The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 38: Rumors of the Fragmented World

  Shuilancheng's top hotel, Emperor Star Hotel, the head office is in the capital area, and all people have chain stores.

   In the top box.

   A big table of 20 people has only Zhang Yue four people plus six people Shen Manjin and Wang Bo.

   "Quickly taste these crystal fish, which can purify the energy in the body." Shen Manjin said to the four people. Such special dishes are not often found in the Emperor Star Hotel.

   "There is also the meat of the earth yuan beast. Brother Yue will try to taste that your earth attributes are good for you." Shen Manjin turned the dishes to Zhang Yue.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for the hospitality." The four of them thanked them. It is estimated that there are more than three million foods on a single table. If you want to eat this table, you must not only have money, but also have the corresponding social status. , If you don’t have any glory, you can’t eat it.

   "What are you polite with me? You are all the nobles of my Boulder Chamber of Commerce. I want to thank you for a long time. I haven't had a chance. Now I take the opportunity to express my gratitude."

   "Your Muxianglu and Qinglingyu have solved the big problem of our Chamber of Commerce, otherwise I am still in a state of exhaustion." Shen Manjin thanked.

   "Come on, let's make a toast, and hope that our cooperation will be more enjoyable in the future." Shen Manjin toasted


   The six people ate very happily at the dinner table. Both Shen Manjin and Uncle Wang were people with top EQ. There was no coldness in chatting or talking about things, and the atmosphere was very comfortable.

   "Boss Shen, why do you attach so much importance to the fragmented world? Is there any special place?" Zhang Yue asked, when studying at school, the fragmentary world is explained as an independent space, and there is a high probability that there will be high-value things inside.

Shen Manjin thought for a while and said: "Not only I value the Fragment World, but all forces including the official value the Fragment World. Not only are there some special products that the world of heaven does not have, but there are also information and precious things left over from the last chaotic era. Equipment, even artifacts..."

"Some of this information is the technology unique to the world of the heavens, and there are more precious exercises. The time for our human race to enter the world of the heavens is too short. The exercises have always been our weakness. It can be said that the cultivation methods of our human race are in the world. The world’s third-rate races are the weakest. If it weren’t for the rapid rise of many Tianjiao evildoers in our human race, they might have been wiped out when fighting against the Rat Race people.”

"The artifacts and equipment are even more precious. At present, there are only 6 semi-sacred artifacts of our human race. They are all brought from the world of large fragments, and our awakening fluid, teleportation technology, are all brought from the world of fragments. ."

   "There is also our best star network system, which can connect reality and the world of heavens. This is only available for second-rate top races."

   Seeing the four people listening attentively, Shen Manjin asked to talk more. Anyway, these things are not a secret at the top, and they will know when they reach a certain level of strength.

"So now the various third-rate races around us are stealing things from our human race, especially the Diamond Ape race, the third-rate high-level race. According to the information, the Diamond Ape race has a top demigod who can break through the true **** at any time. It’s at stake, but for a while, the human race is still safe. Races that have just entered the world of heaven will be favored by the law."

   "Are some of the other races living in the human race brought out of the world of the heavens." Zhang Yue thought of the glamorous fox race when he first entered the world of the heavens.

"Yes, some of their races live in the world of the heavens, while others have been sealed in the world of fragments from the last chaotic era, and have only now been opened. Did you think of the fox race you just entered the world of the heavens? But she is a 300-year-old lady." Shen Manjin smiled with honey, thinking that when he first entered the world of heaven, he stared at this 300-year-old lady for an hour.

"How can she be so old, she is still a young lady at 300." Zhao Yujue disdainfully said, she would not admit that she had watched it for 10 minutes if she was killed, and which young lady wandered in front of Zhao Yujue. , Leaned into her ear and said: "Little sister, elder sister, I like the handsome little brother the most, but I won't accept the little sister." That alluring tone has made Zhao Yujue's soul lingering.

   "She is a longevity species. She is responsible for the maintenance of the teleportation formation in the cloud tower. The teleportation formation and the fox race are brought out of a large fragment."

   "Are the exercises and semi-artifacts important?" Zhang Yue asked.

"It's very important, it is almost the main purpose of opening up the wasteland of the debris world. The remaining specialties are second, but most of the general debris worlds are valuable specialties. The function of the method is to improve your combat effectiveness. For example, the average low-level combat power of our human race is 100, and the highest combat power of the King Kong ape tribe is more than 300. Therefore, the warriors on the battlefield of our human race are all Tier 4, while the King Kong ape race is Tier 3."

   "Semi-sacred artifacts are very useful. A demi-god holding a semi-sacred object can harden 3 or 4 ordinary demi-gods without a semi-sacred object."

   "How much is the semi-artifact worth?" Zhao Yujue exclaimed.

   "Haha, I don't know either."

   "Are there many small fragmented worlds?" Zhang Yue said

"There are many, many, almost every day in specific places, but few can win the heart of the world. The small fragment world is limited to 50 people. There are many alien beasts or alien races inside, and there will be a few four. Tier 4 monsters, it is almost impossible for a professional who does not have the evaluation of all members to be excellent+, so the shield holders are more precious, especially the few Tier 4 monsters that guard the heart of the world at the end, very powerful. There are no shields or a large number of excellent+ teams that can't be beaten."

"At present, excellent + talents are controlled by major chambers of commerce and officials. It is difficult to make 50 people. Only the shield holder is a breakthrough point. An excellent shield holder can lead the team members to open up small wasteland more safely. Fragmented world, and the value of a small fragmented world is less than 4 to 5 billion energy points."

"So Brother Yue, many chambers of commerce have begun to notice you now. Once they find out your potential, you will be the most popular person in Aquastar by then. You can make tens of billions of dollars at random. Normal." Shen Manjin said jokingly.

   He likes to go straight to the point. I show my purpose openly, tie you up with favor, and then give you a price not lower than the market price. He has used this method for so many years to have a 100% success rate. Money can be made at any time, but if you have money, you will have unexpected gains as a favor. .

"Boss Shen, if I really have the ability to open up the debris world in the The Giant Stone Chamber of Commerce is my first choice." Zhang Yue didn't say anything to death, he didn't say that he opened up the debris world for the Giant Stone Chamber of Commerce. His father said it was unnecessary. Under the circumstances, the words cannot be said to be dead, it will be easy to collapse at that time.

   Hearing what Zhang Yue said, the smile on Shen Manjin's face was even better. What he wanted was Zhang Yue's words. The intelligence in his hand has confirmed that Zhang Yue is at least a perfect shield holder. Some difficult fragmented worlds can also successfully open up wasteland, but there are treasures from the last Chaos Era, just one piece is enough for the Chamber of Commerce to stand up.

"Here, I would like to thank the Tongfugui team for their love to the Jushi Chamber of Commerce. Shen Manjin is grateful here." Shen Manjin said with a toast. They did not say that it was Zhang Yue alone, but the whole team of Tongfugui. People are very comfortable. When you express special importance to a person on an occasion, it will more or less cause other people's dissatisfaction.

   "We are still waiting to make a fortune with Boss Shen."

   "Let's get rich together, get rich together." Shen Manjin smiled.

   The banquet was over, and the four of them were walking on the road of Shenqi Avenue. There was a store for all kinds of weapons and equipment. Zhang Yue also saw the branch of his mother's Chamber of Commerce.

"Sister Zhao, you want to buy a staff, Zheng Yang wants to exchange for a B-class giant sword, Ren Feipeng wants to buy some rune piercing arrows. Why I don't have anything I want to buy." Zhang Yue said inwardly, and he has no shortage of equipment. , Whether it is the upgraded mysterious gold shield or the new magic gold armor, he can use the middle level.

   "Brother Yue, do you have anything you want to buy. We made a lot of money, and one person can get 30 million!" Zhao Yujue said excitedly.

   Zhang Yue suddenly thought that he could buy some equipment for his father and younger sister. After having a goal, Zhang Yue and the three of them began to stroll along the Divine Artifact Street enthusiastically.

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