The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 305: "Wanxing Zhenyu Decision"

Lu Heng felt the aura of the abyss and the prison, and he was a little breathless for a while.

"This is coercion." Lu Heng muttered.

The general who stood proudly on the bow of the floating warship, Lu Heng was sure, at least at the level of a true god.

"Don't be shocked, I don't even want to win the battle."

The gunman pushed Lu Heng again.

"Okay, I will charge with you."

Lu Heng followed the man with a halberd and rushed towards the alien army.

Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng who had fallen into inheritance, and said: "It's cheaper to you. Among the people who let me know, you are the only one who used Fang Tian to paint a halberd since childhood."

At the beginning, there was another inheritance in the inheritance of the **** generals. It was the inheritance of the **** generals, and it was also a kind of trial. Those who passed will receive the inheritance of their family skills and halberds.

At first Zhang Yue wanted to accept it by himself, but finally found that this inheritance was repelling him. Finally, the inheritance rune warned him that those who did not imprint the halberd in the soul cannot enter.

So in the end, Lv Heng could only be cheaper.

Zhang Yue casually set up a room around Lu Heng to protect Lu Heng, but he moved the room to the side of Lu Heng just in case.

In the room, Zhang Yue took out the cultivation method given by his master and began to look at it.

I looked at all the cultivation methods roughly, and found that it was true as the master said, only "The Body of the Evil" and "Xingtu Jue" were the most suitable for him.

"I don't know why, I always feel that these exercises are a bit weak." Zhang Yue said while looking at the two exercises in his hand.

"This technique is of course weak."

"The most basic cultivation method, even the demigod is the weakest."

At this time, the voice of Baka the Starlight Snake rang in Zhang Yue's heart.

"When did you wake up?" Zhang Yue asked.

"As soon as I woke up, I saw you were choosing a cultivation method." Bakka said.

"You also feel that this cultivation method is very weak."

"Very weak, I think that even the lowest level of exercises in my clan was several times stronger than this." Baka proudly said, the great cosmic snake clan, that is the great clan that rules the entire universe. .

"Then do you have any good exercises suitable for my cultivation." Zhang Yue said expectantly.

"Don't tell me, it's true."

Baka, the little starlight snake in Zhang Yue's soul space, smiled very much.

"What are the conditions?"

Zhang Yue knows that there is no free lunch in this world.

"Hey, I'm taking a gamble on you."

"When you become a **** king, give me a low-level cosmic heart."

"After you transcend the universe, I want ten intermediate cosmic hearts."

"The cultivation method I gave you is absolutely worth the price."

The voice of Baka the Starlight Snake is very tempting.

"What is the heart of the universe."

Ask if you don't understand.

"Uh, to put it simply, the universe is divided into low, intermediate, high and super."

"Just like your universe, it is a twin universe, composed of two higher-level universes."

"Now, if a top detachment level powerhouse is staring at your universe, after refining, your universe will become a high-level cosmic heart."

"What about the life in the universe?" Zhang Yue said in surprise.

"Of course it is the energy that has all turned into the heart of the universe." Starlight Little Snake Baka said naturally.

"Damn, you thought I would do such a cruel thing." Zhang Yue said angrily, how many creatures there are in a universe, if you say that you will die?

"I didn't say let you refine those living things. In the sea of ​​universe, there are many abandoned universes. You can refine that kind of universe for me."

"Furthermore, in the League of Transcendents..."

"Forget it, as long as you know that you are not a strong man of the abyss faction." Starlight Little Snake Baka said at last. It suddenly discovered that there were more and more words on its own. The snake of the world is gone.

Could it be the reason for the rebirth of this stinky boy's soul? Starlight snake Baka thought.

Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Baka said.

"Are you sure I will become a **** king."

"Don't be proud, I'm just taking a gamble. I used to be able to break away from you and leave this universe as long as you become the true god."

"But you were forced to sign a contract by your rational side, and now you can only leave you until you reach the main god."

"In this case, it's better to stand by your side and take a gamble. I am an eternal existence, and time has no meaning to me."

Zhang Yue was very satisfied with this answer and said, "Then tell me how powerful this cultivation method is."

"This is the cultivation method of a herder."

The words of Starlight Little Snake stunned Zhang Yue instantly, who was a ruthless person who used stars as melon seeds.

"Damn, you are not kidding me."

Starlight Little Snake ignored Zhang Yue's words, but continued: "The herd, the starry sky family, originally belonged to the most powerful and top-level race in the universe."

"Now their entire race has completely detached, guarding the sea of ​​the universe, grazing the universe, and balancing the rules of the entire universe."

"Damn, talk too much, talk about their practice, "Wanxing Zhenyu Jue"."

"It just allows you to transcend this universe."

"Well, just this name is worth a low-level cosmic heart." Starlight Little Snake Kaba said.

"How did you get this cultivation method? After I practiced, will there be any problems or be hostile to others."

"No, this is the technique announced by their Starry Sky Clan in the Sea of ​​Universe. If you can practice, they will recognize you as a brother."

"I agree to your request, and pass the exercise to me now." Zhang Yue said, rubbing his hands, such a powerful exercise, if you don't practice, you will be struck by lightning.

"Then you have to hold back."

"What hold it back."

As soon as Zhang Yue finished speaking, a violent pain came in his mind. For a moment, Zhang Yue, who was in pain, went into a coma and then woke up again.

After studying ancient history, Zhang Yue knew the term "thousand knives and ten thousand cuts," but at this moment Zhang Yue felt that the pain he was suffering was stronger than that of thousand cuts.

Pain, dizziness, and waking up, it lasted for five hours back and forth before it ended.

After the end Zhang Yue lay flat in the room like a puddle of mud, looking at the ceiling of the room with an expression of indescribability.

"Why is it so painful?" Zhang Yue asked weakly.

"What else? Your brain can't receive so much information at once, and forcibly instill it, so it hurts so much."

"But with me, you just hurt and won't collapse." Starlight Little Snake Baka looked like I did a great job.

"Then you can't transmit a little bit." Zhang Yue said angrily, feeling that he didn't want to experience the second time in his life.

"A little bit of transmission?"

"There are four parts of "Wanxing Zhenyu Jue", and it is only the first stage of True God."

"If I transmitted it all over, you would have become a vegetative now." Starlight Little Snake said disdainfully, just can't bear such a little information, what can I do in the future.

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