The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 298: Giant tortoise

Ji Xiayun summoned a portal.

Fifty attribute elves appeared from it, floating in the air in a strange arrangement.

"Large Magic: The Strangulation"

After Ji Xiayun gave instructions, fifty five-element elves rushed towards the crowds.

In area A9, a sea of ​​magma trees formed in an instant, and various thunderclouds began to float above them, pouring down toward the alien animals below.

Those strange beasts that were not afraid of magma gave birth to several vines and entangled it severely and dragged it into the magma.

There are many invisible nano-scale filaments blocking the road in the forest. As long as the speed is one piece and the alien beast does not notice it, it will be cut into pieces of meat.

In the magma, there are not only tree vines, but also countless little ghosts hidden in the mud, jumping from the magma from time to time, grabbing the alien beast, and dragging it into the magma.

"Sister Ji, it's amazing, this can last for a long time." Zhang Yue looked at the magma forest and said in surprise.

"Maintain with all strength, 20 minutes." Ji Xiayun said, since she had the heart of summoning, her combat power has been at the legendary level.

"It deserves to be a member of the firefighting team." Wang Chao said in shock. Tier 3 can release such a powerful move. After the war, he will blow up the firefighting team.

"Big Brother Xiong, are you a member of the firefighting team's main output? It's really too violent." Wang Chao praised Zhang Yue, and wanted to know if Zhang Yue's members had any killers.

"Captain Wang, I count as the main force of the school to say that in front of our captain, there is no way to enter the captain." Ji Xiayun said, she is worried about Zhang Yue's memory of the battle scene when Zhang Yue was on the battlefield of ten thousand races, and that A few hours ago, she flattened the mountain peak of the werewolf camp, constantly refreshing her three views.

"The shield bearer still has offensive power." Wang Chao looked at Zhang Yue and said, that gravity spear was enough to make him astonished, and the ultimatum was useless.


At this time, the earth element earth bear made a batch of meat **** in the sky, and they all smashed into the earth.

"It's more than okay, it's a prevention and control weapon."

"Big Brother Xiong, don't be stingy with energy in a critical moment."

"Usually at that time, there will be hordes of high-level strange beasts. At that time, there will be casualties on the defensive positions." Wang Chao pleaded with Zhang Yue.

"Head Wang, don't worry, I am not a fool. I will definitely resist it when it is critical."

Twenty minutes later, 50 five-element elves returned to the summoning world, and the eyes of the alien beast were pressed again.

At this time, countless barrels emerged from the city wall in the A9 area, blasting at the alien beast in the distance.

Another burst of ground bursting, smashing another wave of offensive monsters.

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded in the sky.

"I rely on, the ninth-order alien beast is evil, I don't know if the high-level human powers pay attention." Wang Chao said, his heartbeat started to accelerate, this thing was obviously coming to his position, if there is no help from the high-level power, no After half an hour out, the entire base is finished.

In the sky, Tier 9 Kong Evil looked at the A9 defensive position below, and his eyes showed uncomfortable. It was this position that was defended by little bugs, and the demigod had to let himself take action.

Although it was unhappy in its heart, the demigod didn't dare to defy the orders of the demigod. It only wanted to complete the task quickly and return to the rear, waiting for the final battle. In such a conspicuous battlefield, it would be easy to be targeted by the high-level human race.

The ninth-order empty evil beast, with its wings spread over 100 meters long, lightly waved it, and a black flame ignited all over its body, rushing towards the A9 defensive position, reaching supersonic speed in an instant.

Zhang Yue looked at the new Tier 9 empty beast, and his spirit instantly locked the entire A9 defensive position. As long as the alien beast came down, he would pull all the people from the A9 defensive position into the ground to avoid the attack of the empty beast.

At this moment, the sky seemed to lose its brilliance, and a giant arrow shining with dazzling thunder light instantly shot into the body of the hollow beast, and then exploded.

"Haha, the decisive battle hasn't started yet, it can melt you, this little Tier 9 alien beast so arrogant." Wang Chao laughed, feeling like being reborn after a disaster.

Wang Chao patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder and said, "Big Brother Xiong, it's not exciting."

"It's okay." Zhang Yue said, thinking that when the two ninth-tier top experts of the Diamond Ape Clan assassinated him, they didn't have such a big reaction.

The fighting continued, and after an hour, the human resistance began to weaken, and some defensive positions had begun melee defense.

Wang Chao looked at the alien beast that was about to attack the defensive position, took out the big shield from behind, and began to prepare for melee combat.

Zhang Yue looked at Wang Chao's heavy armor and large shield, and found that except for the heavy armored heart mirror that was S, the rest were all A-level boutique equipment.

"Head Wang, your equipment is a bit out of grade, you are still wearing A-level equipment if you are all high-end." Zhang Yue said.

"Big Brother Xiong, is it a bit inappropriate to talk about this topic at this time."

"Then what topic is appropriate." Zhang Yue said curiously.

"It is customary for both parties to wish each other not to die, and then say something touching, but remember, don't let your face look at the photos of your wife or family, this has a death bonus." Wang Chao stared at the front The beast said quickly, thinking that there were still 20 minutes before the team to take over.

"If I destroy all these strange beasts, can Captain Wang accompany me to chat?" Zhang Yue said, he suddenly wondered if Captain Wang had a set of SSS-class heavy armor and large shields, how powerful would it be To what point.

"Big Brother Xiong still has a big move." Wang Chao's eyes lit up.

"of course."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to hold the void in front of the beast tide area.

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: Earth Grinding Disk."

At this time, in the area with the most dense alien beasts ahead, an earth grinding disc with a diameter of 20 kilometers appeared. The whirlpool in the grinding disc sucked all the alien beasts into the earth, and then countless screams came from the earth. .

The earth millstone seemed to have become a bottomless pit, and all the strange beasts that came forward were captured by the millstone.

Wang Chao looked at the earth grinding disc in front of him in The shock in his heart was beyond words.

This **** thing was done by a Tier 3 shield holder, and the countless shock in Wang Chao's heart finally turned into this sentence.

"Head Wang, can you talk now."

Zhang Yue's words awakened Wang Chao instantly.

"Boss, let's change defenses in less than half an hour, and we will be talking then."

"The problem now is that your wave of operations will be more troublesome later."

As soon as Wang Chao finished speaking, a loud roar caught their attention.

I saw three ninth-step giant tortoises appearing, each with a shell diameter of 5 kilometers.

Three giant mountain-moving tortoises cast their fields, instantly suppressing Zhang Yue’s earth millstone, and many strange beasts quickly followed and rushed towards the A9 base.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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