhang Yue healed his injuries in a hidden place. In the evening, he stood in a shield position for four hours and fully recovered from his injuries.

   The third day.

   Zhang Yue relied on the big tree to stop there, watching the roaring wind demon monster tiger.

   Zhang Yue looked at Feng Mo Yaohu with a look of embarrassment and smiled: "Little tiger, you won't be able to shoot me anymore."

  The wind demon monster tiger seemed to understand Zhang Yue's words, and his body began to be surrounded by a whirlwind, attacking at twice the usual speed.

   Like a badminton that was shot flying, it was shot and flew out. Zhang Yue almost lost consciousness and sank directly into the ground and escaped.

   The fourth day.

   Several shield walls on the battlefield were broken. At this time, no matter how the wind demon monster attacked Zhang Yue, it would first attack the shield wall and then attack Zhang Yue.

   Zhang Yue can already deal with the wind demon demon tiger at this time.

"Little tiger, this is the rapid shield wall that your brother Yue created specifically for you. Isn't it handsome? I can't help you in this Zhang Yue said triumphantly, this is because he specially optimized the shield yesterday. The rising speed of the wall has doubled compared to the previous speed. Although the strength is better than the previous weak point, it plays a very good buffering effect against foreign animals that are not caught by gravity at this extreme speed.

   Feng Mo Yaohu looked at Zhang Yue who was proud, then drove and accelerated towards Zhang Yue, and jumped directly into the air, spitting out a wind cannon on Zhang Yue's head and mouth at Zhang Yue below.

   "Boom"! , A big hole appeared in the same place, and Zhang Yue was gone. Feng Mo Yaohu was puzzled and planed in the big pit, and found that there was no figure of Zhang Yue and turned away.

   "Damn, I almost didn't get killed." Zhang Yue sat on the ground with his back against the big tree, taking medicine to heal his injuries.

   At this time, a second-order vulture slaughtered Zhang Yue from the sky. When Sharp Claw was about to grab Zhang Yue, he was directly pressed on the ground by gravity, and was dragged into the ground with only his head left.

   "Why did you join in the fun, and you want to eat me?" Zhang Yue watched the vulture attack him, without even taking the shield, and directly dragged the vulture into the ground with gravity and the force of the earth.

   Looking at the vulture's fearful eyes, Zhang Yue touched the vulture's head and said, "Be a good bird in your next life."

   After speaking, the vulture was dragged into the ground.

   fifth day

   Zhang Yue found the Wind Demon Monster Tiger and looked at each other with a shield.

   "Little tiger, use whatever means." Zhang Yue hooked Feng Mo Yaohu.

   "Woo", the wind demon monster jumped into the air again after repeating its old tricks. As a result, Zhang Yue instantly built a small house for himself to protect himself and walked to avoid it.

   In this way, Zhang Yue struggled with the wind demon monster for a day. After Zhang Yue forced out all the methods of the mad demon monster, Zhang Yue knew that he should look for the next Tier 4 monster.


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