The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 371: Resource Fragment World

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Zhang Yue looked at the tens of thousands of petrified rabbit characters around him, his eyes flashed a little.

"Don't say it, it's scary to see everything turned into a rock."

At this time, Zhang Yue took out a purple crystal ball and gently crushed it.

A huge insect mother appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"The arrogant of your race, I have seen it, and it is not as ugly as you."

Zhang Yue looked at the bloated worm mother and said.

"The shape of our zerg is not fixed. The more talented the zerg, the more like a work of art."

"They will be more and more in line with the definition of beauty in the laws of the universe." Chong mother explained to Zhang Yue.

"Also, why did I say that the insect mother I met last time was a bit pretty." Zhang Yue said, touching his chin, not caring whether the insect mother next to him would take the opportunity to run away.

"Well, you start the resource world."

"Really as you said, I will send you the world of large fragments."

At this time, the worm mother corrected: "It is a super-large fragmented world. With your strength, there is absolutely no problem."

"The super-large fragmented world, do you still want to be a god?"

Zhang Yue looked at the Zerg Mother, with a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes, if one day he was no longer a human race, in case this Zerg race broke out.

With the invasion speed of the Zerg, the entire human race will not last long.

"No, now my family is sealed, I just want to find a place where I can live forever."

"Only the super-large fragment world has the will of the miniature world, and it won't collapse so easily." The insect mother Keliang said.

I think that when I was less than a hundred years old, the entire ethnic group was sealed. If I hadn't robbed myself of the chance to depend on Tianjiao, I wouldn't live now.

She was cautious all these years, but she didn't expect that she would eventually fall into the hands of the strong.

"It's not impossible for the super-large fragment world. Let's take a look at the resource world first."

"I'm satisfied, your super-large fragment world is not a big problem." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said.

There is only one super-large fragment world in the entire human race, and that is the world where the Awakening Liquid was discovered.

"it is good."

This is the worm mother who came to a boulder and finally took out a sealed artifact the size of a plate.

With the sound of a complex Zerzu language, a nine-ring magic circle appeared around the insect mother, and each small circle circle was spinning wildly.

With the sound of this mechanical sound, all magic rings stopped.

A beam of light flashed from the insect mother's body to the sky.


A faint blue space door lit up in the sky.

"As soon as the resource world opens, you can go and take a look inside. The most valuable thing in it is..."

The insect mother hadn't finished speaking, a purple halo printed the insect mother powder again.

A ladder made of earth elements appeared at Zhang Yue's feet.

Feeling the energy coming out of the Fragmented World Portal, Zhang Yue's spirit was slightly shaken.

"There are good things in it," Zhang Yue said.

Zhang Yue stepped on the ladder and appeared outside the portal, a sense of danger came.

"Are there any other defense mechanisms."

Zhang Yue said, stepping into the fragmented world.

As soon as I entered, I saw a blade of light flashing past, draped over the shield of Zhang Yue's Earth Guard.

'boom! ’

The blade light passed through the shield of the Earth Guard, and hit Zhang Yue's Royal Star Shield. Bashan Academy

"At least the attack power of the true **** level." Zhang Yue frowned slightly.

A gray figure flashed by, and a knife beetle appeared not far from Zhang Yue.


With a burst of strange worms, the knife beetle raised its greyish knife arm and launched an overwhelming attack on Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue held the shield resolutely.

The huge counter-shock force unloaded the force into the surrounding space through the vibration of Zhang Yue's body at the same frequency.

For a time, countless spatial cracks appeared, venting the strength Zhang Yue had endured.

"This kind of attack power is at least at the peak level of the Elementary True God." Zhang Yue said, feeling the strength he had endured.

At first, Zhang Yue wanted to open the realm to directly suppress the knife beetle in front of him. Later, he saw the countless high-energy resources behind the knife beetle, as well as the set of magic weapons, such as the ocean-like high-purity energy liquid, which made Zhang Yue stop the opening. Field of ideas.

What if you accidentally damage these resources?

Even the strength he has endured wants to vent to the surrounding space, just to find the weakness of the bug and kill it quietly.

After Zhang Yue suffered a lot of attacks, the Knife Beetle finally couldn't stand the shock force of the collision with the Royal Star Shield, and listened.

"good chance."

An earth hand instantly grabbed the knife beetle and dragged it into the earth.

In the earth, countless super-mass crystals instantly sealed the space around the knife beetle.


Zhang Yue took a long breath and put away the Royal Star Shield.

"If it weren't for these resources, you would have become a scum."

Entering the fragmented world, Zhang Yue saw a large lake of energy.

"It's a luxury. This high-purity energy liquid can only be extracted by a demigod. This large pool is estimated to be enough for more than 10,000 people to be promoted to a demigod."

Zhang Yue discovered that a large number of magical armor artifacts were neatly placed beside the energy lake.

"Are these all prepared for God Kingdom fighters?"

Picking up a spherical magic armor artifact, Zhang Yue imprinted his soul mark.

Then the sphere unfolded, transformed into countless accessories, directly attached to Zhang Yue's body, forming a set of mighty armor.

This kind of artifact, Zhang Yue, has been seen on the trading list of the merchants. It is a kind of artifact suitable for all races in the world, the unique artifact of the gods, and it is also the favorite equipment of the true **** when he builds the kingdom of the gods.

Zhang Yue found the magic weapon he wanted to match in another place.

Walking in, a square with empty sapphire floor tiles in Pucheng appeared in front of you, with a turquoise green print in front of you.

"It's really extravagant, empty sapphire, the top raw material for building the crystal wall of the kingdom of God, it is said to be helpful for the master of the kingdom of God to promote to the main god."

The places Zhang Yuemu can reach are all made of empty green jade.

Moving on, a small pond exudes a sacred atmosphere.

"My God, this pool of **** source, it is estimated that there are more than 100,000, please take it away."

"Intermediate Frost Domain artifact, take it away!"

"Zerg's low-level artifact is much more powerful than Yunjian. Take it away."

"The main material of the Kingdom of God, Ganglongmu, take it away."

Zhang Yue was like entering a free self-service restaurant after being hungry for three days, sweeping everything that he could see crazily.

Slowly, Zhang Yue realized that his world ring was full, and he calmed down, his eyes began to change strangely.

Because he found that the worm mother he sealed did not know when to break the seal and escaped by himself.

After checking his soul, Zhang Yue laughed.

He directly took out a small worm egg that he couldn't see without looking carefully.

"It's kind of interesting, I actually want to encroach on my body."

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