The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 4: Training before entering

   For a period of time afterwards, Zhang Yue would come to the master's house every afternoon for training.

   "Brother Yue, why do you think the skills of the Summoning System are so difficult to learn? The skill book Uncle Zhang gave me has not yet started."

   When Zhao Yunshu trains in Zhang Yue every afternoon, he will come to chat with Zhang Yue.

   "Maybe you have not yet awakened in the world of the heavens. After awakening, all aspects of your body will improve a lot. Otherwise, how can you resist the monsters in the world of the heavens?"

   "Yes, Brother Yue, you never thought about forming a team by yourself to open up wasteland and debris world, go to the frontline ten thousand race battlefield to kill enemies to get honor points."

   "These are all necessary. When you are strong, you must go to the battlefield of the heavens and work hard. It is necessary to form a team of mutual trust."

"Can you add me to that? Summoners are very powerful." As Zhao Yunshu formed a formation in the void with his right hand, a small magic circle was in front of Zhao Yunshu, and the water element in the air slowly condensed, and one would appear soon. A human-shaped water man the size of a water cup walked crookedly, accidentally fell and fell on the ground like a water polo.

   Zhang Yue almost laughed and maintained his posture.

   "Yun Shu's little water person is really cute, and you can drink it as water if you are thirsty." Zhang Yue smiled and comforted, feeling very happy.

"I let Brother Yue see my potential, coupled with Uncle Zhang's life structure diagram, I am confident that I will be promoted to Tier 2 Summoner within one year." Although Zhao Yunshu was ashamed of the little water man who was just summoned, he still Speak out generously.

   "Did the master let you be a combat professional? Although our human race controls the degree of danger within the range, there is still danger."

"Don't be afraid, my dad said, life is to be bold and try more. When the daily support player is not respected as a combat player, I want to challenge it. Brother Yue, don't you still have you? You should be a shield bearer Can't you protect me afterwards?" Zhao Yunshu looked at Zhang Yue with big watery eyes.

   "Then it is necessary, then you and the little girl can output safely behind my shield wall. Before I fall, no one will want to hurt you." Zhang Yue showed a confident expression on his face.

   "Yes, my captain." Zhao Yunshu stood up and pretended to pay a military salute.

   Three hours later, Zhang Yue paused the shield pose, took a rest, and then continued to hold the fine iron shield, facing the collider in the training room, and began to practice the shield holder's second basic skill "Collision".

   Suddenly, the training room sounded like steel collision, and every collision on the instrument display





   The instrument shows Zhang Yue’s collision data in kilograms. The master said that the weakest attack power of the alien beasts in the world of the heavens is 1,000 kilograms, so the collision defense power of more than 1,000 is just the starting point.

Zhao Yunshu watched Zhang Yueyue's training quietly beside her, feeling full of security. Zhao Yunshu and Zhang Yue were in the same school since childhood, but in different classes, Zhang Yue grew up tall, has a manly demeanor, and has ideas. He often took her with her when she was young. Hanging out with my little sister is also their patron saint at school. From childhood to most of the time, Zhao Yunshu has given Zhao Yunshu a great sense of security. By the time of puberty, this feeling slowly changes, but Zhao Yunshu didn’t even notice it, only felt It's very comfortable to be with Zhang Yue.

   After Zhang Yue finished his training at the master’s house, he declined the invitation of his master’s mother for dinner. When he returned home, his father had just left work and was wiping his azure blue sword in his small courtyard.

   looked at Zhang Yue who had returned from training, and said with a little regret

   "It's a pity that you can't use a giant sword with your right secondary weapon. It seems that my old man is destined to be ashamed."

   "Dad, you can also find an apprentice and pass on your skills. Isn't there a good seedling in the martial arts gym?" Zhang Yue took a stool and sat next to his father.

   "Without this plan, I have a high vision, Hao Miao looks down on me, and the rest is meaningless."

   "You don’t have to ask for anything if you don’t have a picture. By the way, dad, do you have to comprehend ‘power’ to advance to the middle level." Zhang Yue remembered what the master said yesterday

"Yes, when I was injured, I had already realized the'potential' and I was about to advance to the middle level. What a pity. If I was not injured, maybe we already live in a house like your master, and life will be higher. "Zhang Shaohui said with a little regret

   "The'shi' of a shield bearer is called immovable like a mountain, and what is the'shi' of a giant sword warrior."

   "The epee has no edge, and the skill is not working." Zhang Shaohui suddenly picked up the giant sword with a stab, as if he was an invincible sword in his hand. Zhang Shaohui motioned Zhang Yue to look at the tip of the sword, and saw a pierced autumn leaf on the tip of the sword.

   "Niu, Dad, you are really amazing. I didn't know you have this ability before." Zhang Yue said admiringly. His father's hand really surprised him. This is a giant sword of more than 200 kilograms.

   "The ability is learned, but not spoken out."

   Zhang Shaohui was a little excited. In fact, this scene has been fantasizing for a long time. Zhang Shaohui also deliberately often showed the giant sword in front of Zhang Yue, but at that time Zhang Yue was not interested in the giant sword. It was not until today that my wish was granted.

"Actually, the comprehension of the warrior's momentum is universal, and I can also comprehend the immobile momentum, so that my defense will be more reliable. You can also comprehend the momentum of the heavy lifting, so that your movements and The use of the shield is more flexible. What else is moving like thunder, light as a swallow, silent, man and sword, and man and spear are so many. The more you understand, the more powerful your skills will be. Big."

   "If you can appreciate a lot of'potentials' and use them well, there will be nothing for the main fighters. The enemy will be shaken to death by your shield."

   "It turns out that the use of'potential' is so powerful, it seems that we need to train more in the future." Zhang Yue said with an expression of yearning.

"Boy, it's difficult to comprehend potential. Your dad has only comprehended two potentials in his entire life. One is just shown to you, and the other is called indomitable. It was realized when you saved your mother. Your father is still a Talent." Zhang Shaohui praised himself.

   "Dad, don't worry, I am definitely not worse than you." Zhang Yue showed a happy smile on his face. Although my father regretted not being able to go to the battlefield, he still enjoyed his current life.

   "Smelly boy." Zhang Shaohui scolded with a smile. Zhang Shaohui liked talking to his son and friends very much.

   In a blink of an eye, the college entrance examination is approaching. After the college entrance examination is completed, you can log in to the world of heavens. Zhang Yue has been very excited recently.

   On the first day of the college entrance examination, Chinese and mathematics were tested in the morning, and history and common sense in the world were tested in the afternoon. Zhang Yue played normally and should have about 350 points without accident. Zhang Yue's liberal arts scores have always been at the upper-middle level.

   At night, the two families packed a box in a restaurant and ate together.

   "Come on, Yun Shu, eat a piece of earthen pig braised pork. Add more spiritual energy tomorrow." Put a piece of meat at Zhang Yue's mother's house in Zhao Yunshu's bowl.

   Zhao Yunshu looked at the dish that was already on the tip, and said with happiness and annoyance; "Enough is enough, auntie, I can't eat it when you are in the folder."

   Zhang Yue also watched this scene speechlessly, his mother behaved a bit too far. The two families watched this scene happily, Zhang Luoluo sat next to Zhao Yunshu, pretending to be jealous and said.

   "Mom, you are partial. My sister's bowl is filled with you, and you never gave me any food."

   "You don't have an exam tomorrow, and you will talk about it when you take the exam." Li Lengzhen said disgustedly.

   Zhang Luoluo angrily directed his anger at the food on the table. She still likes Zhao Yunshu very much, and she looks good when she is a sister-in-law.

   The next day is the martial arts exam, which tests strength, speed, responsiveness, endurance, resilience, physical coordination, mental power, and attribute affinity. This is an important data for the Wuke University entrance examination, and it is also equivalent to a professional orientation test. After the examination, the teacher will suggest which profession to choose.

   There are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, dotted with blue sky, with good light and breeze.

   On the playground, the test has begun. All students wait in line to enter the test room before a long row of test rooms. This is a room dedicated to examinations, linked to the main star universe server, all universities in the Xia Guo star domain can extract personal scores from it, and no one is likely to cheat.

   From the test room, students with transcripts came out from time to time, some were happy, some were frustrated, and even cried loudly after they came out. Zhang Yue looked at this scene a little bit sorrowful, if he could enter the university by the college entrance examination, he would be nervous.

   An hour later, it was Zhang Yue's turn. Zhang Yue walked in. There was nothing in the room except an instrument compartment with the door open.

"Examinee Zhang Yue, please lie down and enter the warehouse. It will take you into the world of heavens for a short time." The teacher has long said that the test will enter the world of heavens. Zhang Yue is not surprised. He just enters the instrument according to the standard action. The warehouse door slowly closed.

   Zhang Yue only felt that the world was spinning, he appeared in a huge playground and he was alone.

   Candidate Zhang Yue, please go to the first device for a strength test. The order is left hand, right hand, left leg, and right leg. Please look at the sequence and hit the strength test bumps with all your strength. Each limb hits 10 times.

   Zhang Yue used the most correct posture to strike at the test site.

   "Left hand power 602, 605, 610, 609, 604, 615··········"

  Right hand power 802, 805, 810, 798, 804, 806··········"

   "Left leg strength 1020············

   "Right leg power 1205···········

   "The speed test will begin below. Please run 100 meters on the track with all your strength."

   "The 100 meters time is 6.7 seconds."

   "The reaction ability test will start below. Please stand in the test area. The test equipment will launch small balls. The more **** you avoid, the better."

   "The number of shots launched is 200, the number of evasion is 186, the reaction speed is excellent"

   "The physical coordination test will begin below. Please go to the obstacle course area."

   Zhang Yue came out of the exam room with a report card, and all the results were already available.

   Arts score: 356 (out of 400)

   Martial arts performance: Strength test: Perfect-

   Speed ​​test: upper middle

  Reaction test: upper middle

  Body coordination: Excellent

   Endurance: Excellent+

   Toughness: Excellent+

  Mentality: 12 (the general value for adults is 10)

   Attribute affinity: soil system 80%, water system 50%

  Recommended occupations: heavy weapon warrior, heavy armor warrior, shield bearer, magic swordsman.

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