The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 3: Type 1: Holding a shield

   In the afternoon, Zhao Gaoshi took Zhang Yue to the government inheritance hall to register as a mentor and apprentice. The relationship between Zhao Gaoshi and Zhang Yue was settled.

   The apprenticeship banquet is booked until the middle of next month, which is also the second day after Zhang Yue graduates. At that time, the two families will invite relatives and friends to come to witness. The original two were members of the combat professional circle, and Zhao Gaoshi was also a well-known shield holder in the city. It is estimated that by that time all combat professionals in the city will come.

   The underground training ground of Zhao Gaoshi’s house is more than 500 square meters large, with a lot of training equipment placed, and the most eye-catching northernmost set is hung in the sky iron ball matrix.

   Zhao Gaoshi and Zhang Yue are wearing training uniforms. On the training ground, Zhao Gaoshi is holding a black fine iron shield

   "A shield bearer, the first thing at any time is to protect his comrades, and the second is to counter the enemy. A good shield bearer has the same damage as a soldier. You will know this later."

   "What I want to teach you today is the most basic and crucial skill of a shield holder: shield holding."

   "You can understand it as a prerequisite skill for all the skills of the shield bearer. After this skill is not practiced, everything is useless."

   Zhao Gaoshi said, taking up the fine iron big shield in his hand, and posed in a defensive posture holding the shield, holding the shield in his left hand, squatting sideways slightly, as if blending with the ground.

   Zhang Yue looked at the master's shield-holding posture, and a mountain-like aura spread. What the mountain did not move was the scene in front of him. At this moment, Zhang Yue felt that no attack in the world could knock down the master in front of him.

"Remember, on the battlefield, the shield in your hand is everything you have. Before you fall, when you can defend against the enemy's offensive, no matter how strong the enemy is, you cannot allow you and your teammates to fail in the battle. "

   "Understood!" Zhang Yue was full of enthusiasm. It is Zhang Yue's lifelong pursuit to protect everything he wants to protect and let his family live a good life.

   Zhao Gaoshi stood up, handed Zhang Yue the fine iron shield in his hand, and took a war knife to Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue carried it in his hand, less than 200 kilograms, which was not easy to hold in his hand.

   "Generally, shield holders hold the shield in the left hand and the war knife in the right hand. The war knife is used in counterattack with the shield to seriously injure the enemy, cause damage to the enemy, and delay the enemy's actions."

   "Okay, I will teach so much today. The main thing is to practice. First practice the shield."

   Zhang Yue learned the master's shield-holding pose, holding a saber in his right hand and making a stab behind the shield.

   "Well, I still have some savvy and good posture. But it's almost." After Zhao Gaoshi finished speaking, he adjusted Zhang Yue's movements to reach the standard shield-holding movement.

"Keep your posture and exercise all over your body. Don't just use the strength of one arm to hold the shield, so that your strength will not be dominant when you block. Remember that when fighting, you must use your whole body's strength to hold the shield anytime and anywhere. "

   "Understood!" Zhang Yue, who was holding the shield posture, responded loudly, feeling that holding the shield posture was more tiring than squatting.

"Good boy, a little imposing. Keep this posture and carefully understand what I just said. The length of the first standard shield holding time is very important. For a qualified shield holder, the first standard shield holding time is less than 2 hours. , The kind that is not lazy. My time was more than 3 hours at the beginning. The longer the time, the greater the potential. Whenever you develop an impossibility like a mountain, it will prove that you have already started."

   "I will remember the time for you. Whenever you can't hold on, you will automatically rest. There is a smart device to help you time. Well, I have to go out beforehand."

   Talking, Zhao Gaoshi walked out of the training ground.

   Zhang Yue maintained a standard shield-holding posture, full of energy, but there was still a little to no point, so he could only do it according to his own understanding. You must persist for more than 3 hours.

   After half an hour, Zhang Yue felt a little sore and numb in his legs. There was no major impact, so he kept on.

   One hour later, Zhang Yue began to sweat all over, and his hands and legs trembled slightly. Zhang Yue tried his best to restrain him.

   Two hours later, Zhang Yue's sweat had already converged into a stream, and the person had been soaked in sweat, feeling that his body was no longer his own, but Zhang Yue's spirit was very good, and his firm eyes symbolized his determination not to give up.

   After three children, Zhang Yue still maintained a standard posture, relying entirely on mental strength to support him.

Almost four hours later, Zhao Gaoshi came back and looked at Zhang Yue who was still maintaining his posture. He was a little surprised. Why is the number of shield holders small? One person has a high battle loss. The second is the high threshold. Definitely, more than 90% of the people who hold the shield for the first two hours in the entry assessment alone have been wiped out. There are higher requirements for fighting consciousness and smell behind. It can be said that a qualified shield bearer in a team is a nightmare for enemies of the same level.

   Judging from the potential of Zhang Yue's current performance, as long as he is not damaged in the battle, he is qualified to be promoted to the strength of a high-level shield holder. It seems that he has accepted a good apprentice.

   "Okay, you can take a rest. Stand for up to 4 hours, and more is meaningless. It's easy to hurt your body." Zhao Gaoshi looked satisfied.

   Zhang Yue's spirit has begun to dissipate, and the belt still persists. Hearing the voice of the master, he instantly collapsed on the ground. Zhang Yuecheng lay on the ground for a long time.

   "Master, did I stand out of that mood just now?" Zhang Yue said weakly, lying on the floor

"You are still there and want to stand up to that momentum. One is your comprehension in battle, and the other is from your spiritual will. This kind of thing is very mysterious, you may be able to comprehend it after entering the world of the heavens for one year. , I may not be able to comprehend it for a lifetime. I have fought in the world of the heavens for 5 years before comprehending the unmoving momentum. Only then I was able to advance to the intermediate level, which is the 4th level shield holder. This is also the standard for all advancement to the intermediate level. Comprehend the trend of this profession." Zhao Gaoshi seemed to recall the previous battle time.

   "Okay, today is over. The cosmic energy density here is relatively high. From now on, I will stand for three hours in the shield-holding pose every afternoon. This is a basic skill. Unless you get hurt, you can't break it every day."

"Okay." Zhang Yue said, rested for a while and felt regained some strength. He slowly stood up, went to the changing room to take a shower, changed back to the original clothes, and had dinner with the master's family before returning. at home.

   When I got home, my parents watched TV in the living room. The little girl should meditate in her room at this time.

   Zhang Shaohui saw Zhang Yue coming back exhausted, so he asked curiously

   "How long have you held the shield pose. Have you passed two hours?"

"Four hours, your son is okay." Zhang Yue smiled on his face. Zhang Yue felt that his greatest fortune was being born in such a family, and his parents were very kind to himself. He never forced himself to do what he didn't like. You can get the things you like without being too much, and I never skimp on my compliments in daily life. There is one thing to say and one thing to say, and the family meeting has the right to speak. Such enlightened parents are rare now.

   "Awesome. At first, your father tried it and only persisted for an hour. It's really a generation stronger than a generation." Zhang Shaohui gave his son a thumbs up.

"You still have the face to say that you were only a Tier 2 giant sword warrior at that time, and suddenly you wanted to be a shield bearer, but one side was not as good as the child who had just entered the world of heavens next to you at that Li Lengzhen smiled and told the scandal of his father

   "I wasn't in a bad condition at the time. Besides, the shield in my hand was not the same, 200 catties and 400 catties." Zhao Shaohui defended hard.

   Zhang Yue looked at his father who was ridiculed by his mother, and envied his parents' feelings of raising their eyebrows and meeting each other. My mother was the class flower when she was in school, and my father was just a tall stupid boy, the mother of a crush in his heart.

My mother was born noble, and there were many suitors around her. At first she didn’t pay attention to her father when she was in school. When she was in college and entered the world of heaven, she was in a small team with her father when she was training alone in the field. After graduation, he entered the world of heaven and worked hard. At that time, he had just upgraded to the second-order giant sword warrior. He was a guy with great potential.

  According to his father, when he teamed together, it was the happiest time in his life. Behind is fighting together, sparking the spark of love. In an unexpected outbreak of the beast wave, my father desperately rescued the mother who was trapped in the beast wave. He hid in a cave for three days and then met his mother in the cave. Privately set for life, although grandma did not wait to see his father, but the mother's persistence, but agreed to this marriage.

After marriage, the mother was at ease with her husband and son, while the father was still working hard in the world of heaven, but was more cautious than before. It was not until his father was injured that his mother went to work, and his father was also a coach in a martial arts gym. Although not as much money as before, but the parents are more loving than before.

   Zhang Yue still has a bigger wish in his heart, that is to heal his father's injuries. According to his father, the injury he suffered was the power of law that had hurt his soul, and it was not healed by ordinary means, and it only needed the power of a demigod.


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